
2 headerstyle.cpp
4 This file is part of KMail, the KDE mail client.
5 Copyright (c) 2003 Marc Mutz <>
7 KMail is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as
9 published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 KMail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
12 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 General Public License for more details.
16 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
20 In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
21 permission to link the code of this program with any edition of
22 the TQt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions
23 of TQt that use the same license as TQt), and distribute linked
24 combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General
25 Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than
26 TQt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to
27 your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
28 you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from
29 your version.
32#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
33#include <config.h>
36#include "headerstyle.h"
38#include "headerstrategy.h"
39#include "kmkernel.h"
40#include "linklocator.h"
41#include "kmmessage.h"
42#include "spamheaderanalyzer.h"
43#include "globalsettings.h"
45#include <libemailfunctions/email.h>
46#include <libtdepim/kxface.h>
47using namespace KPIM;
49#include <mimelib/string.h>
50#include <mimelib/field.h>
51#include <mimelib/headers.h>
53#include <kdebug.h>
54#include <tdelocale.h>
55#include <tdeglobal.h>
56#include <tdeimproxy.h>
57#include <tdeabc/stdaddressbook.h>
58#include <tdeabc/addresseelist.h>
59#include <kmdcodec.h>
60#include <tqdatetime.h>
61#include <tqbuffer.h>
62#include <tqbitmap.h>
63#include <tqimage.h>
64#include <tqapplication.h>
65#include <tqregexp.h>
67#include <tdestandarddirs.h>
69namespace KMail {
71 //
72 // Convenience functions:
73 //
74 static inline TQString directionOf( const TQString & str ) {
75 return str.isRightToLeft() ? "rtl" : "ltr" ;
76 }
78#if 0
79 // Converts to html. Changes URLs into href's, escapes HTML special
80 // chars and inserts the result into an <div> or <span> tag with
81 // "dir" set to "rtl" or "ltr" depending on the direction of @p str.
82 static TQString convertToHtmlBlock( const TQString & str, bool useSpan=false ) {
83 TQString dir = directionOf( str );
84 TQString format = "<%1 dir=\"%3\">%4</%2>";
85 return format.arg( useSpan ? "span" : "div" )
86 .arg( useSpan ? "span" : "div" )
87 .arg( dir )
88 .arg( LinkLocator::convertToHtml( str ) );
89 }
92 // ### tmp wrapper to make kmreaderwin code working:
93 static TQString strToHtml( const TQString & str,
94 int flags = LinkLocator::PreserveSpaces ) {
95 return LinkLocator::convertToHtml( str, flags );
96 }
98 //
99 // BriefHeaderStyle
100 // Show everything in a single line, don't show header field names.
101 //
103 class BriefHeaderStyle : public HeaderStyle {
104 friend class ::KMail::HeaderStyle;
105 protected:
106 BriefHeaderStyle() : HeaderStyle() {}
107 virtual ~BriefHeaderStyle() {}
109 public:
110 const char * name() const { return "brief"; }
111 const HeaderStyle * next() const { return plain(); }
112 const HeaderStyle * prev() const { return fancy(); }
114 TQString format( const KMMessage * message, const HeaderStrategy * strategy,
115 const TQString & vCardName, bool printing, bool topLevel ) const;
116 };
118 TQString BriefHeaderStyle::format( const KMMessage * message,
119 const HeaderStrategy * strategy,
120 const TQString & vCardName, bool printing, bool topLevel ) const {
121 Q_UNUSED( topLevel );
122 if ( !message ) return TQString();
123 if ( !strategy )
124 strategy = HeaderStrategy::brief();
126 // The direction of the header is determined according to the direction
127 // of the application layout.
129 TQString dir = TQApplication::reverseLayout() ? "rtl" : "ltr" ;
131 // However, the direction of the message subject within the header is
132 // determined according to the contents of the subject itself. Since
133 // the "Re:" and "Fwd:" prefixes would always cause the subject to be
134 // considered left-to-right, they are ignored when determining its
135 // direction.
137 TQString subjectDir;
138 if (!message->subject().isEmpty())
139 subjectDir = directionOf( message->cleanSubject() );
140 else
141 subjectDir = directionOf( i18n("No Subject") );
143 // Prepare the date string (when printing always use the localized date)
144 TQString dateString;
145 if( printing ) {
146 TQDateTime dateTime;
147 TDELocale * locale = TDEGlobal::locale();
148 dateTime.setTime_t( message->date() );
149 dateString = locale->formatDateTime( dateTime );
150 } else {
151 dateString = message->dateStr();
152 }
154 TQString headerStr = "<div class=\"header\" dir=\"" + dir + "\">\n";
156 if ( strategy->showHeader( "subject" ) )
157 headerStr += "<div dir=\"" + subjectDir + "\">\n"
158 "<b style=\"font-size:130%\">" +
159 strToHtml( message->subject() ) +
160 "</b></div>\n";
162 TQStringList headerParts;
164 if ( strategy->showHeader( "from" ) ) {
165 TQString fromStr = message->from();
166 if ( fromStr.isEmpty() ) // no valid email in from, maybe just a name
167 fromStr = message->fromStrip(); // let's use that
168 TQString fromPart = KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor( fromStr, true );
169 if ( !vCardName.isEmpty() )
170 fromPart += "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"" + vCardName + "\">" + i18n("[vCard]") + "</a>";
171 headerParts << fromPart;
172 }
174 if ( strategy->showHeader( "cc" ) && !message->cc().isEmpty() )
175 headerParts << i18n("CC: ") + KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor( message->cc(), true );
177 if ( strategy->showHeader( "bcc" ) && !message->bcc().isEmpty() )
178 headerParts << i18n("BCC: ") + KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor( message->bcc(), true );
180 if ( strategy->showHeader( "date" ) )
181 headerParts << strToHtml(message->dateShortStr());
183 // remove all empty (modulo whitespace) entries and joins them via ", \n"
184 headerStr += " (" + headerParts.grep( TQRegExp( "\\S" ) ).join( ",\n" ) + ')';
186 headerStr += "</div>\n";
188 // ### iterate over the rest of strategy->headerToDisplay() (or
189 // ### all headers if DefaultPolicy == Display) (elsewhere, too)
190 return headerStr;
191 }
193 //
194 // PlainHeaderStyle:
195 // show every header field on a line by itself,
196 // show subject larger
197 //
199 class PlainHeaderStyle : public HeaderStyle {
200 friend class ::KMail::HeaderStyle;
201 protected:
202 PlainHeaderStyle() : HeaderStyle() {}
203 virtual ~PlainHeaderStyle() {}
205 public:
206 const char * name() const { return "plain"; }
207 const HeaderStyle * next() const { return fancy(); }
208 const HeaderStyle * prev() const { return brief(); }
210 TQString format( const KMMessage * message, const HeaderStrategy * strategy,
211 const TQString & vCardName, bool printing, bool topLevel ) const;
213 private:
214 TQString formatAllMessageHeaders( const KMMessage * message ) const;
215 };
217 TQString PlainHeaderStyle::format( const KMMessage * message,
218 const HeaderStrategy * strategy,
219 const TQString & vCardName, bool printing, bool topLevel ) const {
220 Q_UNUSED( topLevel );
221 if ( !message ) return TQString();
222 if ( !strategy )
223 strategy = HeaderStrategy::rich();
225 // The direction of the header is determined according to the direction
226 // of the application layout.
