207 virtual bool eventDurationHint(TQDateTime &/*startDt*/, TQDateTime &/*endDt*/, bool &/*allDay*/) { return false; }
This class provides an interface for all views being displayed within the main calendar view.
Definition: baseview.h:60
void copyIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)
instructs the receiver to copy the incidence
void dissociateOccurrenceSignal(Incidence *, const TQDate &)
Dissociate from a recurring incidence the occurrence on the given date to a new incidence.
void newEventSignal(ResourceCalendar *res, const TQString &subResource, const TQDate &)
instructs the receiver to create a new event with the specified beginning time.
virtual bool eventDurationHint(TQDateTime &, TQDateTime &, bool &)
Set the default start/end date/time for new events.
Definition: baseview.h:207
void newEventSignal(ResourceCalendar *res, const TQString &subResource, const TQDateTime &, const TQDateTime &)
instructs the receiver to create a new event, with the specified beginning end ending times.
virtual void showIncidences(const Incidence::List &incidenceList, const TQDate &date)=0
Show given incidences.
void toggleAlarmSignal(Incidence *)
instructs the receiver to toggle the alarms of the Incidence.
virtual TQDateTime selectionStart()
Returns the start of the selection, or an invalid TQDateTime if there is no selection or the view doe...
Definition: baseview.h:125
virtual void changeIncidenceDisplay(Incidence *, int)=0
Updates the current display to reflect the changes to one particular incidence.
void editIncidenceSignal(Incidence *, const TQDate &)
instructs the receiver to begin editing the incidence specified in some manner.
void dissociateFutureOccurrenceSignal(Incidence *, const TQDate &)
Dissociate from a recurring incidence all occurrences after the given date to a new incidence.
virtual TQDateTime selectionEnd()
Returns the end of the selection, or an invalid TQDateTime if there is no selection or the view doesn...
Definition: baseview.h:131
ResourceCalendar * resourceCalendar()
Return resourceCalendar of this view.
Definition: baseview.h:100
virtual void showDates(const TQDate &start, const TQDate &end)=0
Show incidences for the given date range.
virtual void updateView()=0
Updates the current display to reflect changes that may have happened in the calendar since the last ...
void cutIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)
instructs the receiver to cut the Incidence
virtual void setIncidenceChanger(IncidenceChangerBase *changer)
Assign a new incidence change helper object.
Definition: baseview.h:181
void deleteIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)
instructs the receiver to delete the Incidence in some manner; some possibilities include automatical...
void newEventSignal(ResourceCalendar *res, const TQString &subResource)
instructs the receiver to create a new event.
virtual int currentDateCount()=0
Return number of currently shown dates.
void pasteIncidenceSignal()
instructs the receiver to paste the incidence
virtual void updateConfig()
Re-reads the KOrganizer configuration and picks up relevant changes which are applicable to the view.
Definition: baseview.h:197
TQString subResourceCalendar() const
Return subResourceCalendar of this view.
Definition: baseview.h:105
virtual DateList selectedIncidenceDates()=0
virtual bool isEventView()
Return if this view is a view for displaying events.
Definition: baseview.h:144
void showIncidenceSignal(Incidence *, const TQDate &)
instructs the receiver to show the incidence in read-only mode.
void newEventSignal(ResourceCalendar *res, const TQString &subResource, const TQDateTime &)
instructs the receiver to create a new event with the specified beginning time.
virtual Incidence::List selectedIncidences()=0
virtual bool supportsDateNavigation() const
Returns true if the view supports navigation through the date navigator ( selecting a date range,...
Definition: baseview.h:149
BaseView(Calendar *cal, TQWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0)
Constructs a view.
Definition: baseview.h:72