
1 /*
2  This file is part of libkcal.
4  Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <>
5  Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Reinhold Kainhofer <>
7  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
9  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  Library General Public License for more details.
17  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
18  along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
19  the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
20  Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
21 */
23 #include <tdeglobal.h>
24 #include <tdelocale.h>
25 #include <kdebug.h>
27 #include "calformat.h"
29 #include "incidence.h"
30 #include "calendar.h"
32 using namespace KCal;
34 Incidence::Incidence() :
35  IncidenceBase(),
36  mRelatedTo(0), mStatus(StatusNone), mSecrecy(SecrecyPublic),
37  mPriority(0), mRecurrence(0),
38  mHasRecurrenceID( false ), mChildRecurrenceEvents()
39 {
40  recreate();
42  mAlarms.setAutoDelete(true);
43  mAttachments.setAutoDelete(true);
44 }
46 Incidence::Incidence( const Incidence &i ) : IncidenceBase( i ),Recurrence::Observer()
47 {
48 // TODO: reenable attributes currently commented out.
49  mRevision = i.mRevision;
50  mCreated = i.mCreated;
51  mDescription = i.mDescription;
52  mSummary = i.mSummary;
53  mCategories = i.mCategories;
54 // Incidence *mRelatedTo; Incidence *mRelatedTo;
55  mRelatedTo = 0;
56  mRelatedToUid = i.mRelatedToUid;
57 // Incidence::List mRelations; Incidence::List mRelations;
58  mResources = i.mResources;
59  mStatusString = i.mStatusString;
60  mStatus = i.mStatus;
61  mSecrecy = i.mSecrecy;
62  mPriority = i.mPriority;
63  mLocation = i.mLocation;
64  mRecurrenceID = i.mRecurrenceID;
65  mHasRecurrenceID = i.mHasRecurrenceID;
66  mChildRecurrenceEvents = i.mChildRecurrenceEvents;
68  // Alarms and Attachments are stored in ListBase<...>, which is a TQValueList<...*>.
69  // We need to really duplicate the objects stored therein, otherwise deleting
70  // i will also delete all attachments from this object (setAutoDelete...)
71  Alarm::List::ConstIterator it;
72  for( it = i.mAlarms.begin(); it != i.mAlarms.end(); ++it ) {
73  Alarm *b = new Alarm( **it );
74  b->setParent( this );
75  mAlarms.append( b );
76  }
77  mAlarms.setAutoDelete(true);
79  Attachment::List::ConstIterator it1;
80  for ( it1 = i.mAttachments.begin(); it1 != i.mAttachments.end(); ++it1 ) {
81  Attachment *a = new Attachment( **it1 );
82  mAttachments.append( a );
83  }
84  mAttachments.setAutoDelete( true );
86  if (i.mRecurrence) {
87  mRecurrence = new Recurrence( *(i.mRecurrence) );
88  mRecurrence->addObserver( this );
89  } else
90  mRecurrence = 0;
92  mSchedulingID = i.mSchedulingID;
93 }
95 Incidence::~Incidence()
96 {
97  Incidence::List Relations = mRelations;
98  List::ConstIterator it;
99  for ( it = Relations.begin(); it != Relations.end(); ++it ) {
100  if ( (*it)->relatedTo() == this ) (*it)->mRelatedTo = 0;
101  }
102  if ( relatedTo() ) relatedTo()->removeRelation( this );
104  delete mRecurrence;
105 }
107 // A string comparison that considers that null and empty are the same
108 static bool stringCompare( const TQString& s1, const TQString& s2 )
109 {
110  return ( s1.isEmpty() && s2.isEmpty() ) || (s1 == s2);
111 }
113 Incidence& Incidence::operator=( const Incidence &i )
114 {
115  if ( &i == this )
116  return *this;
117  IncidenceBase::operator=( i );
118  mRevision = i.mRevision;
119  mCreated = i.mCreated;
120  mDescription = i.mDescription;
121  mSummary = i.mSummary;
122  mCategories = i.mCategories;
123  mRelatedTo = 0;
124  mRelatedToUid = i.mRelatedToUid;
125  mRelations.clear();
126  mResources = i.mResources;
127  mStatusString = i.mStatusString;
128  mStatus = i.mStatus;
129  mSecrecy = i.mSecrecy;
130  mPriority = i.mPriority;
131  mLocation = i.mLocation;
132  mRecurrenceID = i.mRecurrenceID;
133  mHasRecurrenceID = i.mHasRecurrenceID;
134  mChildRecurrenceEvents = i.mChildRecurrenceEvents;
136  mAlarms.clearAll();
137  Alarm::List::ConstIterator it;
138  for( it = i.mAlarms.begin(); it != i.mAlarms.end(); ++it ) {
139  Alarm *b = new Alarm( **it );
140  b->setParent( this );
141  mAlarms.append( b );
142  }
144  mAttachments.clearAll();
145  Attachment::List::ConstIterator it1;
146  for ( it1 = i.mAttachments.begin(); it1 != i.mAttachments.end(); ++it1 ) {
147  Attachment *a = new Attachment( **it1 );
148  mAttachments.append( a );
149  }
151  delete mRecurrence;
152  if (i.mRecurrence) {
153  mRecurrence = new Recurrence( *(i.mRecurrence) );
154  mRecurrence->addObserver( this );
155  } else
156  mRecurrence = 0;
158  mSchedulingID = i.mSchedulingID;
159  return *this;
160 }