228 TQString dir = ( TQApplication::reverseLayout() ? "rtl" : "ltr" );
230 // However, the direction of the message subject within the header is
231 // determined according to the contents of the subject itself. Since
232 // the "Re:" and "Fwd:" prefixes would always cause the subject to be
233 // considered left-to-right, they are ignored when determining its
234 // direction.
236 TQString subjectDir;
237 if (!message->subject().isEmpty())
238 subjectDir = directionOf( message->cleanSubject() );
239 else
240 subjectDir = directionOf( i18n("No Subject") );
242 // Prepare the date string (when printing always use the localized date)
243 TQString dateString;
244 if( printing ) {
245 TQDateTime dateTime;
246 TDELocale* locale = TDEGlobal::locale();
247 dateTime.setTime_t( message->date() );
248 dateString = locale->formatDateTime( dateTime );
249 }
250 else {
251 dateString = message->dateStr();
252 }
254 TQString headerStr;
256 if ( strategy->headersToDisplay().isEmpty()
257 && strategy->defaultPolicy() == HeaderStrategy::Display ) {
258 // crude way to emulate "all" headers - Note: no strings have
259 // i18n(), so direction should always be ltr.
260 headerStr= TQString("<div class=\"header\" dir=\"ltr\">");
261 headerStr += formatAllMessageHeaders( message );
262 return headerStr + "</div>";
263 }
265 headerStr = TQString("<div class=\"header\" dir=\"%1\">").arg(dir);
267 //case HdrLong:
268 if ( strategy->showHeader( "subject" ) )
269 headerStr += TQString("<div dir=\"%1\"><b style=\"font-size:130%\">" +
270 strToHtml(message->subject()) + "</b></div>\n")
271 .arg(subjectDir);
273 if ( strategy->showHeader( "date" ) )
274 headerStr.append(i18n("Date: ") + strToHtml(dateString)+"<br>\n");
276#if 0
277 // Get Instant Messaging presence
278 TQString presence;
279 TQString tdeabcUid;
280 if ( strategy->showHeader( "status" ) )
281 {
282 TDEABC::AddressBook *addressBook = TDEABC::StdAddressBook::self( true );
283 TDEABC::AddresseeList addresses = addressBook->findByEmail( KPIM::getFirstEmailAddress( message->from() ) );
284 ::KIMProxy *imProxy = KMKernel::self()->imProxy();
285 tdeabcUid = addresses[0].uid();
286 presence = imProxy->presenceString( tdeabcUid );
287 }
290 if ( strategy->showHeader( "from" ) ) {
291 TQString fromStr = message->from();
292 if ( fromStr.isEmpty() ) // no valid email in from, maybe just a name
293 fromStr = message->fromStrip(); // let's use that
294 headerStr.append(i18n("From: ") +
295 KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor( fromStr, false, "", true ) );
296 if ( !vCardName.isEmpty() )
297 headerStr.append("&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"" + vCardName +
298 "\">" + i18n("[vCard]") + "</a>" );
299#if 0
300 if ( !presence.isEmpty() && strategy->showHeader( "status" ) )
301 headerStr.append("&nbsp;&nbsp;(<span name=\"presence-" + tdeabcUid + "\">" + presence + "</span>)" );
304 if ( strategy->showHeader( "organization" )
305 && !message->headerField("Organization").isEmpty())
306 headerStr.append("&nbsp;&nbsp;(" +
307 strToHtml(message->headerField("Organization")) + ")");
308 headerStr.append("<br>\n");
309 }
311 if ( strategy->showHeader( "to" ) )
312 headerStr.append(i18n("To: ")+
313 KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor(message->to(),false) + "<br>\n");
315 if ( strategy->showHeader( "cc" ) && !message->cc().isEmpty() )
316 headerStr.append(i18n("CC: ")+
317 KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor(message->cc(),false) + "<br>\n");
319 if ( strategy->showHeader( "bcc" ) && !message->bcc().isEmpty() )
320 headerStr.append(i18n("BCC: ")+
321 KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor(message->bcc(),false) + "<br>\n");
323 if ( strategy->showHeader( "reply-to" ) && !message->replyTo().isEmpty())
324 headerStr.append(i18n("Reply to: ")+
325 KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor(message->replyTo(),false) + "<br>\n");
327 headerStr += "</div>\n";
329 return headerStr;
330 }
332 TQString PlainHeaderStyle::formatAllMessageHeaders( const KMMessage * message ) const {
333 const DwHeaders & headers = message->headers();
334 TQString result;
336 for ( const DwField * field = headers.FirstField() ; field ; field = field->Next() ) {
337 result += ( field->FieldNameStr() + ": " ).c_str();
338 result += strToHtml( field->FieldBodyStr().c_str() );
339 result += "<br>\n";
340 }
342 return result;
343 }
345 //
346 // FancyHeaderStyle:
347 // Like PlainHeaderStyle, but with slick frames and background colours.
