File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
► kmail | |
► interfaces | |
bodypart.h | |
interfaces/bodypartformatter.h | |
bodyparturlhandler.h | |
htmlwriter.h | |
observable.h | |
observer.h | |
rulewidgethandler.h | |
urlhandler.h | |
aboutdata.cpp | |
aboutdata.h | |
accountcombobox.cpp | |
accountcombobox.h | |
accountdialog.cpp | |
accountdialog.h | |
accountmanager.cpp | |
accountmanager.h | |
accountwizard.cpp | |
accountwizard.h | |
acljobs.cpp | |
acljobs.h | |
actionscheduler.cpp | |
actionscheduler.h | |
annotationjobs.cpp | |
annotationjobs.h | |
antispamconfig.cpp | |
antispamconfig.h | |
antispamwizard.cpp | |
antispamwizard.h | |
app_octetstream.cpp | |
archivefolderdialog.cpp | |
archivefolderdialog.h | |
attachmentcollector.cpp | |
attachmentcollector.h | |
attachmentlistview.cpp | |
attachmentlistview.h | |
attachmentstrategy.cpp | |
attachmentstrategy.h | |
backupjob.cpp | |
backupjob.h | |
bodypartformatter.cpp | |
bodypartformatter.h | |
bodypartformatterfactory.cpp | |
bodypartformatterfactory.h | |
bodyvisitor.cpp | |
bodyvisitor.h | |
cachedimapjob.cpp | |
cachedimapjob.h | |
callback.cpp | |
callback.h | |
chiasmuskeyselector.cpp | |
chiasmuskeyselector.h | |
colorlistbox.cpp | |
colorlistbox.h | |
compactionjob.cpp | |
compactionjob.h | |
composer.cpp | |
composer.h | |
configuredialog.cpp | |
configuredialog.h | |
configuredialog_p.cpp | |
copyfolderjob.cpp | |
copyfolderjob.h | |
csshelper.cpp | |
csshelper.h | |
customtemplates.cpp | |
customtemplates.h | |
dcoptest.cpp | |
dictionarycombobox.cpp | |
dictionarycombobox.h | |
distributionlistdialog.cpp | |
distributionlistdialog.h | |
editorwatcher.cpp | |
editorwatcher.h | |
encodingdetector.cpp | |
encodingdetector.h | |
encodingdetector_ja.cpp | |
expirejob.cpp | |
expirejob.h | |
expirypropertiesdialog.cpp | |
expirypropertiesdialog.h | |
favoritefolderview.cpp | |
favoritefolderview.h | |
filehtmlwriter.cpp | |
filehtmlwriter.h | |
filterimporterexporter.cpp | |
filterimporterexporter.h | |
filterlog.cpp | |
filterlog.h | |
filterlogdlg.cpp | |
filterlogdlg.h | |
folderdiaacltab.cpp | |
folderdiaacltab.h | |
folderdiaquotatab.cpp | |
folderdiaquotatab.h | |
folderdiaquotatab_p.cpp | |
folderIface.cpp | |
folderIface.h | |
folderjob.cpp | |
folderjob.h | |
folderpropertiesdialog.ui.h | |
folderrequester.cpp | |
folderrequester.h | |
foldersetselector.cpp | |
foldersetselector.h | |
foldershortcutdialog.cpp | |
foldershortcutdialog.h | |
folderstorage.cpp | |
folderstorage.h | |
foldertreebase.cpp | |
foldertreebase.h | |
folderutil.cpp | |
folderutil.h | |
folderviewtooltip.h | |
globalsettings.cpp | |
globalsettings.h | |
headeritem.cpp | |
headeritem.h | |
headerlistquicksearch.cpp | |
headerlistquicksearch.h | |
headerstrategy.cpp | |
headerstrategy.h | |
headerstyle.cpp | |
headerstyle.h | |
htmlstatusbar.cpp | |
htmlstatusbar.h | |
identitydialog.cpp | |
identitydialog.h | |
identitydrag.cpp | |
