Namespaces | |
ACLJobs | |
AnnotationJobs | |
Interface | |
QuotaJobs | |
StringUtil | |
Util | |
Typedefs | |
typedef TQValueVector< ACLListEntry > | ACLList |
typedef TQValueVector< AnnotationAttribute > | AnnotationList |
typedef TQValueList< SpamAgent > | SpamAgents |
typedef TQValueListIterator< SpamAgent > | SpamAgentsIterator |
typedef TQValueVector< QuotaInfo > | QuotaInfoList |
typedef SimpleFolderTreeBase< TDEListViewItem > | SimpleFolderTree |
typedef TQValueList< SpamScore > | SpamScores |
typedef TQValueListIterator< SpamScore > | SpamScoresIterator |
Enumerations | |
enum | SpamAgentTypes { SpamAgentNone , SpamAgentBool , SpamAgentFloat , SpamAgentFloatLarge , SpamAgentAdjustedFloat } |
enum | IMAPUserIdFormat { FullEmail , UserName } |
enum | FolderContentsType { ContentsTypeMail = 0 , ContentsTypeCalendar , ContentsTypeContact , ContentsTypeNote , ContentsTypeTask , ContentsTypeJournal , ContentsTypeLast = ContentsTypeJournal } |
enum | { num_primes = 29 } |
enum | ReplyStrategy { ReplySmart = 0 , ReplyAuthor , ReplyList , ReplyAll , ReplyNone } |
enum | StatusValueTypes { StatusImportant = 0 , StatusNew = 1 , StatusUnread = 2 , StatusRead = 3 , StatusOld = 4 , StatusDeleted = 5 , StatusReplied = 6 , StatusForwarded = 7 , StatusQueued = 8 , StatusSent = 9 , StatusWatched = 10 , StatusIgnored = 11 , StatusSpam = 12 , StatusHam = 13 , StatusToDo = 14 , StatusInvitation = 15 , StatusHasAttachment = 16 } |
Functions | |
static AttachmentStrategy::Display | smartDisplay (const partNode *node) |
static void | renameChildFolders (KMFolderDir *dir, const TQString &oldPath, const TQString &newPath) |
Composer * | makeComposer (KMMessage *msg=0, uint identity=0) |
static TQStringList | stringList (const char *headers[], int numHeaders) |
static TQString | directionOf (const TQString &str) |
static TQString | strToHtml (const TQString &str, int flags=LinkLocator::PreserveSpaces) |
unsigned long | nextPrime (unsigned long n) |
void | checkConfigUpdates () |
void | lockOrDie () |
void | insertLibraryCataloguesAndIcons () |
void | cleanup () |
static int | signatureToStatus (const GpgME::Signature &sig) |
static TQString | writeSimpleSigstatHeader (const PartMetaData &block) |
static TQString | beginVerboseSigstatHeader () |
static TQString | makeShowAuditLogLink (const GpgME::Error &err, const TQString &auditLog) |
static TQString | endVerboseSigstatHeader (const PartMetaData &pmd) |
static KURL | urlFromAccount (const KMail::ImapAccountBase *a) |
static int | recurseFilter (TQListViewItem *item, const TQString &filter, int column) |
static TQString | dotstuff (TQString s) |
static KURL | findUrlForAccount (const KMail::ImapAccountBase *a) |
Variables | |
static const about_data | authors [] |
static const about_data | credits [] |
static const AttachmentStrategy * | iconicStrategy = 0 |
static const AttachmentStrategy * | smartStrategy = 0 |
static const AttachmentStrategy * | inlinedStrategy = 0 |
static const AttachmentStrategy * | hiddenStrategy = 0 |
static const AttachmentStrategy * | headerOnlyStrategy = 0 |
static const char * | briefHeaders [] |
static const int | numBriefHeaders = sizeof briefHeaders / sizeof *briefHeaders |
static const char * | standardHeaders [] |
static const int | numStandardHeaders = sizeof standardHeaders / sizeof *standardHeaders |
static const char * | richHeaders [] |
static const int | numRichHeaders = sizeof richHeaders / sizeof *richHeaders |
static const HeaderStrategy * | allStrategy = 0 |
static const HeaderStrategy * | richStrategy = 0 |
static const HeaderStrategy * | standardStrategy = 0 |
static const HeaderStrategy * | briefStrategy = 0 |
static const HeaderStrategy * | customStrategy = 0 |
static const HeaderStyle * | briefStyle = 0 |
static const HeaderStyle * | plainStyle = 0 |
static const HeaderStyle * | fancyStyle = 0 |
static const HeaderStyle * | enterpriseStyle = 0 |
static const char | kmailIdentityMimeType [] = "application/x-kmail-identity-drag" |
static const unsigned short int | imapDefaultPort = 143 |
static const unsigned long | prime_list [num_primes] |
static const MessageStatus | StatusValues [] |
static const int | StatusValueCount |
static const int | StatusValueCountWithoutHidden = StatusValueCount - 1 |
static TQMap< TQString, int > | s_serverConnections |
Detailed Description
The namespace where all classes of KMail can be found in.
A tiny little class to use for displaying raw messages, textual attachments etc.
The KMail namespace contains classes used for KMail.
Copyright (c) 2006 Till Adam adam@ kde. org
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of this program with any edition of the TQt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions of TQt that use the same license as TQt), and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than TQt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version.
This is to keep them out of the way from all the other un-namespaced classes in libs and the rest of PIM.
Auto-deletes itself when closed.
Enumeration Type Documentation
◆ SpamAgentTypes
Valid types of SpamAgent.
Definition at line 46 of file antispamconfig.h.
Variable Documentation
◆ briefHeaders
static |
Definition at line 49 of file headerstrategy.cpp.
◆ prime_list
static |
Definition at line 70 of file kmglobal.h.
◆ richHeaders
static |
Definition at line 61 of file headerstrategy.cpp.
◆ standardHeaders
static |
Definition at line 55 of file headerstrategy.cpp.
◆ StatusValueCount
static |
Definition at line 256 of file kmsearchpattern.h.
◆ StatusValues
static |
Definition at line 216 of file kmsearchpattern.h.