25#include <tdestandarddirs.h>
26#include <tdetempfile.h>
30#include "addressbook.h"
31#include "vcardformatimpl.h"
36bool VCardFormatImpl::load(
Addressee &addressee, TQFile *file )
40 TQByteArray fdata = file->readAll();
41 TQCString data(fdata.data(), fdata.size()+1);
43 VCardEntity e( data );
45 VCardListIterator it( e.cardList() );
48 VCARD::VCard v(*it.current());
49 loadAddressee( addressee, v );
56bool VCardFormatImpl::loadAll(
AddressBook *addressBook, Resource *resource, TQFile *file )
60 TQByteArray fdata = file->readAll();
61 TQCString data(fdata.data(), fdata.size()+1);
63 VCardEntity e( data );
65 VCardListIterator it( e.cardList() );
67 for (; it.current(); ++it) {
68 VCARD::VCard v(*it.current());
70 loadAddressee( addressee, v );
78void VCardFormatImpl::save(
const Addressee &addressee, TQFile *file )
82 vcardlist.setAutoDelete(
true );
84 VCARD::VCard *v =
new VCARD::VCard;
86 saveAddressee( addressee, v,
false );
88 vcardlist.append( v );
89 vcards.setCardList( vcardlist );
91 TQCString vcardData = vcards.asString();
92 file->writeBlock( (
const char*)vcardData, vcardData.length() );
95void VCardFormatImpl::saveAll(
AddressBook *ab, Resource *resource, TQFile *file )
99 vcardlist.setAutoDelete(
true );
102 for ( it = ab->
begin(); it != ab->
end(); ++it ) {
103 if ( (*it).resource() == resource ) {
104 VCARD::VCard *v =
new VCARD::VCard;
105 saveAddressee( (*it), v,
false );
106 (*it).setChanged(
false );
107 vcardlist.append( v );
111 vcards.setCardList( vcardlist );
113 TQCString vcardData = vcards.asString();
114 file->writeBlock( (
const char*)vcardData, vcardData.length() );
117bool VCardFormatImpl::loadAddressee(
Addressee& addressee, VCARD::VCard &v )
119 TQPtrList<ContentLine> contentLines = v.contentLineList();
122 for( cl = contentLines.first(); cl; cl = contentLines.next() ) {
123 TQCString n = cl->name();
124 if ( n.left( 2 ) ==
"X-" ) {
126 int posDash = n.find(
"-" );
127 addressee.
insertCustom( TQString::fromUtf8( n.left( posDash ) ),
128 TQString::fromUtf8( n.mid( posDash + 1 ) ),
129 TQString::fromUtf8( cl->value()->asString() ) );
133 EntityType type = cl->entityType();
137 addressee.
setUid( readTextValue( cl ) );
141 addressee.
setUri( readTextValue( cl ) );
149 addressee.setName( readTextValue( cl ) );
153 addressee.setFormattedName( readTextValue( cl ) );
157 addressee.setUrl(
KURL( readTextValue( cl ) ) );
161 addressee.setNickName( readTextValue( cl ) );
169 addressee.setMailer( readTextValue( cl ) );
173 addressee.setTitle( readTextValue( cl ) );
177 addressee.setRole( readTextValue( cl ) );
180 case EntityOrganisation:
181 addressee.setOrganization( readTextValue( cl ) );
185 addressee.setNote( readTextValue( cl ) );
188 case EntityProductID:
189 addressee.setProductId( readTextValue( cl ) );
192 case EntitySortString:
193 addressee.setSortString( readTextValue( cl ) );
197 readNValue( cl, addressee );
204 case EntityTelephone:
208 case EntityCategories:
209 addressee.
setCategories( TQStringList::split(
",", readTextValue( cl ) ) );
213 addressee.setBirthday( readDateValue( cl ) );
217 addressee.setRevision( readDateTimeValue( cl ) );
221 addressee.setGeo( readGeoValue( cl ) );
225 addressee.setTimeZone( readUTCValue( cl ) );
232 addressee.setSecrecy( readClassValue( cl ) );
236 addressee.
