
1 // kmsearchpattern.cpp
2 // Author: Marc Mutz <>
3 // This code is under GPL!
5 #include <config.h>
7 #include "kmaddrbook.h"
8 #include "kmsearchpattern.h"
9 #include "kmmsgdict.h"
10 #include "filterlog.h"
11 #include "kmkernel.h"
12 #include "kmmsgdict.h"
13 #include "kmfolder.h"
14 using KMail::FilterLog;
16 #include <libemailfunctions/email.h>
18 #include <tdeglobal.h>
19 #include <tdelocale.h>
20 #include <kdebug.h>
21 #include <tdeconfig.h>
23 #include <tdeabc/stdaddressbook.h>
25 #include <tqregexp.h>
27 #include <mimelib/string.h>
28 #include <mimelib/boyermor.h>
29 #include <mimelib/field.h>
30 #include <mimelib/headers.h>
32 #include <assert.h>
34 static const char* funcConfigNames[] =
35  { "contains", "contains-not", "equals", "not-equal", "regexp",
36  "not-regexp", "greater", "less-or-equal", "less", "greater-or-equal",
37  "is-in-addressbook", "is-not-in-addressbook" , "is-in-category", "is-not-in-category",
38  "has-attachment", "has-no-attachment"};
39 static const int numFuncConfigNames = sizeof funcConfigNames / sizeof *funcConfigNames;
41 struct _statusNames {
42  const char* name;
43  KMMsgStatus status;
44 };
46 static struct _statusNames statusNames[] = {
47  { "Important", KMMsgStatusFlag },
48  { "New", KMMsgStatusNew },
49  { "Unread", KMMsgStatusUnread | KMMsgStatusNew },
50  { "Read", KMMsgStatusRead },
51  { "Old", KMMsgStatusOld },
52  { "Deleted", KMMsgStatusDeleted },
53  { "Replied", KMMsgStatusReplied },
54  { "Forwarded", KMMsgStatusForwarded },
55  { "Queued", KMMsgStatusQueued },
56  { "Sent", KMMsgStatusSent },
57  { "Watched", KMMsgStatusWatched },
58  { "Ignored", KMMsgStatusIgnored },
59  { "To Do", KMMsgStatusTodo },
60  { "Spam", KMMsgStatusSpam },
61  { "Ham", KMMsgStatusHam },
62  { "Has Attachment", KMMsgStatusHasAttach },
63  { "Invitation", KMMsgStatusHasInvitation }
64 };
66 static const int numStatusNames = sizeof statusNames / sizeof ( struct _statusNames );
69 //==================================================
70 //
71 // class KMSearchRule (was: KMFilterRule)
72 //
73 //==================================================
75 KMSearchRule::KMSearchRule( const TQCString & field, Function func, const TQString & contents )
76  : mField( field ),
77  mFunction( func ),
78  mContents( contents )
79 {
80 }
82 KMSearchRule::KMSearchRule( const KMSearchRule & other )
83  : mField( other.mField ),
84  mFunction( other.mFunction ),
85  mContents( other.mContents )
86 {
87 }
89 const KMSearchRule & KMSearchRule::operator=( const KMSearchRule & other ) {
90  if ( this == &other )
91  return *this;
93  mField = other.mField;
94  mFunction = other.mFunction;
95  mContents = other.mContents;
97  return *this;
98 }
100 KMSearchRule * KMSearchRule::createInstance( const TQCString & field,
101  Function func,
102  const TQString & contents )
103 {
104  KMSearchRule *ret = 0;
105  if (field == "<status>")
106  ret = new KMSearchRuleStatus( field, func, contents );
107  else if ( field == "<age in days>" || field == "<size>" )
108  ret = new KMSearchRuleNumerical( field, func, contents );
109  else
110  ret = new KMSearchRuleString( field, func, contents );
112  return ret;
113 }
115 KMSearchRule * KMSearchRule::createInstance( const TQCString & field,
116  const char *func,
117  const TQString & contents )
118 {
119  return ( createInstance( field, configValueToFunc( func ), contents ) );
120 }
123 {
124  return ( createInstance( other.field(), other.function(), other.contents() ) );
125 }
127 KMSearchRule * KMSearchRule::createInstanceFromConfig( const TDEConfig * config, int aIdx )
128 {
129  const char cIdx = char( int('A') + aIdx );
131  static const TQString & field = TDEGlobal::staticQString( "field" );
132  static const TQString & func = TDEGlobal::staticQString( "func" );
133  static const TQString & contents = TDEGlobal::staticQString( "contents" );
135  const TQCString &field2 = config->readEntry( field + cIdx ).latin1();
136  Function func2 = configValueToFunc( config->readEntry( func + cIdx ).latin1() );
137  const TQString & contents2 = config->readEntry( contents + cIdx );
139  if ( field2 == "<To or Cc>" ) // backwards compat
140  return KMSearchRule::createInstance( "<recipients>", func2, contents2 );
141  else
142  return KMSearchRule::createInstance( field2, func2, contents2 );
143 }
145 KMSearchRule::Function KMSearchRule::configValueToFunc( const char * str ) {
146  if ( !str )
147  return FuncNone;
149  for ( int i = 0 ; i < numFuncConfigNames ; ++i )
150  if ( tqstricmp( funcConfigNames[i], str ) == 0 ) return (Function)i;
152  return FuncNone;
153 }
155 TQString KMSearchRule::functionToString( Function function )
