The class KWinModule provides information about the state of the window manager as required by window...
Definition: twinmodule.h:53
TQPoint currentViewport(int desktop) const
Returns the current viewport on the given virtual desktop.
void currentDesktopViewportChanged(int desktop, const TQPoint &viewport)
The viewport position has changed.
void strutChanged()
Something changed with the struts, may or may not have changed the work area.
const TQValueList< WId > & systemTrayWindows() const
Returns a list of the system tray windows.
void systemTrayWindowRemoved(WId id)
Emitted when a dock window has been removed.
TQRect workArea(int desktop=- 1) const
Returns the workarea for the specified desktop, or the current work area if no desktop has been speci...
void windowChanged(WId id, unsigned int properties)
const TQValueList< WId > & windows() const
Returns the list of all toplevel windows currently managed by the window manager in the order of crea...
WId activeWindow() const
Returns the currently active window, or 0 if no window is active.
void systemTrayWindowAdded(WId id)
Emitted when a dock window has been added.
void doNotManage(const TQString &title)
Informs twin via dcop to not manage a window with the specified title.
void showingDesktopChanged(bool showing)
The state of showing the desktop has changed.
KWinModule(TQObject *parent, int what)
Creates a KWinModule object and connects to the window manager.
TQRect workArea(const TQValueList< WId > &excludes, int desktop=-1) const
Returns the workarea for the specified desktop, or the current work area if no desktop has been speci...
void desktopGeometryChanged(int desktop)
The state of showing the desktop has changed.
void activeWindowChanged(WId id)
Hint that <Window> is active (= has focus) now.
void windowChanged(WId id, const unsigned long *properties)
The window changed.
void numberOfDesktopsChanged(int num)
The number of desktops changed.
KWinModule(TQObject *parent=0)
Creates a KWinModule object and connects to the window manager.
void stackingOrderChanged()
Emitted when the stacking order of the window changed.
void setDesktopName(int desktop, const TQString &name)
Sets the name of the specified desktop.
const TQValueList< WId > & stackingOrder() const
Returns the list of all toplevel windows currently managed by the window manager in the current stack...
TQSize numberOfViewports(int desktop) const
Returns the number of viewports in x and y direction on the virtual desktop.
void currentDesktopChanged(int desktop)
Switched to another virtual desktop.
TQString desktopName(int desktop) const
Returns the name of the specified desktop.