
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAccountUpdaterDImap accounts need to be updated after just being created to show the folders it has
 CAttachmentModifyCommandBase class for commands modifying attachements of existing messages
 CEncodingDetectorProvides encoding detection capabilities
 CFolderStorageBass class for the storage related aspects of a collection of mail (a folder)
 CKCursorSaverSets a cursor and makes sure it's restored on destruction Create a KCursorSaver object when you want to set the cursor
 CKMAcctFolderSimple wrapper class that contains the kmail account handling stuff that is usually not required outside kmail
 CKMAcctSelDlgSelect account from given list of account types
 CKMailICalIfaceImplThe implementation of the interface
 CKMailIfaceCheckMail wont show reader but will check mail
 CKMDictKMDict implements a lightweight dictionary with serial numbers as keys
 CKMDictItemClass representing items in a KMDict
 CKMFilterActionAbstract base class for KMail's filter actions
 CKMFilterActionDescAuxiliary struct to KMFilterActionDict
 CKMFilterActionDictDictionary that contains a list of all registered filter actions with their creation functions
 CKMFilterActionWidgetThis widgets allows to edit a single KMFilterAction (in fact any derived class that is registered in KMFilterActionDict)
 CKMFilterActionWithAddressAbstract base class for KMail's filter actions that need a mail address as parameter, e.g
 CKMFilterActionWithFolderAbstract base class for KMail's filter actions that need a mail folder as parameter, e.g
 CKMFilterActionWithNoneAbstract base class for KMail's filter actions that need no parameter, e.g
 CKMFilterActionWithStringAbstract base class for KMail's filter actions that need a free-form parameter, e.g
 CKMFilterActionWithStringListAbstract base class for KMail's filter actions that need a parameter which can be chosen from a fixed set, e.g
 CKMFilterActionWithUOIDAbstract base class for KMail's filter actions that need a parameter that has a UOID, e.g
 CKMFilterActionWithUrlAbstract base class for KMail's filter actions that need a command line as parameter, e.g
 CKMFilterDlgThe filter dialog
 CKMFilterListBoxThis is a complex widget that is used to manipulate KMail's filter list
 CKMFolderMail folder
 CKMFolderDialogDialog for handling the properties of a mail folder
 CKMFolderDirKMail list that manages the contents of one directory that may contain folders and/or other directories
 CKMFolderIndexA FolderStorage with an index for faster access to often used message properties
 CKMFolderOpenerRAII for KMFolder::open() / close()
 CKMHeadersThe widget that shows the contents of folders
 CKMKernelCentral point of coordination in KMail
 CKMMenuCommandReturns a popupmenu containing a hierarchy of folder names
 CKMMessageThis is a Mime Message
 CKMMsgDictKMail message dictionary
 CKMMsgListAn abstraction of an array of pointers to messages
 CKMMsgPartDialogGUI for KMMsgPartDialog
 CKMMsgPartDialogCompatThe attachment dialog with convenience backward compatible methods
 CKMReaderWinThis class implements a "reader window", that is a window used for reading or viewing messages
 CKMSearchPatternThis class is an abstraction of a search over messages
 CKMSearchPatternEditThis widget is intended to be used in the filter configuration as well as in the message search dialogs
 CKMSearchRuleIncoming mail is sent through the list of mail filter rules before it is placed in the associated mail folder (usually "inbox")
 CKMSearchRuleNumericalThis class represents a search to be performed against a numerical value, such as the age of the message in days or its size
 CKMSearchRuleStatusThis class represents a search to be performed against the status of a messsage
 CKMSearchRuleStringThis class represents a search to be performed against a string
 CKMSearchRuleWidgetA widget to edit a single KMSearchRule
 CKMSpellReimplemented to make writePersonalDictionary() public, which we call everytime after adding a word to the dictionary (for safety's sake and because the highlighter needs to reload the personal word list, and for that, it needs to be written to disc)
 CKMSyntaxHighterReimplemented to add support for ignored words
 CKMSystemTrayKMSystemTray extends KSystemTray and handles system tray notification for KMail
 CMailComposerIfaceDCOP interface for mail composer window
 CSnippetConfigThis class stores the values that can be configured via the KDevelop settings dialog
 CSnippetGroupThis class represents one group in the listview
 CSnippetItemThis class represents one CodeSnippet-Item in the listview
 CSnippetSettingsThis class is the widget that is showen in the KDevelop settings dialog
 CSnippetWidgetThis is the widget which gets added to the right TreeToolView
 CTDEListViewIndexedSearchLineExtends HeaderListQuickSearch to also search inside message bodies using KMMsgIndex
 CTemplateParserThe TemplateParser transforms a message with a given template