348 //
350 class FancyHeaderStyle : public HeaderStyle {
351 friend class ::KMail::HeaderStyle;
352 protected:
353 FancyHeaderStyle() : HeaderStyle() {}
354 virtual ~FancyHeaderStyle() {}
356 public:
357 const char * name() const { return "fancy"; }
358 const HeaderStyle * next() const { return enterprise(); }
359 const HeaderStyle * prev() const { return plain(); }
361 TQString format( const KMMessage * message, const HeaderStrategy * strategy,
362 const TQString & vCardName, bool printing, bool topLevel ) const;
363 static TQString imgToDataUrl( const TQImage & image,
364 const char *fmt = "PNG" );
366 private:
367 static TQString drawSpamMeter( double percent, const TQString & filterHeader );
369 };
371 TQString FancyHeaderStyle::drawSpamMeter( double percent,
372 const TQString & filterHeader )
373 {
374 TQImage meterBar( 20, 1, 8, 24 );
375 const unsigned short gradient[20][3] = {
376 { 0, 255, 0 },
377 { 27, 254, 0 },
378 { 54, 252, 0 },
379 { 80, 250, 0 },
380 { 107, 249, 0 },
381 { 135, 247, 0 },
382 { 161, 246, 0 },
383 { 187, 244, 0 },
384 { 214, 242, 0 },
385 { 241, 241, 0 },
386 { 255, 228, 0 },
387 { 255, 202, 0 },
388 { 255, 177, 0 },
389 { 255, 151, 0 },
390 { 255, 126, 0 },
391 { 255, 101, 0 },
392 { 255, 76, 0 },
393 { 255, 51, 0 },
394 { 255, 25, 0 },
395 { 255, 0, 0 }
396 };
397 meterBar.setColor( 21, tqRgb( 255, 255, 255 ) );
398 meterBar.setColor( 22, tqRgb( 170, 170, 170 ) );
399 if ( percent < 0 ) // grey is for errors
400 meterBar.fill( 22 );
401 else {
402 meterBar.fill( 21 );
403 int max = TQMIN( 20, static_cast<int>( percent ) / 5 );
404 for ( int i = 0; i < max; ++i ) {
405 meterBar.setColor( i+1, tqRgb( gradient[i][0], gradient[i][1],
406 gradient[i][2] ) );
407 meterBar.setPixel( i, 0, i+1 );
408 }
409 }
410 TQString titleText = i18n("%1% probability of being spam.\n\nFull report:\n%2")
411 .arg( TQString::number( percent ), filterHeader );
412 return TQString("<img src=\"%1\" width=\"%2\" height=\"%3\" style=\"border: 1px solid black;\" title=\"%4\"> &nbsp;")
413 .arg( imgToDataUrl( meterBar, "PPM" ), TQString::number( 20 ),
414 TQString::number( 5 ), titleText );
415 }
418 TQString FancyHeaderStyle::format( const KMMessage * message,
419 const HeaderStrategy * strategy,
420 const TQString & vCardName, bool printing, bool topLevel ) const {
421 Q_UNUSED( topLevel );
422 if ( !message ) return TQString();
423 if ( !strategy )
424 strategy = HeaderStrategy::rich();
426 TDEConfigGroup configReader( KMKernel::config(), "Reader" );
428 // ### from kmreaderwin begin
429 // The direction of the header is determined according to the direction
430 // of the application layout.
432 TQString dir = ( TQApplication::reverseLayout() ? "rtl" : "ltr" );
433 TQString headerStr = TQString("<div class=\"fancy header\" dir=\"%1\">\n").arg(dir);
435 // However, the direction of the message subject within the header is
436 // determined according to the contents of the subject itself. Since
437 // the "Re:" and "Fwd:" prefixes would always cause the subject to be
438 // considered left-to-right, they are ignored when determining its
439 // direction.
441 TQString subjectDir;
442 if ( !message->subject().isEmpty() )
443 subjectDir = directionOf( message->cleanSubject() );
444 else
445 subjectDir = directionOf( i18n("No Subject") );
447 // Prepare the date string (when printing always use the localized date)
448 TQString dateString;
449 if( printing ) {
450 TQDateTime dateTime;
451 TDELocale* locale = TDEGlobal::locale();
452 dateTime.setTime_t( message->date() );
453 dateString = locale->formatDateTime( dateTime );
454 }
455 else {
456 dateString = message->dateStr();
457 }
459 // Spam header display.
460 // If the spamSpamStatus config value is true then we look for headers
461 // from a few spam filters and try to create visually meaningful graphics
462 // out of the spam scores.