162 bool Incidence::operator==( const Incidence& i2 ) const
163 {
164  if( alarms().count() != i2.alarms().count() ) {
165  return false; // no need to check further
166  }
168  Alarm::List::ConstIterator a1 = alarms().begin();
169  Alarm::List::ConstIterator a2 = i2.alarms().begin();
170  for( ; a1 != alarms().end() && a2 != i2.alarms().end(); ++a1, ++a2 )
171  if( **a1 == **a2 )
172  continue;
173  else {
174  return false;
175  }
177  if ( !IncidenceBase::operator==(i2) )
178  return false;
180  bool recurrenceEqual = ( mRecurrence == 0 && i2.mRecurrence == 0 );
181  if ( !recurrenceEqual )
182  {
183  recurrenceEqual = mRecurrence != 0 &&
184  i2.mRecurrence != 0 &&
185  *mRecurrence == *i2.mRecurrence;
186  }
188  return
189  recurrenceEqual &&
190  created() == i2.created() &&
191  stringCompare( description(), i2.description() ) &&
192  stringCompare( summary(), i2.summary() ) &&
193  categories() == i2.categories() &&
194  // no need to compare mRelatedTo
195  stringCompare( relatedToUid(), i2.relatedToUid() ) &&
196  relations() == i2.relations() &&
197  attachments() == i2.attachments() &&
198  resources() == i2.resources() &&
199  mStatus == i2.mStatus &&
200  ( mStatus == StatusNone || stringCompare( mStatusString, i2.mStatusString ) ) &&
201  secrecy() == i2.secrecy() &&
202  priority() == i2.priority() &&
203  stringCompare( location(), i2.location() ) &&
204  stringCompare( schedulingID(), i2.schedulingID() );
205 }
209 {
210  setCreated(TQDateTime::currentDateTime());
213  setSchedulingID( TQString() );
215  setRevision(0);
217  setLastModified(TQDateTime::currentDateTime());
218  setPilotId( 0 );
219  setSyncStatus( SYNCNONE );
220 }
222 void Incidence::setReadOnly( bool readOnly )
223 {
224  IncidenceBase::setReadOnly( readOnly );
225  if ( mRecurrence )
226  mRecurrence->setRecurReadOnly( readOnly );
227 }
230 {
231  if (mReadOnly) return;
232  if ( recurrence() )
233  recurrence()->setFloats( f );
235 }
237 void Incidence::setCreated( const TQDateTime &created )
238 {
239  if (mReadOnly) return;
240  mCreated = created;
242 // FIXME: Shouldn't we call updated for the creation date, too?
243 // updated();
244 }
246 TQDateTime Incidence::created() const
247 {
248  return mCreated;
249 }
251 void Incidence::setRevision( int rev )
252 {
253  if (mReadOnly) return;
254  mRevision = rev;
256  updated();
257 }
260 {
261  return mRevision;
262 }
264 void Incidence::setDtStart(const TQDateTime &dtStart)
265 {
266  if ( mRecurrence ) {
267  mRecurrence->setStartDateTime( dtStart );
268  mRecurrence->setFloats( doesFloat() );
269  }
271 }
273 void Incidence::setDescription(const TQString &description)
274 {
275  if (mReadOnly) return;
276  mDescription = description;
277  updated();
278 }
280 TQString Incidence::description() const
281 {
282  return mDescription;
283 }
286 void Incidence::setSummary(const TQString &summary)
287 {
288  if (mReadOnly) return;
289  mSummary = summary;
290  updated();
291 }
293 TQString Incidence::summary() const
294 {
295  return mSummary;
296 }
298 void Incidence::setCategories(const TQStringList &categories)
299 {
300  if (mReadOnly) return;
301  mCategories = categories;
302  updated();
303 }
305 // TODO: remove setCategories(TQString) function
306 void Incidence::setCategories(const TQString &catStr)
307 {
308  if (mReadOnly) return;
309  mCategories.clear();
311  if (catStr.isEmpty()) return;
313  mCategories = TQStringList::split(",",catStr);
315  TQStringList::Iterator it;
316  for(it = mCategories.begin();it != mCategories.end(); ++it) {
317  *it = (*it).stripWhiteSpace();
318  }
320  updated();
321 }
323 TQStringList Incidence::categories() const
324 {
325  return mCategories;
326 }
328 TQString Incidence::categoriesStr() const
329 {
330  return mCategories.join(",");
331 }
333 void Incidence::setRelatedToUid(const TQString &relatedToUid)
334 {
335  if ( mReadOnly || mRelatedToUid == relatedToUid ) return;
336  mRelatedToUid = relatedToUid;
337  updated();
338 }
340 TQString Incidence::relatedToUid() const
341 {
342  return mRelatedToUid;
343 }
346 {
347  if (mReadOnly || mRelatedTo == relatedTo) return;
348  if(mRelatedTo)
349  mRelatedTo->removeRelation(this);
350  mRelatedTo = relatedTo;
351  if (mRelatedTo) {
352  mRelatedTo->addRelation(this);
353  if ( mRelatedTo->uid() != mRelatedToUid )
354  setRelatedToUid( mRelatedTo->uid() );
355  } else {
356  setRelatedToUid( TQString() );
357  }
358 }
361 {
362  return mRelatedTo;
363 }
366 {
367  return mRelations;
368 }
371 {
372  if ( mRelations.find( event ) == mRelations.end() ) {
373  mRelations.append( event );
374  }
375 }
378 // Remove the relation of our incident. E.g. if you have a task t and a
379 // subtask, the subtask will have its relation to the task t.