insertKey( readKeyValue( cl ) );
240 addressee.setPhoto( readPictureValue( cl, EntityPhoto, addressee ) );
244 addressee.setLogo( readPictureValue( cl, EntityLogo, addressee ) );
248 addressee.setAgent( readAgentValue( cl ) );
252 addressee.setSound( readSoundValue( cl, addressee ) );
256 kdDebug(5700) <<
"VCardFormat::load(): Unsupported entity: "
257 << int( type ) <<
": " << cl->asString() <<
262 for( cl = contentLines.first(); cl; cl = contentLines.next() ) {
263 EntityType type = cl->entityType();
264 if ( type == EntityLabel ) {
265 int type = readAddressParam( cl );
270 address.
setLabel( TQString::fromUtf8( cl->value()->asString() ) );
278void VCardFormatImpl::saveAddressee(
const Addressee &addressee, VCARD::VCard *v,
bool intern )
283 addTextValue( v, EntityName, addressee.name() );
284 addTextValue( v, EntityUID, addressee.
uid() );
285 addTextValue( v, EntityURI, addressee.
uri() );
286 addTextValue( v, EntityFullName, addressee.formattedName() );
288 TQStringList emails = addressee.
289 TQStringList::ConstIterator it4;
290 for( it4 = emails.begin(); it4 != emails.end(); ++it4 ) {
291 addTextValue( v, EntityEmail, *it4 );
294 TQStringList customs = addressee.
295 TQStringList::ConstIterator it5;
296 for( it5 = customs.begin(); it5 != customs.end(); ++it5 ) {
297 addCustomValue( v, *it5 );
300 addTextValue( v, EntityURL, addressee.url().url() );
302 addNValue( v, addressee );
304 addTextValue( v, EntityNickname, addressee.nickName() );
305 addTextValue( v, EntityMailer, addressee.mailer() );
306 addTextValue( v, EntityTitle, addressee.title() );
307 addTextValue( v, EntityRole, addressee.role() );
308 addTextValue( v, EntityOrganisation, addressee.organization() );
309 addTextValue( v, EntityNote, addressee.note() );
310 addTextValue( v, EntityProductID, addressee.productId() );
311 addTextValue( v, EntitySortString, addressee.sortString() );
314 Address::List::ConstIterator it3;
315 for( it3 = addresses.begin(); it3 != addresses.end(); ++it3 ) {
316 addAddressValue( v, *it3 );
317 addLabelValue( v, *it3 );
320 PhoneNumber::List phoneNumbers = addressee.
321 PhoneNumber::List::ConstIterator it2;
322 for( it2 = phoneNumbers.begin(); it2 != phoneNumbers.end(); ++it2 ) {
323 addTelephoneValue( v, *it2 );
326 Key::List keys = addressee.
327 Key::List::ConstIterator it6;
328 for( it6 = keys.begin(); it6 != keys.end(); ++it6 ) {
329 addKeyValue( v, *it6 );
332 addTextValue( v, EntityCategories, addressee.
",") );
334 addDateValue( v, EntityBirthday, addressee.birthday().date() );
335 addDateTimeValue( v, EntityRevision, addressee.revision() );
336 addGeoValue( v, addressee.geo() );
337 addUTCValue( v, addressee.timeZone() );
339 addClassValue( v, addressee.secrecy() );
341 addPictureValue( v, EntityPhoto, addressee.photo(), addressee, intern );
342 addPictureValue( v, EntityLogo, addressee.logo(), addressee, intern );
344 addAgentValue( v, addressee.agent() );
346 addSoundValue( v, addressee.sound(), addressee, intern );
349void VCardFormatImpl::addCustomValue( VCARD::VCard *v,
const TQString &txt )
351 if ( txt.isEmpty() )
354 cl.setName(
"X-" + txt.left( txt.find(
":" ) ).utf8() );
355 TQString value = txt.mid( txt.find(
":" ) + 1 );
356 if ( value.isEmpty() )
358 cl.setValue(
new TextValue( value.utf8() ) );
362void VCardFormatImpl::addTextValue( VCARD::VCard *v, EntityType type,
const TQString &txt )
364 if ( txt.isEmpty() )
367 cl.setName( EntityTypeToParamName( type ) );
368 cl.setValue(
new TextValue( txt.utf8() ) );
372void VCardFormatImpl::addDateValue( VCARD::VCard *vcard, EntityType type,
375 if ( !date.isValid() )
378 cl.setName( EntityTypeToParamName( type ) );
380 DateValue *v =
new DateValue( date );
385void VCardFormatImpl::addDateTimeValue( VCARD::VCard *vcard, EntityType type,
386 const TQDateTime &dateTime )
388 if ( !dateTime.isValid() )
391 cl.setName( EntityTypeToParamName( type ) );
393 DateValue *v =
new DateValue( dateTime );
398void VCardFormatImpl::addAddressValue( VCARD::VCard *vcard,
const Address &a )
404 cl.setName( EntityTypeToParamName( EntityAddress ) );
406 AdrValue *v =
new AdrValue;
408 v->setExtAddress( a.
