
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NKCalNamespace KCal is for global classes, objects and/or functions in libkcal
 NAttachmentHandlerProvides methods to handle incidence attachments
 NCalHelperProvides methods for making decisions about calendar data
 CAlarmThis class represents an alarm notification
 CAssignmentVisitorHelper for type correct assignment of incidences via pointers
 CAttachmentThis class represents information related to an attachment
 CAttendeeThis class represents information related to an attendee of an event
 CCalendarThis is the main "calendar" object class
 CObserverThe Observer class
 CCalendarLocalThis class provides a calendar stored as a local file
 CCalendarNullThis is a null calendar class which does nothing
 CCalendarResourcesThis class provides a Calendar which is composed of other Calendars known as "Resources"
 CCalFilterFilter for calendar objects
 CCalFormatThis is the base class for calendar formats
 CCalStorageThis class provides the interface to the storage of a calendar
 CComparisonVisitorHelper for type correct comparison of incidences via pointers
 CCompatThis class provides compatibility to older (broken) versions of KOrganizer
 CCompatFactoryFactory for creating the right Compat object
 CCustomPropertiesThis class represents custom calendar properties
 CDndFactoryThis class implements functions to create Drag and Drop objects used for Drag-and-Drop and Copy-and-Paste
 CDurationThis class represents a duration
 CErrorFormatCalendar format related error class
 CEventThis class provides an Event in the sense of RFC2445
 CExceptionKOrganizer exceptions base class
 CFileStorageThis class provides a calendar storage as a local file
 CFreeBusyThis class provides information about free/busy time of a calendar user
 CHtmlExportThis class provides the functions to export a calendar as an HTML page
 CICalDragICalendar drag&drop class
 CICalFormatThis class implements the iCalendar format
 CIncidenceThis class provides the base class common to all calendar components
 CAddSubResourceVisitorThis class implements a visitor for adding an Incidence to a resource plus subresource supporting addEvent(), addTodo() and addJournal() calls
 CAddVisitorThis class implements a visitor for adding an Incidence to a resource supporting addEvent(), addTodo() and addJournal() calls
 CDeleteVisitorThis class implements a visitor for deleting an Incidence from a resource supporting deleteEvent(), deleteTodo() and deleteJournal() calls
 CIncidenceBaseThis class provides the base class common to all calendar components
 CVisitorThis class provides the interface for a visitor of calendar components
 CIncidenceFormatterThis class is a helper class that provides several static methods to format an Incidence into different formats, like an HTML representation for KMail, a representation for tool tips, or a representation for the event viewer
 CJournalThis class provides a Journal in the sense of RFC2445
 CListBaseThis class provides a template for lists of pointers
 CPeriodThis class represents a period of time
 CPersonThis class represents a person
 CRecurrenceThis class represents a recurrence rule for a calendar incidence
 CRecurrenceRuleThis class represents a recurrence rule for a calendar incidence
 CWDayPosStructure for describing the n-th weekday of the month/year
 CResourceCachedThis class provides a calendar resource using a local CalendarLocal object to cache the calendar data
 CResourceCachedReloadConfigConfiguration widget for reload policy
 CResourceCachedSaveConfigConfiguration widget for save policy
 CResourceCalendarThis class provides the interfaces for a calendar resource
 CResourceLocalThis class provides a calendar resource stored as a local file
 CResourceLocalConfigConfiguration widget for local file resource
 CScheduleMessageThis class provides an encapsulation of a scheduling message
 CSchedulerThis class provides an encapsulation of iTIP transactions
 CTodoThis class provides a Todo in the sense of RFC2445
 CTQtopiaFormatThis class implements the calendar format used by TQtopia
 CVCalDragVCalendar drag&drop class
 CVCalFormatThis class implements the vCalendar format