464 TQString spamHTML;
466 if ( configReader.readBoolEntry( "showSpamStatus", true ) ) {
467 SpamScores scores = SpamHeaderAnalyzer::getSpamScores( message );
468 for ( SpamScoresIterator it = scores.begin(); it != scores.end(); ++it )
469 spamHTML += (*it).agent() + " " +
470 drawSpamMeter( (*it).score(), (*it).spamHeader() );
471 }
473 TQString userHTML;
474 TQString presence;
476 // IM presence and tdeabc photo
478 ::KIMProxy *imProxy = KMKernel::self()->imProxy();
479 TQString tdeabcUid;
480 TDEABC::AddressBook *addressBook = TDEABC::StdAddressBook::self( true );
481 TDEABC::AddresseeList addresses = addressBook->findByEmail( KPIM::getFirstEmailAddress( message->from() ) );
483 TQString photoURL;
484 int photoWidth = 60;
485 int photoHeight = 60;
486 if( addresses.count() == 1 )
487 {
488 // tdeabcUid is embedded in im: URIs to indicate which IM contact to message
489 tdeabcUid = addresses[0].uid();
491 if ( imProxy->initialize() ) {
492 // im status
493 presence = imProxy->presenceString( tdeabcUid );
494 if ( !presence.isEmpty() )
495 {
496 TQString presenceIcon = TQString::fromLatin1( " <img src=\"%1\"/>" )
497 .arg( imgToDataUrl( imProxy->presenceIcon( tdeabcUid ).convertToImage() ) );
498 presence += presenceIcon;
499 }
500 }
501 // picture
502 if ( addresses[0].photo().isIntern() )
503 {
504 // get photo data and convert to data: url
505 //kdDebug( 5006 ) << "INTERNAL photo found" << endl;
506 TQImage photo = addresses[0].photo().data();
507 if ( !photo.isNull() )
508 {
509 photoWidth = photo.width();
510 photoHeight = photo.height();
511 // scale below 60, otherwise it can get way too large
512 if ( photoHeight > 60 ) {
513 double ratio = ( double )photoHeight / ( double )photoWidth;
514 photoHeight = 60;
515 photoWidth = (int)( 60 / ratio );
516 photo = photo.smoothScale( photoWidth, photoHeight );
517 }
518 photoURL = imgToDataUrl( photo );
519 }
520 }
521 else
522 {
523 //kdDebug( 5006 ) << "URL found" << endl;
524 photoURL = addresses[0].photo().url();
525 if ( photoURL.startsWith("/") )
526 photoURL.prepend( "file:" );
527 }
528 }
529 else // TODO: find a usable one
530 {
531 kdDebug( 5006 ) << "Multiple / No addressees matched email address; Count is " << addresses.count() << endl;
532 userHTML = "&nbsp;";
533 }
535 if( photoURL.isEmpty() ) {
536 // no photo, look for a Face header
537 TQString faceheader = message->headerField( "Face" );
538 if ( !faceheader.isEmpty() ) {
539 TQImage faceimage;
541 kdDebug( 5006 ) << "Found Face: header" << endl;
543 TQCString facestring = faceheader.utf8();
544 // Spec says header should be less than 998 bytes
545 // Face: is 5 characters
546 if ( facestring.length() < 993 ) {
547 TQByteArray facearray;
548 KCodecs::base64Decode(facestring, facearray);
550 TQImage faceimage;
551 if ( faceimage.loadFromData( facearray, "png" ) ) {
552 // Spec says image must be 48x48 pixels
553 if ( (48 == faceimage.width()) && (48 == faceimage.height()) ) {
554 photoURL = imgToDataUrl( faceimage );
555 photoWidth = 48;
556 photoHeight = 48;
557 } else {
558 kdDebug( 5006 ) << "Face: header image is" << faceimage.width() << "by" << faceimage.height() <<"not 48x48 Pixels" << endl;
559 }
560 } else {
561 kdDebug( 5006 ) << "Failed to load decoded png from Face: header" << endl;
562 }
563 } else {
564 kdDebug( 5006 ) << "Face: header too long at " << facestring.length() << endl;
565 }
566 }
567 }
569 if( photoURL.isEmpty() )
570 {
571 // no photo, look for a X-Face header
572 TQString xfaceURL;
573 TQString xfhead = message->headerField( "X-Face" );
574 if ( !xfhead.isEmpty() )
575 {
576 KXFace xf;
577 photoURL = imgToDataUrl( xf.toImage( xfhead ) );
578 photoWidth = 48;
579 photoHeight = 48;
581 }
582 }
584 if( !photoURL.isEmpty() )
585 {
586 //kdDebug( 5006 ) << "Got a photo: " << photoURL << endl;
587 userHTML = TQString("<img src=\"%1\" width=\"%2\" height=\"%3\">")
588 .arg( photoURL ).arg( photoWidth ).arg( photoHeight );
589 if ( presence.isEmpty() ) {
590 userHTML = TQString("<div class=\"senderpic\">") + userHTML + "</div>";
591 } else {
592 userHTML = TQString( "<div class=\"senderpic\">"
593 "<a href=\"im:%1\">%2<div class=\"senderstatus\">"
594 "<span name=\"presence-%3\">%4</span></div></a>"
595 "</div>" ).arg( tdeabcUid )
596 .arg( userHTML )
597 .arg( tdeabcUid )
598 .arg( presence );
599 }
600 } else {
601 // we don't have a photo, just show presence, if we have it
602 if ( !presence.isEmpty() )
603 userHTML = TQString( "<a href=\"im:%1\"><div class=\"senderstatus\">"
604 "<span name=\"presence-%2\">%3</span></div></a>" )