identitydrag.h | |
identitylistview.cpp | |
identitylistview.h | |
imapaccountbase.cpp | |
imapaccountbase.h | |
imapjob.cpp | |
imapjob.h | |
importarchivedialog.cpp | |
importarchivedialog.h | |
importjob.cpp | |
importjob.h | |
index.cpp | |
index.h | |
isubject.cpp | |
isubject.h | |
jobscheduler.cpp | |
jobscheduler.h | |
kcm_kmail.cpp | |
kcursorsaver.h | |
keyresolver.cpp | |
keyresolver.h | |
kleo_util.h | |
kmaccount.cpp | |
kmaccount.h | |
kmacctcachedimap.cpp | |
kmacctcachedimap.h | |
kmacctfolder.cpp | |
kmacctfolder.h | |
kmacctimap.cpp | |
kmacctimap.h | |
kmacctlocal.cpp | |
kmacctlocal.h | |
kmacctmaildir.cpp | |
kmacctmaildir.h | |
kmacctseldlg.cpp | |
kmacctseldlg.h | |
kmaddrbook.cpp | |
kmaddrbook.h | |
kmail_options.h | |
kmail_part.cpp | |
kmail_part.h | |
kmailicalIface.h | |
kmailicalifaceimpl.cpp | |
kmailicalifaceimpl.h | |
kmailIface.h | |
kmailpartIface.h | |
kmatmlistview.cpp | |
kmatmlistview.h | |
kmcommands.cpp | |
kmcommands.h | |
kmcomposewin.cpp | |
kmcomposewin.h | |
kmdebug.h | |
kmdict.cpp | |
kmdict.h | |
kmedit.cpp | |
kmedit.h | |
kmfawidgets.cpp | |
kmfawidgets.h | |
kmfilter.cpp | |
kmfilter.h | |
kmfilteraction.cpp | |
kmfilteraction.h | |
kmfilterdlg.cpp | |
kmfilterdlg.h | |
kmfiltermgr.cpp | |
kmfiltermgr.h | |
kmfolder.cpp | |
kmfolder.h | |
kmfoldercachedimap.cpp | |
kmfoldercachedimap.h | |
kmfoldercombobox.cpp | |
kmfoldercombobox.h | |
kmfolderdia.cpp | |
kmfolderdia.h | |
kmfolderdir.cpp | |
kmfolderdir.h | |
kmfolderimap.cpp | |
kmfolderimap.h | |
kmfolderindex.cpp | |
kmfolderindex.h | |
kmfoldermaildir.cpp | |
kmfoldermaildir.h | |
kmfoldermbox.cpp | |
kmfoldermbox.h | |
kmfoldermgr.cpp | |
kmfoldermgr.h | |
kmfoldernode.cpp | |
kmfoldernode.h | |
kmfoldersearch.cpp | |
kmfoldersearch.h | |
kmfolderseldlg.cpp | |
kmfolderseldlg.h | |
kmfoldertree.cpp | |
kmfoldertree.h | |
kmfoldertype.h | |
kmglobal.h | |
kmgroupware.cpp | |
kmgroupware.h | |
kmheaders.cpp | |
kmheaders.h | |
kmkernel.cpp | |
kmkernel.h | |
kmlineeditspell.cpp | |
kmlineeditspell.h | |
kmmainwidget.cpp | |
kmmainwidget.h | |
kmmainwin.cpp | |
kmmainwin.h | |
kmmessage.cpp | |
kmmessage.h | |
kmmimeparttree.cpp | |
kmmimeparttree.h | |
kmmsgbase.cpp | |
kmmsgbase.h | |
kmmsgdict.cpp | |
kmmsgdict.h | |
kmmsginfo.cpp | |
kmmsginfo.h | |
kmmsglist.cpp | |
kmmsglist.h | |
kmmsgpart.cpp | |
kmmsgpart.h | |
kmmsgpartdlg.cpp | |
kmmsgpartdlg.h | |
kmpopfiltercnfrmdlg.cpp | |
kmpopfiltercnfrmdlg.h | |
kmpopheaders.cpp | |
kmpopheaders.h | |
kmreadermainwin.cpp | |
kmreadermainwin.h | |
kmreaderwin.cpp | |
kmreaderwin.h | |
kmsearchpattern.cpp | |
kmsearchpattern.h | |
kmsearchpatternedit.cpp | |
kmsearchpatternedit.h | |
kmsender.cpp | |
kmsender.h | |
kmservertest.cpp | |
kmservertest.h | |
kmstartup.cpp | |
kmstartup.h | |
kmsystemtray.cpp | |
kmsystemtray.h | |
kmtransport.cpp | |
kmtransport.h | |
kmversion.h | |
korghelper.cpp | |
korghelper.h | |
listjob.cpp | |