156 {
157  if ( function != FuncNone )
158  return funcConfigNames[int( function )];
159  else
160  return "invalid";
161 }
163 void KMSearchRule::writeConfig( TDEConfig * config, int aIdx ) const {
164  const char cIdx = char('A' + aIdx);
165  static const TQString & field = TDEGlobal::staticQString( "field" );
166  static const TQString & func = TDEGlobal::staticQString( "func" );
167  static const TQString & contents = TDEGlobal::staticQString( "contents" );
169  config->writeEntry( field + cIdx, TQString(mField) );
170  config->writeEntry( func + cIdx, functionToString( mFunction ) );
171  config->writeEntry( contents + cIdx, mContents );
172 }
174 bool KMSearchRule::matches( const DwString & aStr, KMMessage & msg,
175  const DwBoyerMoore *, int ) const
176 {
177  if ( !msg.isComplete() ) {
178  msg.fromDwString( aStr );
179  msg.setComplete( true );
180  }
181  return matches( &msg );
182 }
184 const TQString KMSearchRule::asString() const
185 {
186  TQString result = "\"" + mField + "\" <";
187  result += functionToString( mFunction );
188  result += "> \"" + mContents + "\"";
190  return result;
191 }
193 //==================================================
194 //
195 // class KMSearchRuleString
196 //
197 //==================================================
199 KMSearchRuleString::KMSearchRuleString( const TQCString & field,
200  Function func, const TQString & contents )
201  : KMSearchRule(field, func, contents)
202 {
203  if ( field.isEmpty() || field[0] == '<' )
204  mBmHeaderField = 0;
205  else // make sure you handle the unrealistic case of the message starting with mField
206  mBmHeaderField = new DwBoyerMoore(("\n" + field + ": ").data());
207 }
209 KMSearchRuleString::KMSearchRuleString( const KMSearchRuleString & other )
210  : KMSearchRule( other ),
211  mBmHeaderField( 0 )
212 {
213  if ( other.mBmHeaderField )
214  mBmHeaderField = new DwBoyerMoore( *other.mBmHeaderField );
215 }
217 const KMSearchRuleString & KMSearchRuleString::operator=( const KMSearchRuleString & other )
218 {
219  if ( this == &other )
220  return *this;
222  setField( other.field() );
223  mBmHeaderField = new DwBoyerMoore( *other.mBmHeaderField );
224  setFunction( other.function() );
225  setContents( other.contents() );
226  delete mBmHeaderField; mBmHeaderField = 0;
227  if ( other.mBmHeaderField )
228  mBmHeaderField = new DwBoyerMoore( *other.mBmHeaderField );
230  return *this;
231 }
233 KMSearchRuleString::~KMSearchRuleString()
234 {
235  delete mBmHeaderField;
236  mBmHeaderField = 0;
237 }
240 {
241  return field().stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty() || contents().isEmpty();
242 }
245 {
246  if (mBmHeaderField || (field() == "<recipients>" ))
247  return false;
248  return true;
249 }
251 bool KMSearchRuleString::matches( const DwString & aStr, KMMessage & msg,
252  const DwBoyerMoore * aHeaderField, int aHeaderLen ) const
253 {
254  if ( isEmpty() )
255  return false;
257  bool rc = false;
259  const DwBoyerMoore * headerField = aHeaderField ? aHeaderField : mBmHeaderField ;
261  const int headerLen = ( aHeaderLen > -1 ? aHeaderLen : field().length() ) + 2 ; // +1 for ': '
263  if ( headerField ) {
264  static const DwBoyerMoore lflf( "\n\n" );
265  static const DwBoyerMoore lfcrlf( "\n\r\n" );
267  size_t endOfHeader = lflf.FindIn( aStr, 0 );
268  if ( endOfHeader == DwString::npos )
269  endOfHeader = lfcrlf.FindIn( aStr, 0 );
270  const DwString headers = ( endOfHeader == DwString::npos ) ? aStr : aStr.substr( 0, endOfHeader );
271  // In case the searched header is at the beginning, we have to prepend
272  // a newline - see the comment in KMSearchRuleString constructor
273  DwString fakedHeaders( "\n" );
274  size_t start = headerField->FindIn( fakedHeaders.append( headers ), 0, false );
275  // if the header field doesn't exist then return false for positive
276  // functions and true for negated functions (e.g. "does not
277  // contain"); note that all negated string functions correspond
278  // to an odd value
279  if ( start == DwString::npos )
280  rc = ( ( function() & 1 ) == 1 );
281  else {
282  start += headerLen;
283  size_t stop = aStr.find( '\n', start );
284  char ch = '\0';
285  while ( stop != DwString::npos && ( ( ch = stop + 1 ) ) == ' ' || ch == '\t' ) )
286  stop = aStr.find( '\n', stop + 1 );
287  const int len = stop == DwString::npos ? aStr.length() - start : stop - start ;
288  const TQCString codedValue( + start, len + 1 );
289  const TQString msgContents = KMMsgBase::decodeRFC2047String( codedValue ).stripWhiteSpace(); // FIXME: This needs to be changed for IDN support.
