
1 /*
2  $Id$
3  KDGantt - a multi-platform charting engine
4 */
6 /****************************************************************************
7  ** Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved.
8  **
9  ** This file is part of the KDGantt library.
10  **
11  ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
12  ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
13  ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
14  ** packaging of this file.
15  **
16  ** Licensees holding valid commercial KDGantt licenses may use this file in
17  ** accordance with the KDGantt Commercial License Agreement provided with
18  ** the Software.
19  **
20  ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
22  **
23  ** See http://www.klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se/Public/products/ for
24  ** information about KDGantt Commercial License Agreements.
25  **
26  ** Contact info@klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se if any conditions of this
27  ** licensing are not clear to you.
28  **
29  ** As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
30  ** with any edition of TQt, and distribute the resulting executable,
31  ** without including the source code for TQt in the source distribution.
32  **
33  **********************************************************************/
36 #include "KDGanttViewTaskItem.h"
37 #include "KDGanttViewSubwidgets.h"
39 #include "itemAttributeDialog.h"
70  const TQString& lvtext,
71  const TQString& name ) :
72  KDGanttViewItem( Task, view, lvtext, name )
73 {
75  initItem();
76 }
88  const TQString& lvtext,
89  const TQString& name ) :
90  KDGanttViewItem( Task, parent, lvtext, name )
91 {
92  initItem();
93 }
106  KDGanttViewItem* after,
107  const TQString& lvtext,
108  const TQString& name ) :
109  KDGanttViewItem( Task, view, after, lvtext, name )
110 {
111  initItem();
112 }
125  KDGanttViewItem* after,
126  const TQString& lvtext,
127  const TQString& name ) :
128  KDGanttViewItem( Task, parent, after, lvtext, name )
129 {
130  initItem();
131 }
138 {
140 }
152 void KDGanttViewTaskItem::setEndTime( const TQDateTime& end )
153 {
154  myEndTime = end;
155  if ( myEndTime < startTime() )
157  else
159 }
171 void KDGanttViewTaskItem::setStartTime( const TQDateTime& start )
172 {
173  if (! start.isValid() ) {
174  tqDebug("KDGanttViewTaskItem::setStartTime():Invalid parameter-no time set");
175  return;
176  }
177  myStartTime = start;
178  if ( myStartTime > endTime() )
180  else
182 }
189 void KDGanttViewTaskItem::hideMe()
190 {
191  startShape->hide();
192  progressShape->hide();
193  textCanvas->hide();
194  floatStartShape->hide();
195  floatEndShape->hide();
196 }
199 void KDGanttViewTaskItem::showItem(bool show, int coordY)
200 {
202  //tqDebug("KDGanttViewTaskItem::showItem() %d %s ", (int) show, listViewText().latin1());
203  isVisibleInGanttView = show;
204  invalidateHeight () ;
205  if (!show) {
206  hideMe();
207  return;
208  }
209  bool takedefaultHeight = true ; // pending: make configureable
210  float prio = ((float) ( priority() - 100 )) / 100.0;
211  startShape->setZ( prio );
212  progressShape->setZ(startShape->z()+0.002); // less than textCanvas
213  progressShape->hide();
214  floatStartShape->setZ(startShape->z()+0.003); // less than textCanvas
215  floatStartShape->hide();
216  floatEndShape->setZ(startShape->z()+0.003); // less than textCanvas
217  floatEndShape->hide();
218  textCanvas->setZ( prio + 0.005 );
219  if ( displaySubitemsAsGroup() && !parent() && !isOpen() ) {
220  hideMe();
221  return;
222  }
224  hideMe();//new
225  return;//new
228  }
229  //setExpandable(false);
230  KDCanvasRectangle* temp = (KDCanvasRectangle*) startShape;
231  KDCanvasRectangle* progtemp = (KDCanvasRectangle*) progressShape;
232  int startX, endX, midX = 0,allY, progX=0;
233  if ( coordY )
234  allY = coordY;
235  else
236  allY = getCoordY();
237  startX = myGanttView->myTimeHeader->getCoordX(myStartTime);
238  endX = myGanttView->myTimeHeader->getCoordX(myEndTime);
239  midX = endX;
240  if (myProgress > 0) {
241  progX = (endX - startX) * myProgress / 100;
242  }
243  int hei = height();
244  if ( ! isVisible() ) {
245  KDGanttViewItem * par = parent();
246  while ( par != 0 && !par->isVisible() )
247  par = par->parent();
248  if ( par )
249  hei = par->height();
250  }
251  if (myGanttView->myListView->itemAt( TQPoint(2, allY)))
252  hei = myGanttView->myListView->itemAt( TQPoint(2, allY))->height();