605 .arg( tdeabcUid )
606 .arg( tdeabcUid )
607 .arg( presence );
608 }
609#if 0
610 // Disabled 'Launch IM' link in headers - Will
611 if ( imProxy->imAppsAvailable() )
612 presence = "<a name=\"launchim\" href=\"kmail:startIMApp\">" + i18n("Launch IM") + "</a></span>";
613 // do nothing - no im apps available, leave presence empty
614 //presence = i18n( "DCOP/InstantMessenger not installed" );
615 kdDebug( 5006 ) << "final presence: '" << presence << "'" << endl;
618 TQString timeHTML;
619 if ( GlobalSettings::self()->showCurrentTime() && strategy->showHeader( "date" ) ) {
620 DwHeaders& header = message->headers();
621 if ( header.HasDate() ) {
622 DwDateTime& origDate = header.Date();
623 int zone = origDate.Zone();
624 // kdDebug() << "FancyHeaderStyle::format() zone offset (in minutes): " << zone << endl;
626 // copyed from mimelib -- code to determine local timezone
627 time_t t_now = time((time_t*) 0);
628#if defined(HAVE_GMTIME_R)
629 struct tm utc;
630 gmtime_r(&t_now, &utc);
631 struct tm local;
632 localtime_r(&t_now, &local);
634 struct tm utc = *gmtime(&t_now);
635 struct tm local = *localtime(&t_now);
637 DwUint32 t_local = 0;
638 t_local = 24 * t_local + local.tm_hour;
639 t_local = 60 * t_local + local.tm_min;
640 t_local = 60 * t_local + local.tm_sec;
641 DwUint32 t_utc = 0;
642 t_utc = 24 * t_utc + utc.tm_hour;
643 t_utc = 60 * t_utc + utc.tm_min;
644 t_utc = 60 * t_utc + utc.tm_sec;
646 // kdDebug() << "FancyHeaderStyle::format() local zone offset (in minutes): " << lzone << endl;
648 TQTime currTime = TQTime::currentTime( TQt::UTC );
650 // kdDebug() << "FancyHeaderStyle::format() current time: " << currTime << endl;
652 // now currTime contain message sender local time
653 currTime = currTime.addSecs( zone * 60 );
655 TQString timeofday;
656 TQString color;
657 TQString bg_color;
658 TQString bg_image;
659 if ( currTime > TQTime( 0, 0, 0 ) && currTime <= TQTime( 6, 0, 0 ) ) {
660 timeofday = i18n( "Night" );
661 color = "white";
662 bg_color = "#000B6B";
663 bg_image = "url(data:image/png;base64,"
665 "kikIcF+kSBxbPs7LoNGVapAI0Zn+O+8NUwldozn6io7G7kdS/5zi7i+BvUM/5uSXlIfzMHx/bmWR"
666 "k++yj9rZAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC)";
667 }
668 else if ( currTime > TQTime( 6, 0, 0 ) && currTime <= TQTime( 12, 0, 0 ) ) {
669 timeofday = i18n( "Morning" );
670 color = "black";
671 bg_color = "#00A6FF";
672 bg_image = "url(data:image/png;base64,"
674 "pWSHJgva7iZIBk3m/Ew5hexCHVCilewzFHKEbFZqgxJQWyzKhWKl9unqddJj8+L9sl0oR2gUim+o"
675 "zu4uSh7kn67/DNv+C4tsZOtjAWEHAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC)";
676 }
677 else if ( currTime > TQTime( 12, 0, 0 ) && currTime <= TQTime( 18, 0, 0 ) ) {
678 timeofday = i18n( "Afternoon" );
679 color = "black";
680 bg_color = "#00A6FF";
681 bg_image = "url(data:image/png;base64,"
683 "QsCfRm399HFwoWjdDhMICQhxHSWMQPhkTCoqWRZU2h5i9tr4GZfmV5t3wWUI3h+NugAAAABJRU5E"
684 "rkJggg==)";
685 }
686 else {
687 timeofday = i18n( "Evening" );
688 color = "white";
689 bg_color = "#0014CC";
690 bg_image = "url(data:image/png;base64,"
692 "fyFpAfKwje0PwyEt0vN+hVsJpzS6QML2ziWcFI6mZBZNSVDXYehyUgI1XsLI9eimHDH6kW0ddVIO"
693 "xx7JjrtshlbXlLDSD+WhJ+hwqWo8AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC)";
694 }
696 TQString tformat;
697 if ( TDEGlobal::locale()->use12Clock() ) {
698 tformat = "h:mm AP";
699 }
700 else {
701 tformat = "h:mm";
702 }
704 // kdDebug() << "FancyHeaderStyle::format() current time: " << currTime << " (" << timeofday << ")" << endl;
706 timeHTML.append( TQString(
707 "<div id=\"sendersCurrentTime\" style=\""
708 "border:1px solid %1;"
709 "color:%2;"
710 "background-image:%3;"
711 "background-position:center left;"
712 "background-repeat:repeat-x;"
713 "text-align:center;"
714 "font-size:12px;"
715 "padding:2px;"
716 "width:150px;"
717 "height:45px;"
718 "margin: 0px 0px 3px 0px;"
719 "\" class=\"curtime\">%4<br />%5<br />%6</div>"
720 )
721 .arg( bg_color )
722 .arg( color )
723 .arg( bg_image )
724 .arg( i18n( "Sender's Current Time:" ) )
725 .arg( currTime.toString( tformat ) )
726 .arg( timeofday )
727 );
728 }
729 else {
730 // kdDebug() << "FancyHeaderStyle::format() no date header to display" << endl;
731 }
732 }
734 //case HdrFancy:
735 // the subject line and box below for details
736 if ( strategy->showHeader( "subject" ) ) {
737 const int flags = LinkLocator::PreserveSpaces |
738 ( GlobalSettings::self()->showEmoticons() ?
739 LinkLocator::ReplaceSmileys : 0 );
740 headerStr += TQString("<div dir=\"%1\">%2</div>\n")
741 .arg(subjectDir)
742 .arg(message->subject().isEmpty()?