extended().utf8() );
409 v->setStreet( a.
street().utf8() );
410 v->setLocality( a.
locality().utf8() );
411 v->setRegion( a.
region().utf8() );
413 v->setCountryName( a.
country().utf8() );
416 addAddressParam( &cl, a.
type() );
421void VCardFormatImpl::addLabelValue( VCARD::VCard *vcard,
const Address &a )
423 if ( a.
label().isEmpty() )
426 cl.setName( EntityTypeToParamName( EntityLabel ) );
427 cl.setValue(
new TextValue( a.
label().utf8() ) );
429 addAddressParam( &cl, a.
type() );
434void VCardFormatImpl::addAddressParam( ContentLine *cl,
int type )
437 if ( type & Address::Dom ) params.append(
new Param(
"dom" ) );
438 if ( type & Address::Intl ) params.append(
new Param(
"intl" ) );
439 if ( type & Address::Parcel ) params.append(
new Param(
"parcel" ) );
440 if ( type & Address::Postal ) params.append(
new Param(
"postal" ) );
441 if ( type & Address::Work ) params.append(
new Param(
"work" ) );
442 if ( type & Address::Home ) params.append(
new Param(
"home" ) );
443 if ( type & Address::Pref ) params.append(
new Param(
"pref" ) );
444 cl->setParamList( params );
447void VCardFormatImpl::addGeoValue( VCARD::VCard *vcard,
const Geo &geo )
452 cl.setName( EntityTypeToParamName( EntityGeo ) );
454 GeoValue *v =
new GeoValue;
462void VCardFormatImpl::addUTCValue( VCARD::VCard *vcard,
const TimeZone &tz )
467 cl.setName( EntityTypeToParamName( EntityTimeZone ) );
469 UTCValue *v =
new UTCValue;
471 v->setPositive( tz.
offset() >= 0 );
472 v->setHour( (tz.
offset() / 60) * ( tz.
offset() >= 0 ? 1 : -1 ) );
473 v->setMinute( (tz.
offset() % 60) * ( tz.
offset() >= 0 ? 1 : -1 ) );
479void VCardFormatImpl::addClassValue( VCARD::VCard *vcard,
const Secrecy &secrecy )
482 cl.setName( EntityTypeToParamName( EntityClass ) );
484 ClassValue *v =
new ClassValue;
485 switch ( secrecy.type() ) {
486 case Secrecy::Public:
487 v->setType( (
int)ClassValue::Public );
489 case Secrecy::Private:
490 v->setType( (
int)ClassValue::Private );
492 case Secrecy::Confidential:
493 v->setType( (
int)ClassValue::Confidential );
502Address VCardFormatImpl::readAddressValue( ContentLine *cl )
505 AdrValue *v = (AdrValue *)cl->value();
507 a.
setExtended( TQString::fromUtf8( v->extAddress() ) );
508 a.
setStreet( TQString::fromUtf8( v->street() ) );
509 a.
setLocality( TQString::fromUtf8( v->locality() ) );
510 a.
setRegion( TQString::fromUtf8( v->region() ) );
512 a.
setCountry( TQString::fromUtf8( v->countryName() ) );
514 a.
