24#include <kdialogbase.h>
118 KFind(
const TQString &pattern,
long options, TQWidget *parent);
130 KFind(
const TQString &pattern,
long options, TQWidget *parent, TQWidget* findDialog);
151 bool needData()
162 void setData(
const TQString& data,
int startPos = -1 );
177 void setData(
int id,
const TQString& data,
int startPos = -1 );
204 virtual void setOptions(
long options );
209 TQString
const {
return m_pattern; }
215 void setPattern(
const TQString& pattern );
244 virtual bool validateMatch(
const TQString & text,
int index,
int matchedlength ) {
245 Q_UNUSED(text); Q_UNUSED(index); Q_UNUSED(matchedlength);
return true; }
262 virtual bool shouldRestart(
bool forceAsking =
bool showNumMatches =
true )
278 static int find(
const TQString &text,
const TQString &pattern,
int index,
long options,
int *matchedlength );
293 static int find(
const TQString &text,
const TQRegExp &pattern,
int index,
long options,
int *matchedlength );
299 virtual void displayFinalDialog()
309 KDialogBase* findNextDialog(
bool create =
false );
319 void closeFindNextDialog();
348 void highlight(
const TQString &text,
int matchingIndex,
int matchedLength);
368 void highlight(
int id,
int matchingIndex,
int matchedLength);
392 TQWidget* parentWidget()
const {
return (TQWidget *)parent(); }
393 TQWidget* dialogsParent()
398 void slotDialogClosed();
401 void init(
const TQString& pattern );
402 void startNewIncrementalSearch();
404 static bool isInWord( TQChar ch );
405 static bool isWholeWords(
const TQString &text,
int starts,
int matchedLength );
A generic implementation of the "find" function.
virtual bool validateMatch(const TQString &text, int index, int matchedlength)
Virtual method, which allows applications to add extra checks for validating a candidate match.
@ NoMatch
No match was found.
int numMatches() const
Return the number of matches found (i.e.
void highlight(int id, int matchingIndex, int matchedLength)
Connect to this signal to implement highlighting of found text during the find operation.
void dialogClosed()
Emitted when the 'find next' dialog is being closed.
void optionsChanged()
Emitted when the options have changed.
void highlight(const TQString &text, int matchingIndex, int matchedLength)
Connect to this signal to implement highlighting of found text during the find operation.
long options() const
Return the current options.
virtual void resetCounts()
Call this to reset the numMatches count (and the numReplacements count for a KReplace).
A generic implementation of the "replace" function.