23#include <tqwindowdefs.h>
26#include "tdelibs_export.h"
92 static void activateWindow( WId win,
long time = 0 );
108 static void forceActiveWindow( WId win,
long time = 0 );
113 static void setActiveWindow( WId win ) TDE_DEPRECATED;
126 static void demandAttention( WId win,
bool set =
true );
138 static void setUserTime( WId win,
long time );
143 static void invokeContextHelp();
159 static void setMainWindow( TQWidget* subwindow, WId mainwindow );
170 static void setSystemTrayWindowFor( WId trayWin, WId forWin );
173 class WindowInfoPrivate;
187 static WindowInfo windowInfo( WId win,
unsigned long properties = 0,
unsigned long properties2 = 0 );
196 static WId transientFor( WId window );
203 static WId groupLeader( WId window );
221 static TQPixmap icon( WId win,
int width = -1,
int height = -1,
bool scale =
false );
251 static TQPixmap icon( WId win,
int width,
int height,
bool scale,
int flags );
259 static void setIcons( WId win,
const TQPixmap& icon,
const TQPixmap& miniIcon );
280 static void setState( WId win,
unsigned long state );
293 static void clearState( WId win,
unsigned long state );
305 static void setOpacity( WId win, uint percent );
317 static void setShadowSize( WId win, uint percent );
327 static void setOnAllDesktops( WId win,
bool b );
335 static void setOnDesktop( WId win,
int desktop);
358 static void setExtendedStrut( WId win,
int left_width,
int left_start,
int left_end,
359 int right_width,
int right_start,
int right_end,
int top_width,
int top_start,
int top_end,
360 int bottom_width,
int bottom_start,
int bottom_end );
372 static void setStrut( WId win,
int left,
int right,
int top,
int bottom );
377 static int currentDesktop();
384 static int numberOfDesktops();
391 static void setCurrentDesktop(
int desktop );
400 static void setCurrentDesktopViewport(
int desktop, TQPoint viewport );
410 static void iconifyWindow( WId win,
bool animation =
true );
420 static void deIconifyWindow( WId win,
bool animation =
true );
429 static void raiseWindow( WId win );
438 static void lowerWindow( WId win );
445 static bool icccmCompliantMappingState();
451 static bool allowedActionsSupported();
458 static TQString readNameProperty( WId window,
unsigned long atom );
464 static bool compositingActive();
476 bool isMinimized()
477 bool isIconified()
498 TQString visibleNameWithState()
505 static Info info( WId win ) TDE_DEPRECATED;
514 static void appStarted() TDE_DEPRECATED;
528 WindowInfo( WId window,
unsigned long properties,
unsigned long properties2 );
537 bool valid(
bool withdrawn_is_valid =
false )
546 unsigned long state()
552 bool hasState(
unsigned long s )
const {
return ( state() & s ) == s; }
560 bool isMinimized()
590 TQString visibleName()
600 TQString visibleNameWithState()
606 TQString name()
613 TQString visibleIconName()
624 TQString visibleIconNameWithState()
631 TQString iconName()
636 bool isOnCurrentDesktop()
641 bool isOnDesktop(
int desktop )
647 bool onAllDesktops()
658 TQRect geometry()
663 TQRect frameGeometry()
669 WId transientFor()
674 WId groupLeader()
682 TQCString windowClassClass()
690 TQCString windowClassName()
697 TQCString windowRole()
704 TQCString clientMachine()
716 WindowInfoPrivate* d;
Information about a window.
bool hasState(unsigned long s) const
Returns true if the window has the given state flag set (see the NET::State enum for details).
Convenience access to certain properties and features of the window manager.
Masks specifying from which sources to read an icon.
Actions that can be done with a window (_NET_WM_ALLOWED_ACTIONS).
Client window mapping state.
TQRect frameGeometry
Position and size of the window's frame.
pid_t pid
The process id of the window's owner.
TQRect geometry
Position and size of the window contents.
long unsigned int state
The window's state.
int desktop
The number of the window's desktop.
NET::WindowType windowType
The window type.
bool onAllDesktops
true if the window is on all desktops.
TQString visibleName
The visible name of the window.
TQString name
The name of the window.
Partial strut class for NET classes.