85 TQString addTask( const TQString& taskame, long total, long session, const DesktopList& desktops,
A utility to associate tasks with desktops As soon as a desktop is activated/left - an signal is emit...
Definition: desktoptracker.h:22
Singleton to store/retrieve KArm data to/from persistent storage.
Definition: karmstorage.h:68
Provide an interface to the configuration options for the program.
Definition: preferences.h:17
Preferences * preferences()
Return preferences user selected on settings dialog.
Definition: taskview.cpp:363
void clipTotals()
Copy totals for current and all sub tasks to clipboard.
Definition: taskview.cpp:812
void iCalFileChanged(TQString file)
User might have picked a new iCalendar file on preferences screen.
Definition: taskview.cpp:769
Task * first_child() const
Return the first item in the view, cast to a Task pointer.
Definition: taskview.cpp:172
TQString exportcsvHistory()
Export comma-separated values format for task history.
Definition: taskview.cpp:341
void iCalFileModified(ResourceCalendar *)
React on another process having modified the iCal file we rely on.
Definition: taskview.cpp:239
void resetTimeForAllTasks()
Reset session and total time to zero for all tasks.
Definition: taskview.cpp:453
void deletingTask(Task *deletedTask)
receiving signal that a task is being deleted
Definition: taskview.cpp:759
TQString importPlanner(TQString fileName="")
used to import tasks from imendio planner
Definition: taskview.cpp:308
void startCurrentTimer()
Start the timer on the current item (task) in view.
Definition: taskview.cpp:374
TQString addTask(const TQString &taskame, long total, long session, const DesktopList &desktops, Task *parent=0)
Add a task to view and storage.
Definition: taskview.cpp:529
void extractTime(int minutes)
Subtracts time from all active tasks, and does not log event.
Definition: taskview.cpp:704
TQString report(const ReportCriteria &rc)
call export function for csv totals or history
Definition: taskview.cpp:322
void clipSession()
Copy session times for current and all sub tasks to clipboard.
Definition: taskview.cpp:836
Task * current_item() const
Return the current item in the view, cast to a Task pointer.
Definition: taskview.cpp:177
void exportcsvFile()
Export comma separated values format for task time totals.
Definition: taskview.cpp:327
Task * item_at_index(int i)
Return the i'th item (zero-based), cast to a Task pointer.
Definition: taskview.cpp:182
void clipHistory()
Copy history for current and all sub tasks to clipboard.
Definition: taskview.cpp:860
void deleteTask(bool markingascomplete=false)
Delete task (and children) from view.
Definition: taskview.cpp:640
void startTimerFor(Task *task, TQDateTime startTime=TQDateTime::currentDateTime())
starts timer for task.
Definition: taskview.cpp:386
void itemStateChanged(TQListViewItem *item)
item state stores if a task is expanded so you can see the subtasks
Definition: taskview.cpp:227
void reinstateTask(int completion)
Reinstates the current task as incomplete.
Definition: taskview.cpp:622
void stopAllTimersAt(TQDateTime qdt)
Stop all running timers as if it was qdt.
Definition: taskview.cpp:426
TQValueList< HistoryEvent > getHistory(const TQDate &from, const TQDate &to) const
Return list of start/stop events for given date range.
Definition: taskview.cpp:782