743 i18n("No Subject") :
744 strToHtml( message->subject(), flags ));
745 }
746 headerStr += "<table class=\"outer\"><tr><td width=\"100%\"><table>\n";
747 //headerStr += "<table>\n";
748 // from line
749 // the mailto: URLs can contain %3 etc., therefore usage of multiple
750 // TQString::arg is not possible
751 if ( strategy->showHeader( "from" ) ) {
752 TQString fromStr = message->from();
753 if ( fromStr.isEmpty() ) // no valid email in from, maybe just a name
754 fromStr = message->fromStrip(); // let's use that
755 headerStr += TQString("<tr><th>%1</th>\n"
756 "<td>")
757 .arg(i18n("From: "))
758 + KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor( fromStr, false )
759 + ( !message->headerField( "Resent-From" ).isEmpty() ? "&nbsp;"
760 + i18n("(resent from %1)")
762 message->headerField( "Resent-From" ),false) )
763 : TQString("") )
764 + ( !vCardName.isEmpty() ? "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"" + vCardName + "\">"
765 + i18n("[vCard]") + "</a>"
766 : TQString("") )
767#if 0
768 + ( ( !presence.isEmpty() )
769 ? "&nbsp;&nbsp;(<span name=\"presence-" + tdeabcUid + "\">" + presence + "</span>)"
770 : TQString("") )
772 + ( message->headerField("Organization").isEmpty()
773 ? TQString("")
774 : "&nbsp;&nbsp;("
775 + strToHtml(message->headerField("Organization"))
776 + ")")
777 + "</td></tr>\n";
778 }
779 // to line
780 if ( strategy->showHeader( "to" ) )
781 headerStr.append(TQString("<tr><th>%1</th>\n"
782 "<td>%2</td></tr>\n")
783 .arg(i18n("To: "))
784 .arg(KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor(message->to(),false)));
786 // cc line, if any
787 if ( strategy->showHeader( "cc" ) && !message->cc().isEmpty())
788 headerStr.append(TQString("<tr><th>%1</th>\n"
789 "<td>%2</td></tr>\n")
790 .arg(i18n("CC: "))
791 .arg(KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor(message->cc(),false)));
793 // Bcc line, if any
794 if ( strategy->showHeader( "bcc" ) && !message->bcc().isEmpty())
795 headerStr.append(TQString("<tr><th>%1</th>\n"
796 "<td>%2</td></tr>\n")
797 .arg(i18n("BCC: "))
798 .arg(KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor(message->bcc(),false)));
800 if ( strategy->showHeader( "date" ) )
801 headerStr.append(TQString("<tr><th>%1</th>\n"
802 "<td dir=\"%2\">%3</td></tr>\n")
803 .arg(i18n("Date: "))
804 .arg( directionOf( message->dateStr() ) )
805 .arg(strToHtml(dateString)));
807 if ( GlobalSettings::self()->showUserAgent() ) {
808 if ( strategy->showHeader( "user-agent" ) ) {
809 if ( !message->headerField("User-Agent").isEmpty() ) {
810 headerStr.append(TQString("<tr><th>%1</th>\n"
811 "<td>%2</td></tr>\n")
812 .arg(i18n("User-Agent: "))
813 .arg( strToHtml( message->headerField("User-Agent") ) ) );
814 }
815 }
817 if ( strategy->showHeader( "x-mailer" ) ) {
818 if ( !message->headerField("X-Mailer").isEmpty() ) {
819 headerStr.append(TQString("<tr><th>%1</th>\n"
820 "<td>%2</td></tr>\n")
821 .arg(i18n("X-Mailer: "))
822 .arg( strToHtml( message->headerField("X-Mailer") ) ) );
823 }
824 }
825 }
827 // FIXME: Show status in synthetic header style field. Decide whether this or current in brackets style is best and remove one.
828 /* if( strategy->showHeader( "status" ) )
829 headerStr.append( TQString( "<tr><th>%1</th>\n"
830 "<td dir=\"%2\">%3</td></tr>\n")
831 .arg(i18n("Sender status: "))
832 .arg( directionOf( onlineStatus ) )
833 .arg(onlineStatus));
834 */
835 headerStr.append( TQString("<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><div id=\"attachmentInjectionPoint\"></div></td></tr>" ) );
836 headerStr.append(
837 TQString( "</table></td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">%1%2</td></tr></table>\n" )
838 .arg(timeHTML)
839 .arg(userHTML) );
841 if ( !spamHTML.isEmpty() )
842 headerStr.append( TQString( "<div class=\"spamheader\" dir=\"%1\"><b>%2</b>&nbsp;<span style=\"padding-left: 20px;\">%3</span></div>\n")
843 .arg( subjectDir, i18n("Spam Status:"), spamHTML ) );
845 headerStr += "</div>\n\n";
846 return headerStr;
847 }
849 TQString FancyHeaderStyle::imgToDataUrl( const TQImage &image, const char* fmt )
850 {
851 TQByteArray ba;
852 TQBuffer buffer( ba );
853 IO_WriteOnly );
854 &buffer, fmt );
855 return TQString::fromLatin1("data:image/%1;base64,%2")
856 .arg( fmt, KCodecs::base64Encode( ba ).data() );
857 }
859// #####################
861 class EnterpriseHeaderStyle : public HeaderStyle {
862 friend class ::KMail::HeaderStyle;
863 protected:
864 EnterpriseHeaderStyle() : HeaderStyle() {}
865 virtual ~EnterpriseHeaderStyle() {}
867 public:
868 const char * name() const { return "enterprise"; }
869 const HeaderStyle * next() const { return brief(); }
870 const HeaderStyle * prev() const { return fancy(); }
872 TQString format( const KMMessage * message, const HeaderStrategy * strategy,
873 const TQString & vCardName, bool printing, bool topLevel ) const;
874 };
876 TQString EnterpriseHeaderStyle::format( const KMMessage * message,
877 const HeaderStrategy * strategy,
878 const TQString & vCardName, bool printing, bool topLevel ) const {
879 if ( !message ) return TQString();
880 if ( !strategy )
881 strategy = HeaderStrategy::brief();
883 // The direction of the header is determined according to the direction
884 // of the application layout.
886 TQString dir = TQApplication::reverseLayout() ? "rtl" : "ltr" ;
888 // However, the direction of the message subject within the header is
889 // determined according to the contents of the subject itself. Since
890 // the "Re:" and "Fwd:" prefixes would always cause the subject to be
891 // considered left-to-right, they are ignored when determining its
892 // direction.