setType( readAddressParam( cl ) );
519int VCardFormatImpl::readAddressParam( ContentLine *cl )
522 ParamList params = cl->paramList();
523 ParamListIterator it( params );
524 for( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
525 if ( (*it)->name() ==
"TYPE" ) {
526 if ( (*it)->value() ==
"dom" ) type |= Address::Dom;
527 else if ( (*it)->value() ==
"intl" ) type |= Address::Intl;
528 else if ( (*it)->value() ==
"parcel" ) type |= Address::Parcel;
529 else if ( (*it)->value() ==
"postal" ) type |= Address::Postal;
530 else if ( (*it)->value() ==
"work" ) type |= Address::Work;
531 else if ( (*it)->value() ==
"home" ) type |= Address::Home;
532 else if ( (*it)->value() ==
"pref" ) type |= Address::Pref;
538void VCardFormatImpl::addNValue( VCARD::VCard *vcard,
const Addressee &a )
541 cl.setName(EntityTypeToParamName( EntityN ) );
542 NValue *v =
new NValue;
543 v->setFamily( TQString(a.familyName()).utf8() );
544 v->setGiven( TQString(a.givenName()).utf8() );
545 v->setMiddle( TQString(a.additionalName()).utf8() );
546 v->setPrefix( TQString(a.prefix()).utf8() );
547 v->setSuffix( TQString(a.suffix()).utf8() );
553void VCardFormatImpl::readNValue( ContentLine *cl,
Addressee &a )
555 NValue *v = (NValue *)cl->value();
556 a.setFamilyName( TQString::fromUtf8( v->family() ) );
557 a.setGivenName( TQString::fromUtf8( v->given() ) );
558 a.setAdditionalName( TQString::fromUtf8( v->middle() ) );
559 a.setPrefix( TQString::fromUtf8( v->prefix() ) );
560 a.setSuffix( TQString::fromUtf8( v->suffix() ) );
563void VCardFormatImpl::addTelephoneValue( VCARD::VCard *v,
const PhoneNumber &p )
565 if ( p.
number().isEmpty() )
569 cl.setName(EntityTypeToParamName(EntityTelephone));
570 cl.setValue(
new TelValue( p.
number().utf8() ));
573 if( p.
type() & PhoneNumber::Home ) params.append(
new Param(
"home" ) );
574 if( p.
type() & PhoneNumber::Work ) params.append(
new Param(
"work" ) );
575 if( p.
type() & PhoneNumber::Msg ) params.append(
new Param(
"msg" ) );
576 if( p.
type() & PhoneNumber::Pref ) params.append(
new Param(
"pref" ) );
577 if( p.
type() & PhoneNumber::Voice ) params.append(
new Param(
"voice" ) );
578 if( p.
type() & PhoneNumber::Fax ) params.append(
new Param(
"fax" ) );
579 if( p.
type() & PhoneNumber::Cell ) params.append(
new Param(
"cell" ) );
580 if( p.
type() & PhoneNumber::Video ) params.append(
new Param(
"video" ) );
581 if( p.
type() & PhoneNumber::Bbs ) params.append(
new Param(
"bbs" ) );
582 if( p.
type() & PhoneNumber::Modem ) params.append(
new Param(
"modem" ) );
583 if( p.
type() & PhoneNumber::Car ) params.append(
new Param(
"car" ) );
584 if( p.
type() & PhoneNumber::Isdn ) params.append(
new Param(
"isdn" ) );
585 if( p.
type() & PhoneNumber::Pcs ) params.append(
new Param(
"pcs" ) );
586 if( p.
type() & PhoneNumber::Pager ) params.append(
new Param(
"pager" ) );
587 cl.setParamList( params );
592PhoneNumber VCardFormatImpl::readTelephoneValue( ContentLine *cl )
595 TelValue *value = (TelValue *)cl->value();
596 p.
