
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NKBusyPtrConvenience functions
 NACLJobsThis namespace contains functions that return jobs for ACL operations
 CDeleteACLJobDelete the permissions for a given user on a given url This class only exists to store the userid in the job
 CGetACLJobList all ACLs for a given url
 CGetUserRightsJobGet the users' rights for a given url
 CMultiSetACLJobSet and delete a list of permissions for different users on a given url
 NAnnotationJobsThis namespace contains functions that return jobs for annotation operations
 CGetAnnotationJobFor getAnnotation()
 CMultiGetAnnotationJobFor multiGetAnnotation
 CMultiSetAnnotationJobFor multiSetAnnotation
 CMultiUrlGetAnnotationJobFor multiUrlGetAnnotation
 NInterfaceAn interface for HTML sinks
 CBodyPartInterface of message body parts
 CBodyPartFormatterPluginInterface for BodyPartFormatter plugins
 CBodyPartMementoInterface of classes that implement status for BodyPartFormatters
 CBodyPartURLHandlerAn interface to body part reader link handlers
 CObservableObservable interface
 CObserverObserver interface
 NQuotaJobsThis namespace contains functions that return jobs for quota operations
 CGetQuotarootJobFor getQuotaroot()
 CGetStorageQuotaJobFor getStorageQuota()
 NStringUtilThis namespace contain helper functions for string manipulation
 NUtilThe Util namespace contains a collection of helper functions use in various places
 CLaterDeleterA LaterDeleter is intended to be used with the RAII ( Resource Acquisition is Initialization ) paradigm
 CAccountComboBoxA readonly combobox showing the accounts, to select one
 CAccountManagerThe account manager is responsible for creating accounts of various types via the factory method create() and for keeping track of them
 CACLEntryDialog"New Access Control Entry" dialog
 CACLListEntryOne entry in the ACL list: user and permissions
 CAnnotationAttributeOne entry in the annotation list: attribute name and attribute value
 CAntiSpamConfigSingleton to manage loading the kmail.antispamrc file
 CAntiSpamWizardKMail anti-spam wizard
 CConfigReaderInstances of this class control reading the configuration of the anti-spam tools from global and user config files as well as the merging of different config versions
 CSpamToolConfigInstances of this class store the settings for one tool as read from the config file
 CBackupJobWrites an entire folder structure to an archive file
 CCallbackThis class is used for callback hooks needed by bodypart formatter plugins
 CCopyFolderJobCopy a hierarchy of folders somewhere else in the folder tree
 CDictionaryComboBoxA combo box for selecting the dictionary used for spell checking
 CEditorWatcherStarts an editor for the given URL and emits an signal when editing has been finished
 CFilterImporterExporterUtility class that provides persisting of filters to/from TDEConfig
 CFilterLogKMail Filter Log Collector
 CFilterLogDialogKMail Filter Log Collector
 CFolderDiaACLTab"Access Control" tab in the folder dialog Internal class, only used by KMFolderDialog
 CFolderDiaGeneralTab"General" tab in the folder dialog Internal class, only used by KMFolderDialog
 CFolderDiaQuotaTab"Quota" tab in the folder dialog Internal class, only used by KMFolderDialog
 CFolderDiaTabThis is the base class for tabs in the folder dialog
 CFolderDiaTemplatesTab"Templates" tab in the folder dialog Internal class, only used by KMFolderDialog
 CFolderRequesterA widget that contains a KLineEdit which shows the current folder and a button that fires a KMFolderSelDlg The dialog is set to disable readonly folders by default Search folders are excluded
 CHeaderItemVisual representation of a member of the set of displayables (mails in the current folder)
 CHeaderStyleThis class encapsulates the visual appearance of message headers
 CHtmlStatusBarThe HTML statusbar widget for use with the reader
 CHtmlWriterAn interface to HTML sinks
 CIdentityDragA TQDragObject for KPIM::Identity
 CIdentityListViewA listview for KPIM::Identity
 CIdentityListViewItemA TQListViewItem for use in IdentityListView
 CImportJobImports an archive that was previously backed up with an BackupJob
 CJobSchedulerThe unique JobScheduler instance (owned by kmkernel) implements "background processing" of folder operations (like expiration and compaction)
 CListJobGeneric folder list job for (d)imap accounts
 CMaildirCompactionJobA job that runs in the background and compacts maildir folders
 CMailingListClass is used for all Mailing List handling inside KMail
 CMboxCompactionJobA job that runs in the background and compacts mbox folders
 CMessageActionsManages common actions that can be performed on one or more messages
 CMessageCopyHelperHelper class to copy/move a set of messages defined by their serial numbers from arbitrary folders into a common destination folder
 CPartNodeBodyPartImplemenation of the BodyPart interface using partNodes
 CPopAccountKMail account for pop mail account
 CRedirectDialogKMail message redirection dialog
 CRenameJobRename and move (d)imap folders They can be moved everywhere (except search folders) as a new folder is created, all messages are moved there and the original folder is deleted
 CRuleWidgetHandlerAn interface to filter/search rule widget handlers
 CRuleWidgetHandlerManagerSingleton to manage the list of RuleWidgetHandlers
 CScheduledCompactionTaskA scheduled "compact mails in this folder" task
 CScheduledExpireTaskA scheduled "expire mails in this folder" task
 CScheduledJobBase class for scheduled jobs
 CScheduledTaskA scheduled task is some information about a folder job that should be run later
 CSearchJobSearch job
 CSearchWindowDialog for triggering a search on folders and storing that search as a search folder
 CSecondaryWindowWindow class for secondary KMail window like the composer window and the separate message window
 CSieveDebugDialogDiagnostic info for Sieve
 CSortCacheItemRepresents an item in the set of mails to be displayed but only as far as sorting, threading and reading/writing of the current sort order to a disk cache is concerned
 CSpamHeaderAnalyzerFlyweight for analysing spam headers
 CSpamScoreA simple tupel of agent, score and header
 CTeeHtmlWriterA HtmlWriter that dispatches all calls to a list of other HtmlWriters
 CTransportManagerCurrently only used to provide a function for reading the transport list
 CUndoInfoA class for storing Undo information
 CURLHandlerAn interface to reader link handlers
 CURLHandlerManagerSingleton to manage the list of URLHandlers