290  rc = matchesInternal( msgContents );
291  }
292  } else if ( field() == "<recipients>" ) {
293  static const DwBoyerMoore to("\nTo: ");
294  static const DwBoyerMoore cc("\nCc: ");
295  static const DwBoyerMoore bcc("\nBcc: ");
296  // <recipients> "contains" "foo" is true if any of the fields contains
297  // "foo", while <recipients> "does not contain" "foo" is true if none
298  // of the fields contains "foo"
299  if ( ( function() & 1 ) == 0 ) {
300  // positive function, e.g. "contains"
301  rc = ( matches( aStr, msg, &to, 2 ) ||
302  matches( aStr, msg, &cc, 2 ) ||
303  matches( aStr, msg, &bcc, 3 ) );
304  }
305  else {
306  // negated function, e.g. "does not contain"
307  rc = ( matches( aStr, msg, &to, 2 ) &&
308  matches( aStr, msg, &cc, 2 ) &&
309  matches( aStr, msg, &bcc, 3 ) );
310  }
311  }
312  if ( FilterLog::instance()->isLogging() ) {
313  TQString msg = ( rc ? "<font color=#00FF00>1 = </font>"
314  : "<font color=#FF0000>0 = </font>" );
315  msg += FilterLog::recode( asString() );
316  // only log headers bcause messages and bodies can be pretty large
317 // FIXME We have to separate the text which is used for filtering to be able to show it in the log
318 // if ( logContents )
319 // msg += " (<i>" + FilterLog::recode( msgContents ) + "</i>)";
320  FilterLog::instance()->add( msg, FilterLog::ruleResult );
321  }
322  return rc;
323 }
325 bool KMSearchRuleString::matches( const KMMessage * msg ) const
326 {
327  assert( msg );
329  if ( isEmpty() )
330  return false;
332  TQString msgContents;
333  // Show the value used to compare the rules against in the log.
334  // Overwrite the value for complete messages and all headers!
335  bool logContents = true;
337  if( field() == "<message>" ) {
339  // When searching in the complete message, we can't simply use msg->asString() here,
340  // as that wouldn't decode the body. Therefore we use the decoded body and all decoded
341  // header fields and add all to the one big search string.
342  msgContents += msg->bodyToUnicode();
343  const DwHeaders& headers = msg->headers();
344  const DwField * dwField = headers.FirstField();
345  while( dwField != 0 ) {
346  const char * const fieldName = dwField->FieldNameStr().c_str();
347  const TQString fieldValue = msg->headerFields( fieldName ).join( " " );
348  msgContents += " " + fieldValue;
349  dwField = dwField->Next();
350  }
351  logContents = false;
352  } else if ( field() == "<body>" ) {
353  msgContents = msg->bodyToUnicode();
354  logContents = false;
355  } else if ( field() == "<any header>" ) {
356  msgContents = msg->headerAsString();
357  logContents = false;
358  } else if ( field() == "<recipients>" ) {
359  // (mmutz 2001-11-05) hack to fix "<recipients> !contains foo" to
360  // meet user's expectations. See FAQ entry in KDE 2.2.2's KMail
361  // handbook
362  if ( function() == FuncEquals || function() == FuncNotEqual )
363  // do we need to treat this case specially? Ie.: What shall
364  // "equality" mean for recipients.
365  return matchesInternal( msg->headerField("To") )
366  || matchesInternal( msg->headerField("Cc") )
367  || matchesInternal( msg->headerField("Bcc") )
368  // sometimes messages have multiple Cc headers
369  || matchesInternal( msg->cc() );
371  msgContents = msg->headerField("To");
372  if ( !msg->headerField("Cc").compare( msg->cc() ) )
373  msgContents += ", " + msg->headerField("Cc");
374  else
375  msgContents += ", " + msg->cc();
376  msgContents += ", " + msg->headerField("Bcc");
377  } else {
378  // make sure to treat messages with multiple header lines for
379  // the same header correctly
380  msgContents = msg->headerFields( field() ).join( " " );
381  }
383  if ( function() == FuncIsInAddressbook ||
384  function() == FuncIsNotInAddressbook ) {
385  // I think only the "from"-field makes sense.
