55 { Close, I18N_NOOP("Close"), 0, TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_W, TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_Escape, 0, TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_W, TDEShortcut(), false },
62 { Cut, I18N_NOOP("Cut"), 0, TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_X, 0, TQt::SHIFT+TQt::Key_Delete, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
63 { Copy, I18N_NOOP("Copy"), 0, TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_C, 0, TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_Insert, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
64 { Paste, I18N_NOOP("Paste"), 0, TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_V, 0, TQt::SHIFT+TQt::Key_Insert, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
65 { PasteSelection, I18N_NOOP("Paste Selection"), 0, 0, 0, TQt::CTRL+TQt::SHIFT+TQt::Key_Insert, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
66 { SelectAll, "SelectAll", I18N_NOOP("Select All"), TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_A, 0, 0, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
67 { Deselect, I18N_NOOP("Deselect"), 0, TQt::CTRL+TQt::SHIFT+TQt::Key_A, 0, 0, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
68 { DeleteWordBack, "DeleteWordBack", I18N_NOOP("Delete Word Backwards"), TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_Backspace, 0, 0, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
69 { DeleteWordForward, "DeleteWordForward", I18N_NOOP("Delete Word Forward"), TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_Delete, 0, 0, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
72 { FindPrev, "FindPrev", I18N_NOOP("Find Prev"), TQt::SHIFT+TQt::Key_F3, 0, 0, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
75 { Home, I18N_NOOP2("Opposite to End","Home"), 0, TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_Home, 0, TQt::Key_HomePage, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
77 { BeginningOfLine, "BeginningOfLine", I18N_NOOP("Beginning of Line"), TQt::Key_Home, 0, 0, 0, TDEShortcut(), false},
78 { EndOfLine, "EndOfLine", I18N_NOOP("End of Line"), TQt::Key_End, 0, 0, 0, TDEShortcut(), false},
80 { Next, I18N_NOOP2("Opposite to Prior","Next"), 0, TQt::Key_Next, 0, 0, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
81 { GotoLine, "GotoLine", I18N_NOOP("Go to Line"), TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_G, 0, 0, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
82 { AddBookmark, "AddBookmark", I18N_NOOP("Add Bookmark"), TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_B, 0, 0, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
83 { ZoomIn, "ZoomIn", I18N_NOOP("Zoom In"), TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_Plus, 0, 0, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
84 { ZoomOut, "ZoomOut", I18N_NOOP("Zoom Out"), TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_Minus, 0, 0, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
86 { Back, I18N_NOOP("Back"), 0, TQt::ALT+TQt::Key_Left, 0, TQt::Key_Back, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
87 { Forward, I18N_NOOP("Forward"), 0, TQt::ALT+TQt::Key_Right, 0, TQt::Key_Forward, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
89 { PopupMenuContext, "PopupMenuContext", I18N_NOOP("Popup Menu Context"), TQt::Key_Menu, 0, 0, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
90 { ShowMenubar, "ShowMenubar", I18N_NOOP("Show Menu Bar"), TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_M, 0, 0, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
91 { BackwardWord, "BackwardWord", I18N_NOOP("Backward Word"), TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_Left, 0, 0, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
92 { ForwardWord, "ForwardWord", I18N_NOOP("Forward Word"), TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_Right, 0, 0, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
93 { TabNext, I18N_NOOP("Activate Next Tab"), 0, TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_Period, 0, TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_BracketRight, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
94 { TabPrev, I18N_NOOP("Activate Previous Tab"), 0, TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_Comma, 0, TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_BracketLeft, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
95 { FullScreen, "FullScreen", I18N_NOOP("Full Screen Mode"), TQt::CTRL+TQt::SHIFT+TQt::Key_F, 0, 0, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
98 { WhatsThis, "WhatsThis", I18N_NOOP("What's This"), TQt::SHIFT+TQt::Key_F1, 0, 0, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
99 {AccelNone, "Group:TextCompletion", I18N_NOOP("Text Completion"), 0, 0, 0, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
100 { TextCompletion, "TextCompletion", I18N_NOOP("Text Completion"), TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_E, 0, 0, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
101 { PrevCompletion, "PrevCompletion", I18N_NOOP("Previous Completion Match"), TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_Up, 0, 0, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
102 { NextCompletion, "NextCompletion", I18N_NOOP("Next Completion Match"), TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_Down, 0, 0, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
103 { SubstringCompletion, "SubstringCompletion", I18N_NOOP("Substring Completion"), TQt::CTRL+TQt::Key_T, 0, 0, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
104 { RotateUp, "RotateUp", I18N_NOOP("Previous Item in List"), TQt::Key_Up, 0, 0, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
105 { RotateDown, "RotateDown", I18N_NOOP("Next Item in List"), TQt::Key_Down, 0, 0, 0, TDEShortcut(), false },
343 { return i18n((g_infoStdAccel[i].psDesc) ? g_infoStdAccel[i].psDesc : g_infoStdAccel[i].psName); }
bool isNull() const
Returns true if the key sequence is null (after clear() or empty constructor).
