13#ifndef __TDEIconTheme_h_Included__
14#define __TDEIconTheme_h_Included__
17#include <tqstringlist.h>
19#include <tqvaluelist.h>
20#include "tdelibs_export.h"
25class TDEIconThemePrivate;
44 bool isValid()
const {
return size != 0; }
196 TDEIconTheme(
const TQString& name,
const TQString& appName=TQString::null);
203 TQString
const {
return mName; }
217 TQString example()
223 TQString screenshot()
229 TQString linkOverlay()
235 TQString zipOverlay()
241 TQString lockOverlay()
248 TQString shareOverlay ()
254 TQString
const {
return mDir; }
260 TQStringList
const {
return mInherits; }
266 bool isValid()
273 bool isHidden()
280 int depth()
const {
return mDepth; }
335 static TQStringList list();
341 static TQString current();
346 static void reconfigure();
353 static TQString defaultThemeName();
357 TQValueList<int> mSizes[8];
360 TQString mDir, mName, mDesc;
361 TQStringList mInherits;
362 TQPtrList<TDEIconThemeDir> mDirs;
363 TDEIconThemePrivate *d;
365 static TQString *_theme;
366 static TQStringList *_theme_list;
Access KDE Configuration entries.
Class to use/access icon themes in KDE.
TQString name() const
The stylized name of the icon theme.
TQString description() const
A description for the icon theme.
int depth() const
The minimum display depth required for this theme.
TQStringList inherits() const
The themes this icon theme falls back on.
TQString dir() const
Returns the toplevel theme directory.
One icon as found by TDEIconTheme.
Defines the possible states of an icon.
@ DefaultState
The default state.
@ DisabledState
Icon is disabled.
@ ActiveState
Icon is active.
Context context
The context of the icon.
TQString path
The full path of the icon.
Defines the context of the icon.
@ Application
An icon that represents an application.
@ Emblem
An icon that adds information to an existing icon.
@ Device
An icon that represents a device.
@ International
An icon that represents a country's flag.
@ Any
Some icon with unknown purpose.
@ Place
An icon that represents a location (e.g. 'home', 'trash').
@ FileSystem
An icon that represents a file system.
@ Action
An action icon (e.g. 'save', 'print').
@ Category
An icon that represents a category.
@ Animation
An icon that is animated.
@ MimeType
An icon that represents a mime type (or file type).
@ Emote
An icon that expresses an emotion.
The group of the icon.
@ Panel
Panel (Kicker) icons.
@ MainToolbar
Main toolbar icons.
bool isValid() const
Return true if this icon is valid, false otherwise.
Type type
The type of the icon: Fixed, Scalable or Threshold.
This defines an overlay, a semi-transparent image that is projected onto the icon.
int size
The size in pixels of the icon.
int threshold
The threshold in case type == Threshold.
The type of the icon.
@ Scalable
Scalable-size icon.
These are the standard sizes for icons.
The type of a match.
@ MatchExact
Only try to find an exact match.