386  msgContents = msg->headerField( field() );
387  if ( msgContents.isEmpty() )
388  return ( function() == FuncIsInAddressbook ) ? false : true;
389  }
391  // these two functions need the kmmessage therefore they don't call matchesInternal
392  if ( function() == FuncHasAttachment )
393  return ( msg->toMsgBase().attachmentState() == KMMsgHasAttachment );
394  if ( function() == FuncHasNoAttachment )
395  return ( ((KMMsgAttachmentState) msg->toMsgBase().attachmentState()) == KMMsgHasNoAttachment );
397  bool rc = matchesInternal( msgContents );
398  if ( FilterLog::instance()->isLogging() ) {
399  TQString msg = ( rc ? "<font color=#00FF00>1 = </font>"
400  : "<font color=#FF0000>0 = </font>" );
401  msg += FilterLog::recode( asString() );
402  // only log headers bcause messages and bodies can be pretty large
403  if ( logContents )
404  msg += " (<i>" + FilterLog::recode( msgContents ) + "</i>)";
405  FilterLog::instance()->add( msg, FilterLog::ruleResult );
406  }
407  return rc;
408 }
410 // helper, does the actual comparing
411 bool KMSearchRuleString::matchesInternal( const TQString & msgContents ) const
412 {
413  switch ( function() ) {
414  case KMSearchRule::FuncEquals:
415  return ( TQString::compare( msgContents.lower(), contents().lower() ) == 0 );
417  case KMSearchRule::FuncNotEqual:
418  return ( TQString::compare( msgContents.lower(), contents().lower() ) != 0 );
420  case KMSearchRule::FuncContains:
421  return ( msgContents.find( contents(), 0, false ) >= 0 );
423  case KMSearchRule::FuncContainsNot:
424  return ( msgContents.find( contents(), 0, false ) < 0 );
426  case KMSearchRule::FuncRegExp:
427  {
428  TQRegExp regexp( contents(), false );
429  return ( msgContents ) >= 0 );
430  }
432  case KMSearchRule::FuncNotRegExp:
433  {
434  TQRegExp regexp( contents(), false );
435  return ( msgContents ) < 0 );
436  }
438  case FuncIsGreater:
439  return ( TQString::compare( msgContents.lower(), contents().lower() ) > 0 );
441  case FuncIsLessOrEqual:
442  return ( TQString::compare( msgContents.lower(), contents().lower() ) <= 0 );
444  case FuncIsLess:
445  return ( TQString::compare( msgContents.lower(), contents().lower() ) < 0 );
447  case FuncIsGreaterOrEqual:
448  return ( TQString::compare( msgContents.lower(), contents().lower() ) >= 0 );
450  case FuncIsInAddressbook: {
451  TDEABC::AddressBook *stdAb = TDEABC::StdAddressBook::self( true );
452  TQStringList addressList =
453  KPIM::splitEmailAddrList( msgContents.lower() );
454  for( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = addressList.begin();
455  ( it != addressList.end() );
456  ++it ) {
457  if ( !stdAb->findByEmail( KPIM::getEmailAddress( *it ) ).isEmpty() )
458  return true;
459  }
460  return false;
461  }
463  case FuncIsNotInAddressbook: {
464  TDEABC::AddressBook *stdAb = TDEABC::StdAddressBook::self( true );
465  TQStringList addressList =
466  KPIM::splitEmailAddrList( msgContents.lower() );
467  for( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = addressList.begin();
468  ( it != addressList.end() );
469  ++it ) {
470  if ( stdAb->findByEmail( KPIM::getEmailAddress( *it ) ).isEmpty() )
471  return true;
472  }
473  return false;
474  }
476  case FuncIsInCategory: {
477  TQString category = contents();
478  TQStringList addressList = KPIM::splitEmailAddrList( msgContents.lower() );
479  TDEABC::AddressBook *stdAb = TDEABC::StdAddressBook::self( true );
481  for( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = addressList.begin();
482  it != addressList.end(); ++it ) {
483  TDEABC::Addressee::List addresses = stdAb->findByEmail( KPIM::getEmailAddress( *it ) );
485  for ( TDEABC::Addressee::List::Iterator itAd = addresses.begin(); itAd != addresses.end(); ++itAd )
486  if ( (*itAd).hasCategory(category) )
487  return true;
489  }
490  return false;
491  }
493  case FuncIsNotInCategory: {
494  TQString category = contents();
495  TQStringList addressList = KPIM::splitEmailAddrList( msgContents.lower() );
496  TDEABC::AddressBook *stdAb = TDEABC::StdAddressBook::self( true );
498  for( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = addressList.begin();
499  it != addressList.end(); ++it ) {
500  TDEABC::Addressee::List addresses = stdAb->findByEmail( KPIM::getEmailAddress( *it ) );
502  for ( TDEABC::Addressee::List::Iterator itAd = addresses.begin(); itAd != addresses.end(); ++itAd )
503  if ( (*itAd).hasCategory(category) )
504  return false;
506  }
507  return true;
508  }
509  default:
510  ;
511  }
513  return false;
514 }
517 //==================================================
518 //
519 // class KMSearchRuleNumerical
520 //
521 //==================================================
523 KMSearchRuleNumerical::KMSearchRuleNumerical( const TQCString & field,