Definition: tdeshortcut.cpp:316
uint count() const
Returns the number of key strokes of this sequence.
Definition: tdeshortcut.cpp:289
bool init(const TQKeySequence &keySeq)
Copies the given qt key sequence over this key sequence.
Definition: tdeshortcut.cpp:227
A KKey object represents a single key with possible modifiers (Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Win).
Definition: tdeshortcut.h:41
TQString readEntry(const TQString &pKey, const TQString &aDefault=TQString::null) const
Reads the value of an entry specified by pKey in the current group.
Definition: tdeconfigbase.cpp:221
bool hasKey(const TQString &key) const
Checks whether the key has an entry in the currently active group.
Definition: tdeconfigbase.cpp:109
Helper class to facilitate working with TDEConfig / KSimpleConfig groups.
Definition: tdeconfigbase.h:2083
virtual bool writeSettings(const TQString &sConfigGroup=TQString::null, TDEConfigBase *pConfig=0, bool bWriteAll=false, bool bGlobal=false) const
Writes the shortcuts to the given configuration file.
Definition: tdeshortcutlist.cpp:109
The TDEShortcut class is used to represent a keyboard shortcut to an action.
Definition: tdeshortcut.h:544
int keyCodeQt() const
Returns the key code of the first key sequence, or null if there is no first key sequence.
Definition: tdeshortcut.cpp:510
bool contains(const KKey &key) const
Checks whether this shortcut contains a sequence that starts with the given key.
Definition: tdeshortcut.cpp:532
bool init(int keyQt)
Initializes the shortcut with the given Qt key code as the only key sequence.
Definition: tdeshortcut.cpp:421
bool append(const KKeySequence &keySeq)
Appends the given key sequence.
Definition: tdeshortcut.cpp:587
virtual bool isConfigurable(uint index) const
Checks whether the shortcut with the given index is configurable.
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:362
virtual TQString whatsThis(uint index) const
Returns the (i18n'd) What's This text of the shortcut with the given index.
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:345
virtual TQString name(uint index) const
Returns the name of the shortcut with the given index.
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:339
virtual const TDEShortcut & shortcut(uint index) const
Returns the shortcut with the given index.
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:348
virtual TQString label(uint index) const
Returns the (i18n'd) label of the shortcut with the given index.
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:342
virtual const TDEShortcut & shortcutDefault(uint index) const
Returns default shortcut with the given index.
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:355
virtual bool setShortcut(uint index, const TDEShortcut &shortcut)
Sets the shortcut of the given entry.
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:365
Convenient methods for access to the common accelerator keys in the key configuration.
Definition: tdeshortcutlist.h:254
static void initialize(StdAccel id)
Initialize the accelerator id by checking if it is overridden in the configuration file (and if it is...
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:127
TDEShortcut shortcutDefault3(StdAccel id)
Returns the hardcoded default 3 modifier shortcut for id.
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:208
const TDEShortcut & paste()
Paste contents of clipboard at mouse/cursor position.
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:278
TDEShortcut shortcutDefault4(StdAccel id)
Returns the hardcoded default 4 modifier shortcut for id.
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:225
static TDEStdAccelInfo * infoPtr(StdAccel id)
Search for the TDEStdAccelInfo object associated with the given id.
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:110
const TDEShortcut & cut()
Cut selected area and store it in the clipboard.
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:276
TDEShortcut shortcutDefault(StdAccel id)
Returns the hardcoded default shortcut for id.
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:202
const TDEShortcut & substringCompletion()
Find a string within another string or list of strings.
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:309
const TDEShortcut & rotateUp()
Help users iterate through a list of entries.
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:307
const TDEShortcut & deleteWordBack()
Delete a word back from mouse/cursor position.
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:280
static TDEStdAccelInfo g_infoStdAccel[]
Array of predefined TDEStdAccelInfo objects, which cover all the "standard" accelerators.
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:50
const TDEShortcut & rotateDown()
Help users iterate through a list of entries.
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:308
const TDEShortcut & nextCompletion()
Iterate through a list when completion returns multiple items.
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:306
const TDEShortcut & pasteSelection()
Paste the selection at mouse/cursor position.
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:279
const TDEShortcut & deleteWordForward()
Delete a word forward from mouse/cursor position.
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:281
StdAccel findStdAccel(const KKeySequence &seq)
Return the StdAccel id of the standard accel action which uses this key sequence, or AccelNone if non...
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:186
TQString whatsThis(StdAccel)
Returns an extended WhatsThis description for the given accelerator.
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:165
TQString label(StdAccel id)
Returns a localized label for user-visible display.
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:156
const TDEShortcut & prevCompletion()
Iterate through a list when completion returns multiple items.
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:305
const TDEShortcut & shortcut(StdAccel id)
Returns the keybinding for accel.
Definition: tdestdaccel.cpp:174