155 tmpMap.insert(TQString::fromUtf8(aIt.key().mKey), TQString::fromUtf8((*aIt), (*aIt).mValue.length()));
334TDESharedConfig::Ptr TDESharedConfig::openConfig(const TQString& fileName, bool readOnly, bool useKDEGlobals )
Little helper class to clean up static objects that are held as pointer.
Definition: kstaticdeleter.h:74
static int tdeinitExecWait(const TQString &name, const TQStringList &args, TQString *error, int *pid, const TQCString &startup_id)
Starts a program via tdeinit and wait for it to finish.
Definition: tdeapplication.cpp:3227
Abstract base class for KDE configuration file loading/saving.
Definition: tdeconfigbackend.h:49
TDELockFile::Ptr lockFile(bool bGlobal=false)
Returns a lock file object for the configuration file.
Definition: tdeconfigbackend.cpp:273
void setFileWriteMode(int mode)
Set the file mode for newly created files.
Definition: tdeconfigbackend.cpp:315
void changeFileName(const TQString &_fileName, const char *_resType, bool _useKDEGlobals)
Changes the filenames associated with this back end.
Definition: tdeconfigbackend.cpp:243
TDEConfigBackEnd * backEnd
A back end for loading/saving to disk in a particular format.
Definition: tdeconfigbase.h:1999
bool isReadOnly() const
Returns the read-only status of the config object.
Definition: tdeconfigbase.h:1762
virtual void parseConfigFiles()
Parses all configuration files for a configuration object.
Definition: tdeconfigbase.cpp:1726
TQString group() const
Returns the name of the group in which we are searching for keys and from which we are retrieving ent...
Definition: tdeconfigbase.cpp:100
int readListEntry(const TQString &pKey, TQStrList &list, char sep=',') const
Reads a list of strings.
Definition: tdeconfigbase.cpp:467
virtual void sync()
Flushes all changes that currently reside only in memory back to disk / permanent storage.
Definition: tdeconfigbase.cpp:1738
virtual void setReadOnly(bool _ro)
Sets the config object's read-only status.
Definition: tdeconfigbase.h:1755
void writeEntry(const TQString &pKey, const TQString &pValue, bool bPersistent=true, bool bGlobal=false, bool bNLS=false)
Writes a key/value pair.
Definition: tdeconfigbase.cpp:1044
virtual void rollback(bool bDeep=true)
Mark the config object as "clean," i.e.
Definition: tdeconfigbase.cpp:1755
void setGroup(const TQString &group)
Specifies the group in which keys will be read and written.
Definition: tdeconfigbase.cpp:79
bool bDirty
Indicates whether there are any dirty entries in the config object that need to be written back to di...
Definition: tdeconfigbase.h:2025
Class for KDE INI-style configuration file loading/saving.
Definition: tdeconfigbackend.h:192
TDELockFile::Ptr lockFile(bool bGlobal=false)
Returns a lock file object for the configuration file or 0 if the backend does not support locking.
Definition: tdeconfig.cpp:280
void checkUpdate(const TQString &id, const TQString &updateFile)
Checks whether the config file contains the update id as contained in updateFile.
Definition: tdeconfig.cpp:287
virtual TQStringList groupList() const
Returns a list of groups that are known.
Definition: tdeconfig.cpp:107
virtual void putData(const KEntryKey &_key, const KEntry &_data, bool _checkGroup=true)
Inserts a (key, value) pair into the internal storage mechanism of the configuration object.
Definition: tdeconfig.cpp:202
virtual void reparseConfiguration()
Clears all internal data structures and then reread configuration information from disk.
Definition: tdeconfig.cpp:161
virtual TQMap< TQString, TQString > entryMap(const TQString &pGroup) const
Returns a map (tree) of entries for all entries in a particular group.
Definition: tdeconfig.cpp:141
virtual bool internalHasGroup(const TQCString &group) const
Returns true if the specified group is known.
Definition: tdeconfig.cpp:254
virtual KEntryMap internalEntryMap() const
Returns a map (tree) of the entries in the tree.
Definition: tdeconfig.h:212
TDEConfig(const TQString &fileName=TQString::null, bool bReadOnly=false, bool bUseKDEGlobals=true, const char *resType="config")
Constructs a TDEConfig object.
Definition: tdeconfig.cpp:44
KEntryMap aEntryMap
Contains all key,value entries, as well as some "special" keys which indicate the start of a group of...
Definition: tdeconfig.h:243
void setFileWriteMode(int mode)
Set the file mode for newly created files.
Definition: tdeconfig.cpp:275
virtual KEntry lookupData(const KEntryKey &_key) const
Looks up an entry in the config object's internal structure.
Definition: tdeconfig.cpp:238
virtual void rollback(bool bDeep=true)
Clears all entries out of the dirtyEntryMap, so the values will not be written to disk on a later cal...
Definition: tdeconfig.cpp:94
TDEConfig * copyTo(const TQString &file, TDEConfig *config=0) const
Copies all entries from this config object to a new config object that will save itself to file.
Definition: tdeconfig.cpp:303
static TDEStandardDirs * dirs()
Returns the application standard dirs object.
Definition: tdeglobal.cpp:58
key structure holding both the actual key and the the group to which it belongs.
Definition: tdeconfigdata.h:70
TQMap< KEntryKey, KEntry > KEntryMap
type specifying a map of entries (key,value pairs).
Definition: tdeconfigdata.h:128