524  Function func, const TQString & contents )
525  : KMSearchRule(field, func, contents)
526 {
527 }
530 {
531  bool ok = false;
532  contents().toInt( &ok );
534  return !ok;
535 }
538 bool KMSearchRuleNumerical::matches( const KMMessage * msg ) const
539 {
541  TQString msgContents;
542  int numericalMsgContents = 0;
543  int numericalValue = 0;
545  if ( field() == "<size>" ) {
546  numericalMsgContents = int( msg->msgLength() );
547  numericalValue = contents().toInt();
548  msgContents.setNum( numericalMsgContents );
549  } else if ( field() == "<age in days>" ) {
550  TQDateTime msgDateTime;
551  msgDateTime.setTime_t( msg->date() );
552  numericalMsgContents = msgDateTime.daysTo( TQDateTime::currentDateTime() );
553  numericalValue = contents().toInt();
554  msgContents.setNum( numericalMsgContents );
555  }
556  bool rc = matchesInternal( numericalValue, numericalMsgContents, msgContents );
557  if ( FilterLog::instance()->isLogging() ) {
558  TQString msg = ( rc ? "<font color=#00FF00>1 = </font>"
559  : "<font color=#FF0000>0 = </font>" );
560  msg += FilterLog::recode( asString() );
561  msg += " ( <i>" + TQString::number( numericalMsgContents ) + "</i> )";
562  FilterLog::instance()->add( msg, FilterLog::ruleResult );
563  }
564  return rc;
565 }
567 bool KMSearchRuleNumerical::matchesInternal( long numericalValue,
568  long numericalMsgContents, const TQString & msgContents ) const
569 {
570  switch ( function() ) {
571  case KMSearchRule::FuncEquals:
572  return ( numericalValue == numericalMsgContents );
574  case KMSearchRule::FuncNotEqual:
575  return ( numericalValue != numericalMsgContents );
577  case KMSearchRule::FuncContains:
578  return ( msgContents.find( contents(), 0, false ) >= 0 );
580  case KMSearchRule::FuncContainsNot:
581  return ( msgContents.find( contents(), 0, false ) < 0 );
583  case KMSearchRule::FuncRegExp:
584  {
585  TQRegExp regexp( contents(), false );
586  return ( msgContents ) >= 0 );
587  }
589  case KMSearchRule::FuncNotRegExp:
590  {
591  TQRegExp regexp( contents(), false );
592  return ( msgContents ) < 0 );
593  }
595  case FuncIsGreater:
596  return ( numericalMsgContents > numericalValue );
598  case FuncIsLessOrEqual:
599  return ( numericalMsgContents <= numericalValue );
601  case FuncIsLess:
602  return ( numericalMsgContents < numericalValue );
604  case FuncIsGreaterOrEqual:
605  return ( numericalMsgContents >= numericalValue );
607  case FuncIsInAddressbook: // since email-addresses are not numerical, I settle for false here
608  return false;
610  case FuncIsNotInAddressbook:
611  return false;
613  default:
614  ;
615  }
617  return false;
618 }
622 //==================================================
623 //
624 // class KMSearchRuleStatus
625 //
626 //==================================================
627 TQString englishNameForStatus( const KMMsgStatus& status )
628 {
629  for ( int i=0; i< numStatusNames; i++ ) {
630  if ( statusNames[i].status == status ) {
631  return statusNames[i].name;
632  }
633  }
634  return TQString();
635 }
637 KMSearchRuleStatus::KMSearchRuleStatus( const TQCString & field,
638  Function func, const TQString & aContents )
639  : KMSearchRule(field, func, aContents)
640 {
641  // the values are always in english, both from the conf file as well as
642  // the patternedit gui
643  mStatus = statusFromEnglishName( aContents );
644 }
646 KMSearchRuleStatus::KMSearchRuleStatus( int status, Function func )
647 : KMSearchRule( "<status>", func, englishNameForStatus( status ) )
648 {
649  mStatus = status;
650 }
652 KMMsgStatus KMSearchRuleStatus::statusFromEnglishName( const TQString & aStatusString )
653 {
654  for ( int i=0; i< numStatusNames; i++ ) {
655  if ( ! statusNames[i].name ) ) {
656  return statusNames[i].status;
657  }
658  }
659  return KMMsgStatusUnknown;
660 }
663 {
664  return field().stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty() || contents().isEmpty();
665 }
667 bool KMSearchRuleStatus::matches( const DwString &, KMMessage &,
668  const DwBoyerMoore *, int ) const
669 {
670  assert( 0 );
671  return false; // don't warn
672 }
674 bool KMSearchRuleStatus::matches( const KMMessage * msg ) const
675 {
677  KMMsgStatus msgStatus = msg->status();
678  bool rc = false;
680  switch ( function() ) {
681  case FuncEquals: // fallthrough. So that "<status> 'is' 'read'" works
682  case FuncContains:
683  if (msgStatus & mStatus)
684  rc = true;
685  break;
686  case FuncNotEqual: // fallthrough. So that "<status> 'is not' 'read'" works
687  case FuncContainsNot:
688  if (! (msgStatus & mStatus) )
689  rc = true;
690  break;
691  // FIXME what about the remaining funcs, how can they make sense for
692  // stati?