setNumber( TQString::fromUtf8( value->asString() ) );
599 ParamList params = cl->paramList();
600 ParamListIterator it( params );
601 for( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
602 if ( (*it)->name() ==
"TYPE" ) {
603 if ( (*it)->value() ==
"home" ) type |= PhoneNumber::Home;
604 else if ( (*it)->value() ==
"work" ) type |= PhoneNumber::Work;
605 else if ( (*it)->value() ==
"msg" ) type |= PhoneNumber::Msg;
606 else if ( (*it)->value() ==
"pref" ) type |= PhoneNumber::Pref;
607 else if ( (*it)->value() ==
"voice" ) type |= PhoneNumber::Voice;
608 else if ( (*it)->value() ==
"fax" ) type |= PhoneNumber::Fax;
609 else if ( (*it)->value() ==
"cell" ) type |= PhoneNumber::Cell;
610 else if ( (*it)->value() ==
"video" ) type |= PhoneNumber::Video;
611 else if ( (*it)->value() ==
"bbs" ) type |= PhoneNumber::Bbs;
612 else if ( (*it)->value() ==
"modem" ) type |= PhoneNumber::Modem;
613 else if ( (*it)->value() ==
"car" ) type |= PhoneNumber::Car;
614 else if ( (*it)->value() ==
"isdn" ) type |= PhoneNumber::Isdn;
615 else if ( (*it)->value() ==
"pcs" ) type |= PhoneNumber::Pcs;
616 else if ( (*it)->value() ==
"pager" ) type |= PhoneNumber::Pager;
624TQString VCardFormatImpl::readTextValue( ContentLine *cl )
626 VCARD::Value *value = cl->value();
628 return TQString::fromUtf8( value->asString() );
630 kdDebug(5700) <<
"No value: " << cl->asString() <<
631 return TQString::null;
635TQDate VCardFormatImpl::readDateValue( ContentLine *cl )
637 DateValue *dateValue = (DateValue *)cl->value();
639 return dateValue->qdate();
644TQDateTime VCardFormatImpl::readDateTimeValue( ContentLine *cl )
646 DateValue *dateValue = (DateValue *)cl->value();
648 return dateValue->qdt();
653Geo VCardFormatImpl::readGeoValue( ContentLine *cl )
655 GeoValue *geoValue = (GeoValue *)cl->value();
657 Geo geo( geoValue->latitude(), geoValue->longitude() );
663TimeZone VCardFormatImpl::readUTCValue( ContentLine *cl )
665 UTCValue *utcValue = (UTCValue *)cl->value();
668 tz.
setOffset(((utcValue->hour()*60)+utcValue->minute())*(utcValue->positive() ? 1 : -1));
674Secrecy VCardFormatImpl::readClassValue( ContentLine *cl )
676 ClassValue *classValue = (ClassValue *)cl->value();
679 switch ( classValue->type() ) {
680 case ClassValue::Public:
681 secrecy.setType( Secrecy::Public );
683 case ClassValue::Private:
684 secrecy.setType( Secrecy::Private );
686 case ClassValue::Confidential:
687 secrecy.setType( Secrecy::Confidential );
696void VCardFormatImpl::addKeyValue( VCARD::VCard *vcard,
const Key &key )
699 cl.setName( EntityTypeToParamName( EntityKey ) );
702 if (
key.isBinary() ) {
704 params.append(
new Param(
"b" ) );
706 cl.setValue(
new TextValue(
key.textData().utf8() ) );
709 switch (
key.type() ) {
711 params.append(
new Param(
"X509" ) );
714 params.append(
new Param(
"PGP" ) );
717 params.append(
new Param(
key.customTypeString().utf8() ) );
721 cl.setParamList( params );
725Key VCardFormatImpl::readKeyValue( VCARD::ContentLine *cl )
728 bool isBinary =
729 TextValue *v = (TextValue *)cl->value();
731 ParamList params = cl->paramList();
732 ParamListIterator it( params );
733 for( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
734 if ( (*it)->name() ==
"ENCODING" && (*it)->value() ==
"b" )
736 if ( (*it)->name() ==
"TYPE" ) {
737 if ( (*it)->value().isEmpty() )
739 if ( (*it)->value() ==
"X509" )
740 key.setType( Key::X509 );
741 else if ( (*it)->value() ==
"PGP" )
742 key.setType( Key::PGP );
744 key.setType( Key::Custom );
745 key.setCustomTypeString( TQString::fromUtf8( (*it)->value() ) );
754 key.setBinaryData( data );
756 key.setTextData( TQString::fromUtf8( v->asString() ) );
763void VCardFormatImpl::addAgentValue( VCARD::VCard *vcard,
const Agent &agent )
772 cl.setName( EntityTypeToParamName( EntityAgent ) );
779 writeToString( (*addr), vstr );
780 vstr.replace(
"\\:" );
781 vstr.replace(
"\\," );
782 vstr.replace(
"\\;" );
783 vstr.replace(
"\\n" );
784 cl.setValue(
new TextValue( vstr.utf8() ) );
788 cl.setValue(
new TextValue( agent.
