36 template < class T> class TQValueList;
38 typedef unsigned int uint;
60 enum Status { Unread=0, Read, New };
61 typedef TQValueList<Article> List;
73 Article(RSS::Article article, Backend::FeedStorage* archive);
76 bool operator==( const Article &other) const;
77 bool operator!=( const Article &other) const { return !operator==(other); }
83 void setStatus( int s);
85 void offsetPubDate( int secs);
87 TQString title() const;
90 TQString author() const;
92 TQString description() const;
93 TQString guid() const;
96 void setKeep( bool keep);
97 bool isDeleted() const;
99 RSS::Enclosure enclosure() const;
114 bool guidIsPermaLink() const;
116 const TQDateTime& pubDate() const;
118 KURL commentsLink() const;
120 int comments() const;
122 void addTag( const TQString& tag);
123 void removeTag( const TQString& tag);
124 bool hasTag( const TQString& tag) const;
125 TQStringList tags() const;
127 bool operator<( const Article &other) const;
128 bool operator<=( const Article &other) const;
129 bool operator>( const Article &other) const;
130 bool operator>=( const Article &other) const;
134 void initialize(RSS::Article article, Backend::FeedStorage* archive);
135 static TQString buildTitle( const TQString& description);
137 int statusBits() const;
A proxy class for RSS::Article with some additional methods to assist sorting.
bool guidIsHash() const returns if the guid is a hash or an ID taken from the source
uint hash() const returns a hash value used to detect changes in articles with non-hash GUIDs.
bool keep() const if true, the article should be kept even when expired