693  default:
694  break;
695  }
697  if ( FilterLog::instance()->isLogging() ) {
698  TQString msg = ( rc ? "<font color=#00FF00>1 = </font>"
699  : "<font color=#FF0000>0 = </font>" );
700  msg += FilterLog::recode( asString() );
701  FilterLog::instance()->add( msg, FilterLog::ruleResult );
702  }
703  return rc;
704 }
706 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
708 //==================================================
709 //
710 // class KMSearchPattern
711 //
712 //==================================================
714 KMSearchPattern::KMSearchPattern( const TDEConfig * config )
715  : TQPtrList<KMSearchRule>()
716 {
717  setAutoDelete( true );
718  if ( config )
719  readConfig( config );
720  else
721  init();
722 }
725 {
726 }
728 bool KMSearchPattern::matches( const KMMessage * msg, bool ignoreBody ) const
729 {
730  if ( isEmpty() )
731  return true;
733  TQPtrListIterator<KMSearchRule> it( *this );
734  switch ( mOperator ) {
735  case OpAnd: // all rules must match
736  for ( it.toFirst() ; it.current() ; ++it )
737  if ( !((*it)->requiresBody() && ignoreBody) )
738  if ( !(*it)->matches( msg ) )
739  return false;
740  return true;
741  case OpOr: // at least one rule must match
742  for ( it.toFirst() ; it.current() ; ++it )
743  if ( !((*it)->requiresBody() && ignoreBody) )
744  if ( (*it)->matches( msg ) )
745  return true;
746  // fall through
747  default:
748  return false;
749  }
750 }
752 bool KMSearchPattern::matches( const DwString & aStr, bool ignoreBody ) const
753 {
754  if ( isEmpty() )
755  return true;
757  KMMessage msg;
758  TQPtrListIterator<KMSearchRule> it( *this );
759  switch ( mOperator ) {
760  case OpAnd: // all rules must match
761  for ( it.toFirst() ; it.current() ; ++it )
762  if ( !((*it)->requiresBody() && ignoreBody) )
763  if ( !(*it)->matches( aStr, msg ) )
764  return false;
765  return true;
766  case OpOr: // at least one rule must match
767  for ( it.toFirst() ; it.current() ; ++it )
768  if ( !((*it)->requiresBody() && ignoreBody) )
769  if ( (*it)->matches( aStr, msg ) )
770  return true;
771  // fall through
772  default:
773  return false;
774  }
775 }
777 bool KMSearchPattern::matches( TQ_UINT32 serNum, bool ignoreBody ) const
778 {
779  if ( isEmpty() )
780  return true;
782  bool res;
783  int idx = -1;
784  KMFolder *folder = 0;
785  KMMsgDict::instance()->getLocation(serNum, &folder, &idx);
786  if (!folder || (idx == -1) || (idx >= folder->count())) {
787  return false;
788  }
790  KMFolderOpener openFolder(folder, "searchptr");
791  KMMsgBase *msgBase = folder->getMsgBase(idx);
792  if (requiresBody() && !ignoreBody) {
793  bool unGet = !msgBase->isMessage();
794  KMMessage *msg = folder->getMsg(idx);
795  res = false;
796  if ( msg ) {
797  res = matches( msg, ignoreBody );
798  if (unGet)
799  folder->unGetMsg(idx);
800  }
801  } else {
802  res = matches( folder->getDwString(idx), ignoreBody );
803  }
804  return res;
805 }
808  TQPtrListIterator<KMSearchRule> it( *this );
809  for ( it.toFirst() ; it.current() ; ++it )
810  if ( (*it)->requiresBody() )
811  return true;
812  return false;
813 }
816  TQPtrListIterator<KMSearchRule> it( *this );
817  it.toLast();
818  while ( it.current() )
819  if ( (*it)->isEmpty() ) {
820 #ifndef NDEBUG
821  kdDebug(5006) << "KMSearchPattern::purify(): removing " << (*it)->asString() << endl;
822 #endif
823  remove( *it );
824  } else {
825  --it;
826  }
827 }
829 void KMSearchPattern::readConfig( const TDEConfig * config ) {
830  init();
832  mName = config->readEntry("name");
833  if ( !config->hasKey("rules") ) {
834  kdDebug(5006) << "KMSearchPattern::readConfig: found legacy config! Converting." << endl;
835  importLegacyConfig( config );
836  return;
837  }
839  mOperator = config->readEntry("operator") == "or" ? OpOr : OpAnd;
841  const int nRules = config->readNumEntry( "rules", 0 );
843  for ( int i = 0 ; i < nRules ; i++ ) {
845  if ( r->isEmpty() )
846  delete r;
847  else
848  append( r );
849  }
850 }
852 void KMSearchPattern::importLegacyConfig( const TDEConfig * config ) {
853  KMSearchRule * rule = KMSearchRule::createInstance( config->readEntry("fieldA").latin1(),
854  config->readEntry("funcA").latin1(),
855  config->readEntry("contentsA") );
856  if ( rule->isEmpty() ) {
857  // if the first rule is invalid,
858  // we really can't do much heuristics...
