24#include "kxmlguifactory.h"
25#include "kxmlguiclient.h"
26#include "kxmlguibuilder.h"
27#include <tqmainwindow.h>
28#include <tqmetaobject.h>
29#include <tdetoolbar.h>
38class KMWSessionManaged;
39class TDEMainWindowPrivate;
41class TDEToolBarMenuAction;
44#define KDE_DEFAULT_WINDOWFLAGS WType_TopLevel | WDestructiveClose
100 friend class KMWSessionManaged;
137 TDEMainWindow( TQWidget* parent = 0,
const char *name = 0, WFlags f = WType_TopLevel | WDestructiveClose );
139 TDEMainWindow( TQWidget* parent = 0,
const char *name = 0, WFlags f = (WFlags)(WType_TopLevel | WDestructiveClose) );
164 TDEMainWindow(
int cflags, TQWidget* parent = 0,
const char *name = 0, WFlags f = WType_TopLevel | WDestructiveClose );
166 TDEMainWindow(
int cflags, TQWidget* parent = 0,
const char *name = 0, WFlags f = (WFlags)(WType_TopLevel | WDestructiveClose) );
201 TDEPopupMenu* helpMenu(
const TQString &aboutAppText = TQString::null,
202 bool showWhatsThis =
true );
226 TDEPopupMenu* customHelpMenu(
bool showWhatsThis =
true );
294 static bool canBeRestored(
int number );
304 static const TQString classNameOfToplevel(
int number );
326 bool restore(
int number,
bool show =
true );
349 void createGUI(
const TQString &xmlfile = TQString::null,
bool _conserveMemory =
true );
357 void setHelpMenuEnabled(
bool showHelpMenu =
362 bool isHelpMenuEnabled();
401 static TQPtrList<TDEMainWindow>* getMemberList();
418 TQPtrListIterator<TDEToolBar> toolBarIterator();
426 void setFrameBorderWidth(
int ) {}
459 void setAutoSaveSettings(
const TQString & groupName = TQString::fromLatin1(
460 bool saveWindowSize =
true );
466 void resetAutoSaveSettings();
473 bool autoSaveSettings()
482 TQString autoSaveGroup()
493 void applyMainWindowSettings(
TDEConfig *config,
const TQString &groupName,
bool force);
495 void applyMainWindowSettings(
TDEConfig *config,
const TQString &groupName = TQString::null);
505 void saveMainWindowSettings(
TDEConfig *config,
const TQString &groupName = TQString::null);
525 void setStandardToolBarMenuEnabled(
bool enable );
527 bool isStandardToolBarMenuEnabled()
550 void createStandardStatusBarAction();
605 void setupGUI(
int options = ToolBar | Keys | StatusBar | Save | Create,
const TQString& xmlfile = TQString::null );
620 void setupGUI( TQSize defaultSize,
int options = ToolBar | Keys | StatusBar | Save | Create,
const TQString& xmlfile = TQString::null );
632 void setupToolbarMenuActions();
641 void finalizeGUI(
bool force );
647 bool initialGeometrySet()
653 void ignoreInitialGeometry();
671 TQSize sizeForCentralWidgetSize(TQSize size) TDE_DEPRECATED;
677 virtual void setIcon(
const TQPixmap & );
692 int configureToolbars();
701 virtual void setCaption(
const TQString &caption );
711 virtual void setCaption(
const TQString &caption,
bool modified );
719 virtual void setPlainCaption(
const TQString &caption );
742 void appHelpActivated(
void );
750 virtual void slotStateChanged(
const TQString &newstate);
760 void slotStateChanged(
const TQString &newstate,
761 KXMLGUIClient::ReverseStateChange);
781 void setSettingsDirty();
784 void paintEvent( TQPaintEvent* e );
785 void childEvent( TQChildEvent* e);
786 void resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent* e);
794 virtual void closeEvent ( TQCloseEvent *);
834 virtual bool queryExit();
870 virtual bool queryClose();
908 virtual void saveGlobalProperties(
TDEConfig* sessionConfig );
915 virtual void readGlobalProperties(
TDEConfig* sessionConfig );
916 void savePropertiesInternal(
int );
917 bool readPropertiesInternal(
int );
922 bool settingsDirty()
926 TQString settingsGroup()
931 void saveWindowSize(
TDEConfig * config )
937 void restoreWindowSize(
TDEConfig * config );
940 void parseGeometry(
bool parsewidth);
947 void saveNewToolbarConfig();
973 virtual void showAboutApplication();
998 void saveAutoSaveSettings();
1004 void shuttingDown();
1011 TQPtrList<TDEToolBar> toolbarList;
1013 virtual void virtual_hook(
int id,
void* data );
1015 TDEMainWindowPrivate *d;
1016 void initTDEMainWindow(
const char *name,
int cflags);
1019#define RESTORE(type) { int n = 1;\
1020 while (TDEMainWindow::canBeRestored(n)){\
1021 (new type)->restore(n);\
1036template <
typename T>
1037inline void kRestoreMainWindows() {
1040 if ( className == TQString::fromLatin1( T::staticMetaObject()->className() ) )
1041 (
new T)->restore( n );
1045template <
typename T0,
typename T1>
1046inline void kRestoreMainWindows() {
1047 const char * classNames[2];
1048 classNames[0] = T0::staticMetaObject()->className();
1049 classNames[1] = T1::staticMetaObject()->className();
1052 if ( className == TQString::fromLatin1( classNames[0] ) )
1053 (
new T0)->restore( n );
1054 else if ( className == TQString::fromLatin1( classNames[1] ) )
1055 (
new T1)->restore( n );
1059template <
typename T0,
typename T1,
typename T2>
1060inline void kRestoreMainWindows() {
1061 const char * classNames[3];
1062 classNames[0] = T0::staticMetaObject()->className();
1063 classNames[1] = T1::staticMetaObject()->className();
1064 classNames[2] = T2::staticMetaObject()->className();
1067 if ( className == TQString::fromLatin1( classNames[0] ) )
1068 (
new T0)->restore( n );
1069 else if ( className == TQString::fromLatin1( classNames[1] ) )
1070 (
new T1)->restore( n );
1071 else if ( className == TQString::fromLatin1( classNames[2] ) )
1072 (
new T2)->restore( n );
Abstract interface for a "GUI builder", used by the GUIFactory This interface is implemented by TDEMa...
A KXMLGUIClient can be used with KXMLGUIFactory to create a GUI from actions and an XML document,...
KXMLGUIFactory, together with KXMLGUIClient objects, can be used to create a GUI of container widgets...
Class to encapsulate user-driven action or event.
KDE top level main window
virtual void readProperties(TDEConfig *)
Read your instance-specific properties.
Flags that can be passed in an argument to the constructor to change the behavior.
static const TQString classNameOfToplevel(int number)
Returns the className() of the number of the toplevel window which should be restored.
static bool canBeRestored(int number)
Session Management
static TQPtrList< TDEMainWindow > * memberList
List of members of TDEMainWindow class.
virtual void saveProperties(TDEConfig *)
Save your instance-specific properties.