url().utf8() ) );
789 params.append(
new Param(
"uri" ) );
792 cl.setParamList( params );
796Agent VCardFormatImpl::readAgentValue( VCARD::ContentLine *cl )
799 bool isIntern =
800 TextValue *v = (TextValue *)cl->value();
802 ParamList params = cl->paramList();
803 ParamListIterator it( params );
804 for( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
805 if ( (*it)->name() ==
"VALUE" && (*it)->value() ==
"uri" )
810 TQString vstr = TQString::fromUtf8( v->asString() );
811 vstr.replace(
"\r\n" );
812 vstr.replace(
":" );
813 vstr.replace(
"," );
814 vstr.replace(
";" );
816 readFromString( vstr, *addr );
819 agent.
setUrl( TQString::fromUtf8( v->asString() ) );
825void VCardFormatImpl::addPictureValue( VCARD::VCard *vcard, VCARD::EntityType type,
const Picture &pic,
const Addressee &addr,
bool intern )
828 cl.setName( EntityTypeToParamName( type ) );
830 if ( pic.isIntern() && pic.data().isNull() )
833 if ( !pic.isIntern() && pic.url().isEmpty() )
837 if ( pic.isIntern() ) {
838 TQImage img = pic.data();
841 TQDataStream s( data, IO_WriteOnly );
847 if ( type == EntityPhoto )
849 if ( type == EntityLogo )
852 img.save(
"tdeabc/" + dir +
"/" + addr.
uid() ), pic.type().utf8() );
853 cl.setValue(
new TextValue(
"<dummy>" ) );
855 params.append(
new Param(
"b" ) );
856 if ( !pic.type().isEmpty() )
857 params.append(
new Param(
"TYPE", pic.type().utf8() ) );
859 cl.setValue(
new TextValue( pic.url().utf8() ) );
860 params.append(
new Param(
"uri" ) );
863 cl.setParamList( params );
867Picture VCardFormatImpl::readPictureValue( VCARD::ContentLine *cl, VCARD::EntityType type,
const Addressee &addr )
870 bool isInline =
872 TextValue *v = (TextValue *)cl->value();
874 ParamList params = cl->paramList();
875 ParamListIterator it( params );
876 for( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
877 if ( (*it)->name() ==
"ENCODING" && (*it)->value() ==
"b" )
879 if ( (*it)->name() ==
"TYPE" && !(*it)->value().isEmpty() )
880 picType = TQString::fromUtf8( (*it)->value() );
885 if ( v->asString() ==
"<dummy>" ) {
887 if ( type == EntityPhoto )
889 if ( type == EntityLogo )
892 img.load(
"tdeabc/" + dir +
"/" + addr.
uid() ) );
896 img.loadFromData( data );
899 pic.setType( picType );
901 pic.setUrl( TQString::fromUtf8( v->asString() ) );
907void VCardFormatImpl::addSoundValue( VCARD::VCard *vcard,
const Sound &sound,
const Addressee &addr,
bool intern )
910 cl.setName( EntityTypeToParamName( EntitySound ) );
920 TQByteArray data = sound.
924 TQFile file(
"tdeabc/sounds/" + addr.
uid() ) );
925 if ( file.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
926 file.writeBlock( data );
928 cl.setValue(
new TextValue(
"<dummy>" ) );
930 params.append(
new Param(
"b" ) );
932 cl.setValue(
new TextValue( sound.
url().utf8() ) );
933 params.append(
new Param(
"uri" ) );
936 cl.setParamList( params );
940Sound VCardFormatImpl::readSoundValue( VCARD::ContentLine *cl,
const Addressee &addr )
943 bool isInline =
944 TextValue *v = (TextValue *)cl->value();
946 ParamList params = cl->paramList();
947 ParamListIterator it( params );
948 for( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
949 if ( (*it)->name() ==
"ENCODING" && (*it)->value() ==
"b" )
955 if ( v->asString() ==
"<dummy>" ) {
956 TQFile file(
"tdeabc/sounds/" + addr.
uid() ) );
957 if ( file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
958 data = file.readAll();
966 sound.
setUrl( TQString::fromUtf8( v->asString() ) );
972bool VCardFormatImpl::readFromString(
const TQString &vcard,
Addressee &addressee )
974 VCardEntity e( vcard.utf8() );
975 VCardListIterator it( e.cardList() );
977 if ( it.current() ) {
978 VCARD::VCard v(*it.current());
979 loadAddressee( addressee, v );
986bool VCardFormatImpl::writeToString(
const Addressee &addressee, TQString &vcard )
990 vcardlist.setAutoDelete(
true );
992 VCARD::VCard *v =
new VCARD::VCard;
994 saveAddressee( addressee, v,
true );
996 vcardlist.append( v );
997 vcards.setCardList( vcardlist );
998 vcard = TQString::fromUtf8( vcards.asString() );
static TQCString base64Decode(const TQByteArray &in)
static TQCString base64Encode(const TQByteArray &in, bool insertLFs=false)
void insertAddressee(const Addressee &addr)
Insert an addressee into the address book.