859  delete rule;
860  return;
861  }
862  append( rule );
864  const TQString sOperator = config->readEntry("operator");
865  if ( sOperator == "ignore" ) return;
867  rule = KMSearchRule::createInstance( config->readEntry("fieldB").latin1(),
868  config->readEntry("funcB").latin1(),
869  config->readEntry("contentsB") );
870  if ( rule->isEmpty() ) {
871  delete rule;
872  return;
873  }
874  append( rule );
876  if ( sOperator == "or" ) {
877  mOperator = OpOr;
878  return;
879  }
880  // This is the interesting case...
881  if ( sOperator == "unless" ) { // meaning "and not", ie we need to...
882  // ...invert the function (e.g. "equals" <-> "doesn't equal")
883  // We simply toggle the last bit (xor with 0x1)... This assumes that
884  // KMSearchRule::Function's come in adjacent pairs of pros and cons
885  KMSearchRule::Function func = last()->function();
886  unsigned int intFunc = (unsigned int)func;
887  func = KMSearchRule::Function( intFunc ^ 0x1 );
889  last()->setFunction( func );
890  }
892  // treat any other case as "and" (our default).
893 }
895 void KMSearchPattern::writeConfig( TDEConfig * config ) const {
896  config->writeEntry("name", mName);
897  config->writeEntry("operator", (mOperator == KMSearchPattern::OpOr) ? "or" : "and" );
899  int i = 0;
900  for ( TQPtrListIterator<KMSearchRule> it( *this ) ; it.current() && i < FILTER_MAX_RULES ; ++i , ++it )
901  // we could do this ourselves, but we want the rules to be extensible,
902  // so we give the rule it's number and let it do the rest.
903  (*it)->writeConfig( config, i );
905  // save the total number of rules.
906  config->writeEntry( "rules", i );
907 }
909 void KMSearchPattern::init() {
910  clear();
911  mOperator = OpAnd;
912  mName = '<' + i18n("name used for a virgin filter","unknown") + '>';
913 }
915 TQString KMSearchPattern::asString() const {
916  TQString result;
917  if ( mOperator == OpOr )
918  result = i18n("(match any of the following)");
919  else
920  result = i18n("(match all of the following)");
922  for ( TQPtrListIterator<KMSearchRule> it( *this ) ; it.current() ; ++it )
923  result += "\n\t" + FilterLog::recode( (*it)->asString() );
925  return result;
926 }
929  if ( this == &other )
930  return *this;
932  setOp( other.op() );
933  setName( );
935  clear(); // ###
937  for ( TQPtrListIterator<KMSearchRule> it( other ) ; it.current() ; ++it ) {
938  KMSearchRule * rule = KMSearchRule::createInstance( **it ); // deep copy
939  append( rule );
940  }
942  return *this;
943 }
RAII for KMFolder::open() / close().
Definition: kmfolder.h:688
Mail folder.
Definition: kmfolder.h:69
KMMsgInfo * unGetMsg(int idx)
Replace KMMessage with KMMsgInfo and delete KMMessage
Definition: kmfolder.cpp:326
DwString getDwString(int idx)
Read a message and returns a DwString.
Definition: kmfolder.cpp:336
KMMessage * getMsg(int idx)
Read message at given index.
Definition: kmfolder.cpp:321
const KMMsgBase * getMsgBase(int idx) const
Provides access to the basic message fields that are also stored in the index.
Definition: kmfolder.cpp:360
int count(bool cache=false) const
Number of messages in this folder.
Definition: kmfolder.cpp:445
This is a Mime Message.