894 TQString subjectDir;
895 if (!message->subject().isEmpty())
896 subjectDir = directionOf( message->cleanSubject() );
897 else
898 subjectDir = directionOf( i18n("No Subject") );
900 // colors depend on if its encapsulated or not
901 TQColor fontColor(TQt::white);
902 TQString linkColor = "class =\"white\"";
903 const TQColor activeColor = tqApp->palette().active().highlight();
904 TQColor activeColorDark = activeColor.dark(130);
905 // reverse colors for encapsulated
906 if( !topLevel ){
907 activeColorDark = activeColor.dark(50);
908 fontColor = TQColor(TQt::black);
909 linkColor = "class =\"black\"";
910 }
912 // Prepare the date string (when printing always use the localized date)
913 TQString dateString;
914 if( printing ) {
915 TQDateTime dateTime;
916 TDELocale * locale = TDEGlobal::locale();
917 dateTime.setTime_t( message->date() );
918 dateString = locale->formatDateTime( dateTime );
919 } else {
920 dateString = message->dateStr();
921 }
923 TQString imgpath(locate("data","kmail/pics/"));
924 imgpath.append("enterprise_");
925 const TQString borderSettings(" padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; border-width: 0px ");
926 TQString headerStr ("");
928 // 3D borders
929 if(topLevel)
930 headerStr +=
931 "<div style=\"position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 0px; background-color: #606060; "
932 "width: 10px; min-height: 100%;\">&nbsp;</div>"
933 "<div style=\"position: fixed; top: 0px; right: 0px; background-color: #606060; "
934 "width: 10px; min-height: 100%;\">&nbsp;</div>";
936 headerStr += ""
937 "<div style=\"margin-left: 10px; top: 0px;\"><span style=\"font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold;\">"+dateString+"</span></div>"
938 // #0057ae
939 "<table style=\"background: ""; border-collapse:collapse; top: 14px; min-width: 200px; \" cellpadding=0> \n"
940 " <tr> \n"
941 " <td style=\"min-width: 6px; background-image: url("+imgpath+"top_left.png); \"></td> \n"
942 " <td style=\"height: 6px; width: 100%; background: url("+imgpath+"top.png); \"></td> \n"
943 " <td style=\"min-width: 6px; background: url("+imgpath+"top_right.png); \"></td> </tr> \n"
944 " <tr> \n"
945 " <td style=\"min-width: 6px; max-width: 6px; background: url("+imgpath+"left.png); \"></td> \n"
946 " <td style=\"\"> \n";
948 headerStr +=
949 " <div class=\"noprint\" style=\"z-index: 1; float:right; position: relative; top: -35px; right: 20px ;\">\n"
950 " <img src=\""+imgpath+"icon.png\">\n"
951 " </div>\n";
953 headerStr +=
954 " <table style=\"color: "" ! important; margin: 1px; border-spacing: 0px;\" cellpadding=0> \n";
956 // subject
957 //strToHtml( message->subject() )
958 if ( strategy->showHeader( "subject" ) ){
959 headerStr +=
960 " <tr> \n"
961 " <td style=\"font-size: 6px; text-align: right; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 24px; "+borderSettings+"\"></td> \n"
962 " <td style=\"font-weight: bolder; font-size: 120%; padding-right: 91px; "+borderSettings+"\">"+message->subject()+"</td> \n"
963 " </tr> \n";
964 }
966 // from
967 if ( strategy->showHeader( "from" ) ){
968 TQString fromStr = message->from();
969 if ( fromStr.isEmpty() ) // no valid email in from, maybe just a name
970 fromStr = message->fromStrip(); // let's use that
971 // TODO vcard
972 TQString fromPart = KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor( fromStr, true, linkColor );
973 if ( !vCardName.isEmpty() )
974 fromPart += "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"" + vCardName + "\" "+linkColor+">" + i18n("[vCard]") + "</a>";
975 //TODO strategy date
976 //if ( strategy->showHeader( "date" ) )
977 headerStr +=
978 " <tr> \n"
979 " <td style=\"font-size: 6px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 24px; text-align: right; "+borderSettings+"\">"+i18n("From: ")+"</td> \n"
980 " <td style=\""+borderSettings+"\">"+ fromPart +"</td> "
981 " </tr> ";
982 }
984 // to line
985 if( strategy->showHeader( "to" ) )
986 headerStr +=
987 " <tr> "
988 " <td style=\"font-size: 6px; text-align: right; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 24px; " + borderSettings + "\">" + i18n("To: ") + "</td> "
989 " <td style=\"" + borderSettings + "\">" +
990 KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor( message->to(), false, linkColor ) +
991 " </td> "
992 " </tr>\n";
994 // cc line, if any
995 if ( strategy->showHeader( "cc" ) && !message->cc().isEmpty() )
996 headerStr +=
997 " <tr> "
998 " <td style=\"font-size: 6px; text-align: right; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 24px; " + borderSettings + "\">" + i18n("CC: ") + "</td> "
999 " <td style=\"" + borderSettings + "\">" +
1000 KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor( message->cc(), false, linkColor ) +
1001 " </td> "
1002 " </tr>\n";
1004 // bcc line, if any
1005 if ( strategy->showHeader( "bcc" ) && !message->bcc().isEmpty() )
1006 headerStr +=
1007 " <tr> "
1008 " <td style=\"font-size: 6px; text-align: right; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 24px; " + borderSettings + "\">" + i18n("BCC: ") + "</td> "
1009 " <td style=\"" + borderSettings + "\">" +
