
KMAcctFolder Class Reference

#include <kmacctfolder.h>

Inheritance diagram for KMAcctFolder:

Public Member Functions

KMAccount * account ()
void addAccount (KMAccount *)
void removeAccount (KMAccount *)
void clearAccountList ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from KMFolder
 KMFolder (KMFolderDir *parent, const TQString &name, KMFolderType aFolderType, bool withIndex=true, bool exportedSernums=true)
bool isMainInbox ()
bool isOutbox ()
bool isSent ()
bool isTrash ()
bool isDrafts ()
bool isTemplates ()
void setAcctList (AccountList *list)
AccountList * acctList ()
bool hasAccounts () const
void readConfig (TDEConfig *config)
void writeConfig (TDEConfig *config) const
FolderStoragestorage ()
const FolderStoragestorage () const
KMFolderType folderType () const
TQString fileName () const
TQString location () const
TQString indexLocation () const
TQString subdirLocation () const
KMFolderDirchild () const
KMFolderDircreateChildFolder ()
void setChild (KMFolderDir *aChild)
bool noContent () const
void setNoContent (bool aNoContent)
bool noChildren () const
void setNoChildren (bool aNoChildren)
KMMessagegetMsg (int idx)
KMMsgInfo * unGetMsg (int idx)
bool isMessage (int idx)
DwString getDwString (int idx)
void ignoreJobsForMessage (KMMessage *)
FolderJob * createJob (KMMessage *msg, FolderJob::JobType jt=FolderJob::tGetMessage, KMFolder *folder=0, TQString partSpecifier=TQString(), const AttachmentStrategy *as=0) const
FolderJob * createJob (TQPtrList< KMMessage > &msgList, const TQString &sets, FolderJob::JobType jt=FolderJob::tGetMessage, KMFolder *folder=0) const
const KMMsgBase * getMsgBase (int idx) const
KMMsgBase * getMsgBase (int idx)
const KMMsgBase * operator[] (int idx) const
KMMsgBase * operator[] (int idx)
KMMessagetake (int idx)
void take (TQPtrList< KMMessage > msgList)
int addMsg (KMMessage *msg, int *index_return=0)
int addMsgKeepUID (KMMessage *msg, int *index_return=0)
int addMsg (TQPtrList< KMMessage > &, TQValueList< int > &index_return)
void emitMsgAddedSignals (int idx)
void removeMsg (int i, bool imapQuiet=false)
void removeMsg (TQPtrList< KMMessage > msgList, bool imapQuiet=false)
int expungeOldMsg (int days)
int moveMsg (KMMessage *msg, int *index_return=0)
int moveMsg (TQPtrList< KMMessage >, int *index_return=0)
int find (const KMMsgBase *msg) const
int find (const KMMessage *msg) const
int count (bool cache=false) const
int countUnread ()
int countUnreadRecursive ()
void msgStatusChanged (const KMMsgStatus oldStatus, const KMMsgStatus newStatus, int idx)
int open (const char *owner)
int canAccess ()
void close (const char *owner, bool force=false)
void sync ()
bool isOpened () const
void markNewAsUnread ()
void markUnreadAsRead ()
void remove ()
int expunge ()
void compact (CompactOptions options)
int rename (const TQString &newName, KMFolderDir *aParent=0)
bool dirty () const
void setDirty (bool f)
bool needsCompacting () const
void setNeedsCompacting (bool f)
void quiet (bool beQuiet)
bool isReadOnly () const
bool isWritable () const
bool mailCheckInProgress () const
bool canDeleteMessages () const
bool isSystemFolder () const
void setSystemFolder (bool itIs)
virtual TQString label () const
void setLabel (const TQString &l)
virtual TQString systemLabel () const
void setSystemLabel (const TQString &l)
virtual TQString prettyURL () const
void setMailingListEnabled (bool enabled)
bool isMailingListEnabled () const
void setMailingList (const MailingList &mlist)
MailingList mailingList () const
TQString mailingListPostAddress () const
void setIdentity (uint identity)
uint identity () const
TQString whoField () const
