Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
▼ akregator | |
► src | |
aboutdata.cpp | |
aboutdata.h | |
actionmanager.cpp | |
actionmanager.h | |
actionmanagerimpl.cpp | |
actionmanagerimpl.h | |
addfeeddialog.cpp | |
addfeeddialog.h | |
akregator_export.h | |
akregator_options.h | |
akregator_part.cpp | |
akregator_part.h | |
akregator_partiface.h | |
akregator_run.cpp | |
akregator_run.h | |
akregator_view.cpp | |
akregator_view.h | |
article.cpp | |
article.h | |
articlefilter.cpp | |
articlefilter.h | |
articleinterceptor.cpp | |
articleinterceptor.h | |
articlelistview.cpp | |
articlelistview.h | |
articleviewer.cpp | |
articleviewer.h | |
configdialog.cpp | |
configdialog.h | |
dragobjects.cpp | |
dragobjects.h | |
feed.cpp | |
feed.h | |
feediconmanager.cpp | |
feediconmanager.h | |
feeditem.cpp | |
feeditem.h | |
feedlist.cpp | |
feedlist.h | |
feedlistview.cpp | |
feedlistview.h | |
feedstorage.h | |
feedstoragedummyimpl.cpp | |
feedstoragedummyimpl.h | |
fetchqueue.cpp | |
fetchqueue.h | |
folder.cpp | |
folder.h | |
folderitem.cpp | |
folderitem.h | |
frame.cpp | |
frame.h | |
kcursorsaver.h | |
kernel.cpp | |
kernel.h | |
listtabwidget.cpp | |
listtabwidget.h | |
main.cpp | |
mainwindow.cpp | |
mainwindow.h | |
nodelist.cpp | |
nodelist.h | |
notificationmanager.cpp | |
notificationmanager.h | |
pageviewer.cpp | |
pageviewer.h | |
plugin.cpp | |
plugin.h | |
pluginmanager.cpp | |
pluginmanager.h | |
progressmanager.cpp | |
progressmanager.h | |
propertiesdialog.cpp | |
propertiesdialog.h | |
searchbar.cpp | |
searchbar.h | |
settings_advanced.cpp | |
settings_advanced.h | |
shared.h | |
simplenodeselector.cpp | |
simplenodeselector.h | |
speechclient.cpp | |
speechclient.h | |
storage.cpp | |
storage.h | |
storagedummyimpl.cpp | |
storagedummyimpl.h | |
storagefactory.h | |
storagefactorydummyimpl.cpp | |
storagefactorydummyimpl.h | |
storagefactoryregistry.cpp | |
storagefactoryregistry.h | |
tabwidget.cpp | |
tabwidget.h | |
tag.cpp | |
tag.h | |
tagaction.cpp | |
tagaction.h | |
tagfolder.cpp | |
tagfolder.h | |
tagfolderitem.cpp | |
tagfolderitem.h | |
tagnode.cpp | |
tagnode.h | |
tagnodeitem.cpp | |
tagnodeitem.h | |
tagnodelist.cpp | |
tagnodelist.h | |
tagpropertiesdialog.cpp | |
tagpropertiesdialog.h | |
tagset.cpp | |
tagset.h | |
trayicon.cpp | |
trayicon.h | |
treenode.cpp | |
treenode.h | |
treenodeitem.cpp | |
treenodeitem.h | |
treenodevisitor.cpp | |
treenodevisitor.h | |
utils.cpp | |
utils.h | |
viewer.cpp | |
viewer.h | |