1010 KMMessage::emailAddrAsAnchor( message->bcc(), false, linkColor ) +
1011 " </td> "
1012 " </tr>\n";
1014 // header-bottom
1015 headerStr +=
1016 " </table> \n"
1017 " </td> \n"
1018 " <td style=\"min-width: 6px; max-height: 15px; background: url("+imgpath+"right.png); \"></td> \n"
1019 " </tr> \n"
1020 " <tr> \n"
1021 " <td style=\"min-width: 6px; background: url("+imgpath+"s_left.png); \"></td> \n"
1022 " <td style=\"height: 35px; width: 80%; background: url("+imgpath+"sbar.png);\"> \n"
1023 " <img src=\""+imgpath+"sw.png\" style=\"margin: 0px; height: 30px; overflow:hidden; \"> \n"
1024 " <img src=\""+imgpath+"sp_right.png\" style=\"float: right; \"> </td> \n"
1025 " <td style=\"min-width: 6px; background: url("+imgpath+"s_right.png); \"></td> \n"
1026 " </tr> \n"
1027 " </table> \n";
1029 // kmail icon
1030 if(topLevel) {
1032 // attachments
1033 headerStr +=
1034 "<div class=\"noprint\" style=\"position: absolute; top: 60px; right: 20px; width: 91px; height: 200px;\">"
1035 "<div id=\"attachmentInjectionPoint\"></div>"
1036 "</div>\n";
1037 }
1039 if ( printing ) {
1040 //provide a bit more left padding when printing
1041 //kolab/issue3254 (printed mail cut at the left side)
1042 headerStr += "<div style=\"padding: 6px; padding-left: 10px;\">";
1043 } else {
1044 headerStr += "<div style=\"padding: 6px;\">";
1045 }
1047 // TODO
1048 // spam status
1049 // ### iterate over the rest of strategy->headerToDisplay() (or
1050 // ### all headers if DefaultPolicy == Display) (elsewhere, too)
1051 return headerStr;
1052 }
1054// #####################
1056 //
1057 // HeaderStyle abstract base:
1058 //
1060 HeaderStyle::HeaderStyle() {
1062 }
1064 HeaderStyle::~HeaderStyle() {
1066 }
1068 const HeaderStyle * HeaderStyle::create( Type type ) {
1069 switch ( type ) {
1070 case Brief: return brief();
1071 case Plain: return plain();
1072 case Fancy: return fancy();
1073 case Enterprise: return enterprise();
1074 }
1075 kdFatal( 5006 ) << "HeaderStyle::create(): Unknown header style ( type == "
1076 << (int)type << " ) requested!" << endl;
1077 return 0; // make compiler happy
1078 }
1080 const HeaderStyle * HeaderStyle::create( const TQString & type ) {
1081 TQString lowerType = type.lower();
1082 if ( lowerType == "brief" ) return brief();
1083 if ( lowerType == "plain" ) return plain();
1084 if ( lowerType == "enterprise" ) return enterprise();
1085 //if ( lowerType == "fancy" ) return fancy(); // not needed, see below
1086 // don't kdFatal here, b/c the strings are user-provided
1087 // (TDEConfig), so fail gracefully to the default:
1088 return fancy();
1089 }
1091 static const HeaderStyle * briefStyle = 0;
1092 static const HeaderStyle * plainStyle = 0;
1093 static const HeaderStyle * fancyStyle = 0;
1094 static const HeaderStyle * enterpriseStyle = 0;
1096 const HeaderStyle * HeaderStyle::brief() {
1097 if ( !briefStyle )
1098 briefStyle = new BriefHeaderStyle();
1099 return briefStyle;
1100 }
1102 const HeaderStyle * HeaderStyle::plain() {
1103 if ( !plainStyle )
1104 plainStyle = new PlainHeaderStyle();
1105 return plainStyle;
1106 }
1108 const HeaderStyle * HeaderStyle::fancy() {
1109 if ( !fancyStyle )
1110 fancyStyle = new FancyHeaderStyle();
1111 return fancyStyle;
1112 }
1114 const HeaderStyle * HeaderStyle::enterprise() {
1115 if ( !enterpriseStyle )
1116 enterpriseStyle = new EnterpriseHeaderStyle();
1117 return enterpriseStyle;
1118 }
1120} // namespace KMail
::KIMProxy * imProxy()
Get a reference to KMail's KIMProxy instance.
Definition: kmkernel.cpp:2421
static KMKernel * self()
normal control stuff
Definition: kmkernel.h:259
This is a Mime Message.
Definition: kmmessage.h:68
TQString from() const
Get or set the 'From' header field.
Definition: kmmessage.cpp:2015
TQString bcc() const
Get or set the 'Bcc' header field.
Definition: kmmessage.cpp:1968
TQString to() const
Get or set the 'To' header field.
Definition: kmmessage.cpp:1894
TQString subject() const
Get or set the 'Subject' header field.
Definition: kmmessage.cpp:2049
static TQString emailAddrAsAnchor(const TQString &emailAddr, bool stripped=true, const TQString &cssStyle=TQString(), bool link=true)
Converts the email address(es) to (a) nice HTML mailto: anchor(s).
Definition: kmmessage.cpp:3840
TQString cc() const
Get or set the 'Cc' header field.
Definition: kmmessage.cpp:1940
TQString headerField(const TQCString &name) const
Returns the value of a header field with the given name.
Definition: kmmessage.cpp:2289
TQString replyTo() const
Get or set the 'ReplyTo' header field.
Definition: kmmessage.cpp:1919
TQCString dateShortStr() const
Returns the message date in asctime format or an empty string if the message lacks a Date header.
Definition: kmmessage.cpp:1815
DwHeaders & headers() const
get the DwHeaders (make sure to call setNeedsAssembly() function after directly modyfying internal da...
Definition: kmmessage.cpp:2546
TQString dateStr() const
Get or set the 'Date' header field.
Definition: kmmessage.cpp:1797
static SpamScores getSpamScores(const KMMessage *message)
Extract scores from known anti-spam headers.
Definition: aboutdata.cpp:40