49 bool operator==( const Event & ) const;
51 TQCString type() const { return "Event"; }
61 void setDtEnd( const TQDateTime &dtEnd);
65 virtual TQDateTime dtEnd() const;
71 TQDate dateEnd() const;
77 TQString TDE_DEPRECATED dtEndTimeStr() const;
86 TQString TDE_DEPRECATED dtEndDateStr( bool shortfmt = true ) const;
92 TQString TDE_DEPRECATED dtEndStr() const;
97 void setHasEndDate( bool);
101 bool hasEndDate() const;
106 bool isMultiDay() const;
111 void setTransparency( Transparency transparency );
115 Transparency transparency() const;
120 void setDuration( int seconds );
126 bool accept( Visitor &v ) { return v.visit( this ); }
130 Transparency mTransparency;
This class provides an Event in the sense of RFC2445.
virtual TQDateTime endDateRecurrenceBase() const Return the end date/time of the base incidence.
Transparency Transparency of event.
This class provides the base class common to all calendar components.
Namespace KCal is for global classes, objects and/or functions in libkcal.