253  if ( takedefaultHeight )
254  hei = 16;
255  if ( myStartTime == myEndTime ) {
256  textCanvas->hide();
257  if ( showNoInformation() ) {
258  startShape->hide();
259  } else {
260  startShape->setZ( 1.01 );
262  hei = myGanttView->myTimeTable->height();
263  if (hei < myGanttView->myTimeTable->pendingHeight )
264  hei = myGanttView->myTimeTable->pendingHeight;
265  temp->setSize(5, hei );
266  temp->move(startX, 0);
267  temp->show();
268  } else {
269  temp->setSize( 1, hei -3 );
270  temp->move(startX, allY-hei/2 +2);
271  temp->show();
272  }
273  }
274  return;
275  }
276  if ( startX +3 >= endX )
277  temp->setSize( 3, hei-3 );
278  else
279  temp->setSize(endX-startX, hei-3 );
280  temp->move(startX, allY-hei/2 +2);
281  temp->show();
282  if (progX > 0) {
283  // FIXME: For now, just use inverted color for progress
284  TQColor c = temp->brush().color();
285  int h, s, v;
286  c.getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
287  h > 359/2 ? h -= 359/2 : h += 359/2;
288  c.setHsv(h, s, v);
289  progtemp->setBrush(TQBrush(c));
291  progtemp->setSize(progX, hei-3);
292  progtemp->move(temp->x(), temp->y());
293  progtemp->show();
294  }
295  if (myFloatStartTime.isValid()) {
296  KDCanvasRectangle* floatStartTemp = (KDCanvasRectangle*) floatStartShape;
297  int floatStartX = myGanttView->myTimeHeader->getCoordX(myFloatStartTime);
298  // FIXME: Configurable colors
299  TQBrush b(temp->brush().color(), Dense4Pattern);
300  floatStartTemp->setBrush(b);
301  floatStartTemp->setPen(TQPen(gray));
302  if (floatStartX < startX) {
303  floatStartTemp->setSize(startX - floatStartX, temp->size().height()/2);
304  floatStartTemp->move(floatStartX, temp->y() + temp->size().height()/4);
305  } else {
306  floatStartTemp->setSize(floatStartX - startX, temp->size().height()/2);
307  floatStartTemp->move(startX, temp->y() + temp->size().height()/4);
308  }
309  floatStartTemp->show();
310  }
311  if (myFloatEndTime.isValid()) {
312  KDCanvasRectangle* floatEndTemp = (KDCanvasRectangle*) floatEndShape;
313  int floatEndX = myGanttView->myTimeHeader->getCoordX(myFloatEndTime);
314  // FIXME: Configurable colors
315  TQBrush b(temp->brush().color(), Dense4Pattern);
316  floatEndTemp->setBrush(b);
317  floatEndTemp->setPen(TQPen(gray));
318  int ex = startX + temp->size().width();
319  if (floatEndX > ex) {
320  floatEndTemp->setSize(floatEndX - ex, temp->size().height()/2);
321  floatEndTemp->move(ex, temp->y() + temp->size().height()/4);
322  } else {
323  floatEndTemp->setSize(ex - floatEndX, temp->size().height()/2);
324  floatEndTemp->move(floatEndX, temp->y() + temp->size().height()/4);
325  }
326  floatEndTemp->show();
327  }
329  int wid = endX-startX - 4;
331  moveTextCanvas(endX,allY);
332  textCanvas->show();
333  } else {
334  if ( textCanvasText.isEmpty() || wid < 5)
335  textCanvas->hide();
336  else {
337  textCanvas->move(startX+3, allY-textCanvas->boundingRect().height()/2);
338  TQString temp = textCanvasText;
339  textCanvas->setText(temp);
340  int len = temp.length();
341  while ( textCanvas->boundingRect().width() > wid ) {
342  temp.truncate(--len);
343  textCanvas->setText(temp);
344  }
345  if ( temp.isEmpty())
346  textCanvas->hide();
347  else {
348  textCanvas->show();
349  }
350  }
351  }
352 }
355 void KDGanttViewTaskItem::initItem()
356 {
357  isVisibleInGanttView = false;
359  if ( myGanttView->calendarMode() && parent() ) {
360  setVisible( false );
361  parent()->setVisible( true );
362  } else
363  showItem(true);
364  //tqDebug("initItem %s %s", listViewText().latin1(),startShape->brush().color().name().latin1() );
365  myGanttView->myTimeTable->updateMyContent();
366  setDragEnabled( myGanttView->dragEnabled() );
367  setDropEnabled( myGanttView->dropEnabled() );
368 }
KDCanvasText * textCanvas
TQString textCanvasText
KDCanvasPolygonItem * startShape
TQDateTime myStartTime
void moveTextCanvas(int x, int y)
KDGanttViewItem * parent() const
TQDateTime myChildStartTime()
TQDateTime endTime() const
KDGanttView * myGanttView
bool displaySubitemsAsGroup() const
KDGanttViewItem * firstChild() const
TQDateTime myEndTime
TQDateTime myChildEndTime()
TQDateTime startTime() const
void setStartTime(const TQDateTime &start)
KDGanttViewTaskItem(KDGanttView *view, const TQString &lvtext=TQString(), const TQString &name=TQString())
void setEndTime(const TQDateTime &end)
bool dragEnabled() const
bool calendarMode() const
bool dropEnabled() const
bool displayEmptyTasksAsLine() const