Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
▼NKCal | Namespace KCal is for global classes, objects and/or functions in libkcal |
NAttachmentHandler | Provides methods to handle incidence attachments |
NCalHelper | Provides methods for making decisions about calendar data |
CAlarm | This class represents an alarm notification |
CAssignmentVisitor | Helper for type correct assignment of incidences via pointers |
CAttachment | This class represents information related to an attachment |
CAttendee | This class represents information related to an attendee of an event |
▼CCalendar | This is the main "calendar" object class |
CObserver | The Observer class |
CCalendarLocal | This class provides a calendar stored as a local file |
CCalendarNull | This is a null calendar class which does nothing |
CCalendarResources | This class provides a Calendar which is composed of other Calendars known as "Resources" |
CCalFilter | Filter for calendar objects |
CCalFormat | This is the base class for calendar formats |
CCalStorage | This class provides the interface to the storage of a calendar |
CComparisonVisitor | Helper for type correct comparison of incidences via pointers |
CCompat | This class provides compatibility to older (broken) versions of KOrganizer |
CCompatFactory | Factory for creating the right Compat object |
CCustomProperties | This class represents custom calendar properties |
CDndFactory | This class implements functions to create Drag and Drop objects used for Drag-and-Drop and Copy-and-Paste |
CDuration | This class represents a duration |
CErrorFormat | Calendar format related error class |
CEvent | This class provides an Event in the sense of RFC2445 |
CException | KOrganizer exceptions base class |
CFileStorage | This class provides a calendar storage as a local file |
CFreeBusy | This class provides information about free/busy time of a calendar user |
CHtmlExport | This class provides the functions to export a calendar as an HTML page |
CICalDrag | ICalendar drag&drop class |
CICalFormat | This class implements the iCalendar format |
▼CIncidence | This class provides the base class common to all calendar components |
CAddSubResourceVisitor | This class implements a visitor for adding an Incidence to a resource plus subresource supporting addEvent(), addTodo() and addJournal() calls |
CAddVisitor | This class implements a visitor for adding an Incidence to a resource supporting addEvent(), addTodo() and addJournal() calls |
CDeleteVisitor | This class implements a visitor for deleting an Incidence from a resource supporting deleteEvent(), deleteTodo() and deleteJournal() calls |
▼CIncidenceBase | This class provides the base class common to all calendar components |
CVisitor | This class provides the interface for a visitor of calendar components |
CIncidenceFormatter | This class is a helper class that provides several static methods to format an Incidence into different formats, like an HTML representation for KMail, a representation for tool tips, or a representation for the event viewer |
CJournal | This class provides a Journal in the sense of RFC2445 |
CListBase | This class provides a template for lists of pointers |
CPeriod | This class represents a period of time |
CPerson | This class represents a person |
CRecurrence | This class represents a recurrence rule for a calendar incidence |
▼CRecurrenceRule | This class represents a recurrence rule for a calendar incidence |
CWDayPos | Structure for describing the n-th weekday of the month/year |
CResourceCached | This class provides a calendar resource using a local CalendarLocal object to cache the calendar data |
CResourceCachedReloadConfig | Configuration widget for reload policy |
CResourceCachedSaveConfig | Configuration widget for save policy |
CResourceCalendar | This class provides the interfaces for a calendar resource |
CResourceLocal | This class provides a calendar resource stored as a local file |
CResourceLocalConfig | Configuration widget for local file resource |
CScheduleMessage | This class provides an encapsulation of a scheduling message |
CScheduler | This class provides an encapsulation of iTIP transactions |
CTodo | This class provides a Todo in the sense of RFC2445 |
CTQtopiaFormat | This class implements the calendar format used by TQtopia |
CVCalDrag | VCalendar drag&drop class |
CVCalFormat | This class implements the vCalendar format |