listjob.h | |
localsubscriptiondialog.cpp | |
localsubscriptiondialog.h | |
mailcomposerIface.h | |
maildirjob.cpp | |
maildirjob.h | |
mailinglist-magic.cpp | |
mailinglist-magic.h | |
mailinglistpropertiesdialog.cpp | |
mailinglistpropertiesdialog.h | |
mailserviceimpl.cpp | |
mailserviceimpl.h | |
mailsourceviewer.cpp | |
mailsourceviewer.h | |
main.cpp | |
managesievescriptsdialog.cpp | |
managesievescriptsdialog.h | |
mboxjob.cpp | |
mboxjob.h | |
messageactions.cpp | |
messageactions.h | |
messagecomposer.cpp | |
messagecomposer.h | |
messagecopyhelper.cpp | |
messagecopyhelper.h | |
messageproperty.cpp | |
messageproperty.h | |
messagesender.h | |
networkaccount.cpp | |
networkaccount.h | |
newfolderdialog.cpp | |
newfolderdialog.h | |
objecttreeparser.cpp | |
objecttreeparser.h | |
objecttreeparser_p.cpp | |
partmetadata.h | |
partNode.cpp | |
partNode.h | |
partnodebodypart.cpp | |
partnodebodypart.h | |
popaccount.cpp | |
popaccount.h | |
protocols.h | |
quotajobs.cpp | |
quotajobs.h | |
recipientseditor.cpp | |
recipientseditor.h | |
recipientseditortest.cpp | |
recipientseditortest.h | |
recipientspicker.cpp | |
recipientspicker.h | |
redirectdialog.cpp | |
redirectdialog.h | |
regexplineedit.cpp | |
regexplineedit.h | |
renamejob.cpp | |
renamejob.h | |
rulewidgethandlermanager.cpp | |
rulewidgethandlermanager.h | |
scalix.cpp | |
scalix.h | |
searchjob.cpp | |
searchjob.h | |
searchwindow.cpp | |
searchwindow.h | |
secondarywindow.cpp | |
secondarywindow.h | |
sieveconfig.cpp | |
sieveconfig.h | |
sievedebugdialog.cpp | |
sievedebugdialog.h | |
sievejob.cpp | |
sievejob.h | |
signatureconfigurator.cpp | |
signatureconfigurator.h | |
simplefoldertree.h | |
simplestringlisteditor.cpp | |
simplestringlisteditor.h | |
snippetconfig.cpp | |
snippetconfig.h | |
snippetdlg.cpp | |
snippetdlg.h | |
snippetitem.cpp | |
snippetitem.h | |
snippetsettings.cpp | |
snippetsettings.h | |
snippetwidget.cpp | |
snippetwidget.h | |
spamheaderanalyzer.cpp | |
spamheaderanalyzer.h | |
stl_util.h | |
stringutil.cpp | |
stringutil.h | |
subscriptiondialog.cpp | |
subscriptiondialog.h | |
tdehtmlparthtmlwriter.cpp | |
tdehtmlparthtmlwriter.h | |
tdelistboxdialog.cpp | |
tdelistboxdialog.h | |
tdelistviewindexedsearchline.cpp | |
tdelistviewindexedsearchline.h | |
teehtmlwriter.cpp | |
teehtmlwriter.h | |
templateparser.cpp | |
templateparser.h | |
templatesconfiguration.cpp | |
templatesconfiguration.h | |
templatesinsertcommand.cpp | |
templatesinsertcommand.h | |
textsource.cpp | |
textsource.h | |
transportmanager.cpp | |
transportmanager.h | |
treebase.cpp | |
treebase.h | |
twindowpositioner.cpp | |
twindowpositioner.h | |
undostack.cpp | |
undostack.h | |
urlhandlermanager.cpp | |
urlhandlermanager.h | |
util.cpp | |
util.h | |
vacation.cpp | |
vacation.h | |
vacationdialog.cpp | |
vacationdialog.h | |
vcardviewer.cpp | |
vcardviewer.h | |
xfaceconfigurator.cpp | |
xfaceconfigurator.h |