Definition: kmmessage.h:68
void fromDwString(const DwString &str, bool setStatus=false)
Parse the string and create this message from it.
Definition: kmmessage.cpp:402
size_t msgLength() const
Unlike the above function this works also, if the message is not in a folder.
Definition: kmmessage.h:817
TQStringList headerFields(const TQCString &name) const
Returns a list of the values of all header fields with the given name.
Definition: kmmessage.cpp:2302
TQString bodyToUnicode(const TQTextCodec *codec=0) const
Returns the body part decoded to unicode.
Definition: kmmessage.cpp:4471
TQString cc() const
Get or set the 'Cc' header field.
Definition: kmmessage.cpp:1940
void setComplete(bool v)
Set if the message is a complete message.
Definition: kmmessage.h:869
KMMsgStatus status() const
Status of the message.
Definition: kmmessage.h:830
TQString headerField(const TQCString &name) const
Returns the value of a header field with the given name.
Definition: kmmessage.cpp:2289
KMMsgBase & toMsgBase()
Get KMMsgBase for this object.
Definition: kmmessage.h:114
DwHeaders & headers() const
get the DwHeaders (make sure to call setNeedsAssembly() function after directly modyfying internal da...
Definition: kmmessage.cpp:2546
bool isComplete() const
Return true if the complete message is available without referring to the backing store.
Definition: kmmessage.h:867
TQString headerAsString() const
Return header as string.
Definition: kmmessage.cpp:378
void getLocation(unsigned long key, KMFolder **retFolder, int *retIndex) const
Returns the folder the message represented by the serial number key is in and the index in that folde...
Definition: kmmsgdict.cpp:319
static const KMMsgDict * instance()
Access the globally unique MessageDict.
Definition: kmmsgdict.cpp:167
This class is an abstraction of a search over messages.
bool requiresBody() const
Returns true if the pattern only depends the DwString that backs a message.
KMSearchPattern::Operator op() const
Get the filter operator.
void readConfig(const TDEConfig *config)
Reads a search pattern from a TDEConfig.
bool matches(const KMMessage *msg, bool ignoreBody=false) const
The central function of this class.
KMSearchPattern(const TDEConfig *config=0)
Constructor that initializes from a given TDEConfig group, if given.
void setOp(KMSearchPattern::Operator aOp)
Set the filter operator.
void setName(const TQString &newName)
Set the name of the search pattern.
TQString name() const
Get the name of the search pattern.
void purify()
Removes all empty rules from the list.
const KMSearchPattern & operator=(const KMSearchPattern &aPattern)
Overloaded assignment operator.
TQString asString() const
Returns the pattern as string.
void writeConfig(TDEConfig *config) const
Writes itself into config.
This class represents a search to be performed against a numerical value, such as the age of the mess...
virtual bool isEmpty() const
Determine whether the rule is worth considering.
bool matchesInternal(long numericalValue, long numericalMsgContents, const TQString &msgContents) const
Helper for the main matches() method.
virtual bool matches(const KMMessage *msg) const
Tries to match the rule against the given KMMessage.
This class represents a search to be performed against the status of a messsage.
virtual bool matches(const KMMessage *msg) const
Tries to match the rule against the given KMMessage.
virtual bool isEmpty() const
Determine whether the rule is worth considering.
This class represents a search to be performed against a string.
virtual bool requiresBody() const
Returns true if the rule depends on a complete message, otherwise returns false.
virtual bool matches(const KMMessage *msg) const
Tries to match the rule against the given KMMessage.
bool matchesInternal(const TQString &msgContents) const
Helper for the main matches() method.
virtual bool isEmpty() const
Determine whether the rule is worth considering.
Incoming mail is sent through the list of mail filter rules before it is placed in the associated mai...
void setFunction(Function aFunction)
Set filter function.
virtual bool matches(const KMMessage *msg) const =0
Tries to match the rule against the given KMMessage.
void setContents(const TQString &aContents)
Set the value.
static KMSearchRule * createInstanceFromConfig(const TDEConfig *config, int aIdx)
Initialize the object from a given config file.
static KMSearchRule * createInstance(const TQCString &field=0, Function function=FuncContains, const TQString &contents=TQString())
Create a search rule of a certain type by instantiating the appro- priate subclass depending on the f...
TQCString field() const
Return message header field name (without the trailing ':').
Function function() const
Return filter function.
const TQString asString() const
Returns the rule as string.
TQString contents() const
Return the value.
void setField(const TQCString &field)
Set message header field name (make sure there's no trailing colon ':')
virtual bool isEmpty() const =0
Determine whether the rule is worth considering.
Operators for comparison of field and contents.
void writeConfig(TDEConfig *config, int aIdx) const
Save the object into a given config file.
KMail Filter Log Collector.
Definition: filterlog.h:54
void append(TQByteArray &that, const TQByteArray &str)
Append a bytearray to a bytearray.
Definition: util.cpp:144