ConstIterator begin() const
Returns an iterator pointing to the first addressee of address book.
ConstIterator end() const
Returns an iterator pointing to the last addressee of address book.
Postal address information.
TQString street() const
Returns the street.
TQString postOfficeBox() const
Returns the post office box.
void setPostalCode(const TQString &)
Sets the postal code.
void setExtended(const TQString &)
Sets the extended address information.
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true, if the address is empty.
TQString country() const
Returns the country.
int type() const
Returns the type of address.
void setLocality(const TQString &)
Sets the locality, e.g.
void setType(int type)
Sets the type of address.
TQValueList< Address > List
List of addresses.
TQString postalCode() const
Returns the postal code.
TQString label() const
Returns the delivery label.
TQString extended() const
Returns the extended address information.
void setRegion(const TQString &)
Sets the region, e.g.
void setLabel(const TQString &)
Sets the delivery label.
TQString region() const
Returns the region.
void setStreet(const TQString &)
Sets the street (including number).
TQString locality() const
Returns the locality.
void setCountry(const TQString &)
Sets the country.
void setPostOfficeBox(const TQString &)
Sets the post office box.
void setUid(const TQString &uid)
Set unique identifier.
TQStringList categories() const
Return list of all set categories.
void setCategories(const TQStringList &)
Set categories to given value.
TQStringList emails() const
Return list of all email addresses.
void insertPhoneNumber(const PhoneNumber &phoneNumber)
Insert a phone number.
void insertCustom(const TQString &app, const TQString &name, const TQString &value)
Insert custom entry.
Key::List keys() const
Return list of all keys.
void setUri(const TQString &uid)
Set unique resource identifier.
TQStringList customs() const
Return list of all custom entries.
TQString uri() const
Return unique resource identifier.
Address address(int type) const
Return address, which matches the given type.
void insertEmail(const TQString &email, bool preferred=false)
Insert an email address.
void insertAddress(const Address &address)
Insert an address.
Address::List addresses() const
Return list of all addresses.
void insertKey(const Key &key)
Insert a key.
void setResource(Resource *resource)
Set resource where the addressee is from.
TQString uid() const
Return unique identifier.
PhoneNumber::List phoneNumbers() const
Return list of all phone numbers.
void setAddressee(Addressee *addressee)
Sets the addressee of the agent.
void setUrl(const TQString &url)
Sets a URL for the location of the agent file.
Addressee * addressee() const
Returns the addressee object of this agent.
TQString url() const
Returns the location URL of this agent.
bool isIntern() const
Returns whether the agent is described by a URL (extern) or by a addressee (intern).
bool isValid() const
Returns, if this object contains a valid geographical position.
float longitude() const
Returns the longitude.
float latitude() const
Returns the latitude.
A class to store an encryption key.
int type() const
Returns the type.
TQString number() const
Returns the number.
void setType(int)
Sets the type.
void setNumber(const TQString &)
Sets the number.
Class that holds a Sound clip for a contact.
TQString url() const
Returns the location URL of this sound.
void setData(const TQByteArray &data)
Sets the raw data of the sound.
bool isIntern() const
Returns whether the sound is described by a URL (extern) or by the raw data (intern).
void setUrl(const TQString &url)
Sets a URL for the location of the sound file.
TQByteArray data() const
Returns the raw data of this sound.
void setOffset(int offset)
Set time zone offset relative to UTC.
int offset() const
Return offset in minutes relative to UTC.
bool isValid() const
Return, if this time zone object is valid.
kndbgstream & endl(kndbgstream &s)
kdbgstream kdDebug(int area=0)
TQString locateLocal(const char *type, const TQString &filename, const TDEInstance *instance=TDEGlobal::instance())
static data, shared by ALL addressee objects