void setWhoField (const TQString &aWhoField)
TQString userWhoField (void)
void setUserWhoField (const TQString &whoField, bool writeConfig=true)
void correctUnreadMsgsCount ()
TQString idString () const
void setAutoExpire (bool enabled)
bool isAutoExpire () const
void setUnreadExpireAge (int age)
void setUnreadExpireUnits (ExpireUnits units)
void setReadExpireAge (int age)
void setReadExpireUnits (ExpireUnits units)
int getUnreadExpireAge () const
int getReadExpireAge () const
ExpireUnits getUnreadExpireUnits () const
ExpireUnits getReadExpireUnits () const
ExpireAction expireAction () const
void setExpireAction (ExpireAction a)
TQString expireToFolderId () const
void setExpireToFolderId (const TQString &id)
void expireOldMessages (bool immediate)
int writeIndex (bool createEmptyIndex=false)
void setStatus (int idx, KMMsgStatus status, bool toggle=false)
void setStatus (TQValueList< int > &ids, KMMsgStatus status, bool toggle=false)
bool useCustomIcons () const
void setUseCustomIcons (bool useCustomIcons)
TQString normalIconPath () const
TQString unreadIconPath () const
void setIconPaths (const TQString &normalPath, const TQString &unreadPath)
void removeJobs ()
void daysToExpire (int &unreadDays, int &readDays)
KMFoldertrashFolder () const
bool putRepliesInSameFolder () const
void setPutRepliesInSameFolder (bool b)
bool ignoreNewMail () const
void setIgnoreNewMail (bool b)
const TDEShortcut & shortcut () const
void setShortcut (const TDEShortcut &)
bool isMoveable () const
bool moveInProgress () const
void setMoveInProgress (bool b)
bool isValidName (const TQString &folderName, TQString &message)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from KMFolder
enum  CompactOptions { CompactLater , CompactNow , CompactSilentlyNow }
enum  ExpireAction { ExpireDelete , ExpireMove }
- Public Slots inherited from KMFolder
int updateIndex ()
void reallyAddMsg (KMMessage *aMsg)
void reallyAddCopyOfMsg (KMMessage *aMsg)
- Signals inherited from KMFolder
void changed ()
void closed ()
void cleared ()
void expunged (KMFolder *)
void iconsChanged ()
void nameChanged ()
void shortcutChanged (KMFolder *)
void msgRemoved (KMFolder *, TQ_UINT32 sernum)
void msgRemoved (int idx, TQString msgIdMD5)
void msgRemoved (KMFolder *)
void msgAdded (int idx)
void msgAdded (KMFolder *, TQ_UINT32 sernum)
void msgChanged (KMFolder *, TQ_UINT32 sernum, int delta)
void msgHeaderChanged (KMFolder *, int)
void statusMsg (const TQString &)
void numUnreadMsgsChanged (KMFolder *)
void removed (KMFolder *, bool)
void viewConfigChanged ()
void folderSizeChanged (KMFolder *)
void noContentChanged ()
void syncStateChanged ()

Detailed Description

Simple wrapper class that contains the kmail account handling stuff that is usually not required outside kmail.

WARNING: do not add virtual methods in this class. This class is used as a typecast for KMFolder only !!

Stefan Taferner

Definition at line 34 of file kmacctfolder.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ account()

KMAccount * KMAcctFolder::account ( )

Returns first account or 0 if no account is associated with this folder.

Definition at line 10 of file kmacctfolder.cpp.

◆ addAccount()

void KMAcctFolder::addAccount ( KMAccount *  aAcct)

Add given account to the list.

Definition at line 18 of file kmacctfolder.cpp.

◆ clearAccountList()

void KMAcctFolder::clearAccountList ( )

Clear list of accounts.

Definition at line 29 of file kmacctfolder.cpp.

◆ removeAccount()

void KMAcctFolder::removeAccount ( KMAccount *  aAcct)

Remove given account from the list.

Definition at line 36 of file kmacctfolder.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: