Abstract base class for all kind of elements in the feed tree, like feeds and feed groups (and search...
Definition: treenode.h:52
virtual bool isGroup() const =0
Helps the rest of the app to decide if node should be handled as group or not.
virtual int totalCount() const =0
returns the number of total articles in the node (for groups: the accumulated count of the subtree)
void signalArticlesAdded(TreeNode *node, const TQValueList< Article > &guids)
emitted when new articles were added to this node or any node in the subtree (for folders).
virtual void setNotificationMode(bool doNotify, bool notifyOccurredChanges=true)
Definition: treenode.cpp:125
virtual void slotMarkAllArticlesAsRead()=0
Marks all articles in this node as read.
void signalArticlesUpdated(TreeNode *, const TQValueList< Article > &guids)
emitted when articles were updated
virtual void slotAddToFetchQueue(FetchQueue *queue, bool intervalFetchesOnly=false)=0
adds node to a fetch queue
virtual void doArticleNotification()
reimplement this in subclasses to do the actual notification called by articlesModified
Definition: treenode.cpp:171
virtual void articlesModified()
call this if the articles in the node were changed.
Definition: treenode.cpp:163
void signalChanged(TreeNode *)
Notification mechanism: emitted, when the node was modified and notification is enabled.
virtual TQStringList tags() const =0
returns a list of all tags occurring in this node (sub tree for folders)
void signalArticlesRemoved(TreeNode *, const TQValueList< Article > &guids)
emitted when articles were removed from this subtree.
virtual int unread() const =0
The unread count, returns the number of new/unread articles in the node (for groups: the accumulated ...
virtual void setParent(Folder *parent)
Sets parent node; Don't call this directly, is done automatically by insertChild-methods in Folder.
Definition: treenode.cpp:120
virtual void nodeModified()
call this if you modified the actual node (title, unread count).
Definition: treenode.cpp:155
virtual TQValueList< Article > articles(const TQString &tag=TQString())=0
Returns a sequence of the articles this node contains.
virtual void slotDeleteExpiredArticles()=0
Deletes all expired articles in the node (depending on the expiry settings).
virtual TQDomElement toOPML(TQDomElement parent, TQDomDocument document) const =0
exports node and child nodes to OPML (with akregator settings)
void signalDestroyed(TreeNode *)
Emitted when this object is deleted.