
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CCategoryConvenience class to handle categories in the backend
 CStorageStorage is the main interface to the article archive
 CStorageDummyImplMetakit implementation of Storage interface
 CAbstractMatcherAbstract base class for matchers, a matcher just takes an article and checks whether the article matches some criterion or not
 CArticleFilterArticle filter, basically a matcher and an action
 CArticleMatcherPowerful matcher supporting multiple criterions, which can be combined via logical OR or AND
 CCriterionCriterion for ArticleMatcher
 CActionManagerInterface for accessing actions, popup menus etc
 CActionManagerImplAkregator-specific implementation of the ActionManager interface
 CArticleA proxy class for RSS::Article with some additional methods to assist sorting
 CArticleInterceptorInterface for intercepting new articles which were just fetched before adding them to the archive
 CArticleInterceptorManagerSingleton managing the interceptors
 CArticleViewerThis HTML viewer is used to display articles
 CFeedItemItem class corresponding to a Feed
 CFeedListThe model of a feed tree, represents an OPML document
 CFolderRepresents a folder (containing feeds and/or other folders)
 CKCursorSaverSets a cursor and makes sure it's restored on destruction Create a KCursorSaver object when you want to set the cursor
 CListTabWidgetA widget containing multiple list views, e.g
 CMainWindowThis is the application "Shell"
 CNotificationManagerThis class collects notification requests (new articles etc.) and processes them using KNotify
 CPartThis is a RSS Aggregator "Part"
 CProgressItemHandlerThis class handles the creation and deletion of progress items for one feed
 CProgressManagerThis class manages the progress items for all feeds
 CSelectNodeDialogA dialog with a simple listview displaying a feed list for selection purposes Use this dialog if you want the user to select a node from the feed list where FeedListView is inappropriate (e.g
 CTagActionTDEToggleAction for assigning and removing tags
 CTagSetSet of tags (see Tag) In an application, there is usually one central tag set that is used
 CTreeNodeAbstract base class for all kind of elements in the feed tree, like feeds and feed groups (and search folders later)
 CTreeNodeItemAbstract base class for all items in the feeds tree
 CViewThis is the main widget of the view, containing tree view, article list, viewer etc