380 {
381  mRelations.removeRef(event);
382 // if (event->getRelatedTo() == this) event->setRelatedTo(0);
383  mRelatedToUid=TQString();
384 }
387 // %%%%%%%%%%%% Recurrence-related methods %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
391 {
392  if (!mRecurrence)
393  {
394  const_cast<KCal::Incidence*>(this)->mRecurrence = new Recurrence();
395  mRecurrence->setStartDateTime( IncidenceBase::dtStart() );
396  mRecurrence->setFloats( doesFloat() );
397  mRecurrence->setRecurReadOnly( mReadOnly );
398  mRecurrence->addObserver( const_cast<KCal::Incidence*>(this) );
399  }
401  return mRecurrence;
402 }
405 {
406  delete mRecurrence;
407  mRecurrence = 0;
408 }
410 uint Incidence::recurrenceType() const
411 {
412  if ( mRecurrence ) return mRecurrence->recurrenceType();
413  else return Recurrence::rNone;
414 }
417 {
418  if ( mRecurrence ) return mRecurrence->doesRecur();
419  else return false;
420 }
422 bool Incidence::recursOn(const TQDate &qd) const
423 {
424  bool doesRecur = false;
425  doesRecur = mRecurrence && mRecurrence->recursOn(qd);
427  return doesRecur;
428 }
430 bool Incidence::recursAt(const TQDateTime &qdt) const
431 {
432  bool doesRecur = false;
433  doesRecur = mRecurrence && mRecurrence->recursAt(qdt);
435  return doesRecur;
436 }
438 bool Incidence::recursOn(const TQDate &qd, Calendar *cal) const
439 {
440  bool doesRecur = false;
441  doesRecur = mRecurrence && mRecurrence->recursOn(qd);
443  // Make sure that this instance has not been moved through a RECURRENCE-ID statement
444  if (hasRecurrenceID() == false) {
445  IncidenceList il = childIncidences();
446  IncidenceListIterator it;
447  for ( it = il.begin(); it != il.end(); ++it ) {
448  TQDateTime modifiedDt = cal->incidence(*it)->recurrenceID();
449  modifiedDt.setTime(TQTime());
450  if (TQDateTime(qd) == modifiedDt) {
451  doesRecur = false;
452  }
453  }
454  }
456  return doesRecur;
457 }
459 bool Incidence::recursAt(const TQDateTime &qdt, Calendar *cal) const
460 {
461  bool doesRecur = false;
462  doesRecur = mRecurrence && mRecurrence->recursAt(qdt);
464  // Make sure that this instance has not been moved through a RECURRENCE-ID statement
465  if (hasRecurrenceID() == false) {
466  IncidenceList il = childIncidences();
467  IncidenceListIterator it;
468  for ( it = il.begin(); it != il.end(); ++it ) {
469  if (qdt == cal->incidence(*it)->recurrenceID()) {
470  doesRecur = false;
471  }
472  }
473  }
475  return doesRecur;
476 }
486 TQValueList<TQDateTime> Incidence::startDateTimesForDate( const TQDate &date ) const
487 {
488 //kdDebug(5800) << "Incidence::startDateTimesForDate " << date << ", incidence=" << summary() << endl;
489  TQDateTime start = dtStart();
490  TQDateTime end = endDateRecurrenceBase();
492  TQValueList<TQDateTime> result;
494  // TODO_Recurrence: Also work if only due date is given...
495  if ( !start.isValid() && ! end.isValid() ) {
496  return result;
497  }
499  // if the incidence doesn't recur,
500  if ( !doesRecur() ) {
501  if ( !( > date || < date ) ) {
502  result << start;
503  }
504  return result;
505  }
507  int days = start.daysTo( end );
508  // Account for possible recurrences going over midnight, while the original event doesn't
509  TQDate tmpday( date.addDays( -days - 1 ) );
510  TQDateTime tmp;
511  while ( tmpday <= date ) {
512  if ( recurrence()->recursOn( tmpday ) ) {
513  TQValueList<TQTime> times = recurrence()->recurTimesOn( tmpday );
514  for ( TQValueList<TQTime>::ConstIterator it = times.begin(); it != times.end(); ++it ) {
515  tmp = TQDateTime( tmpday, *it );
516  if ( endDateForStart( tmp ).date() >= date )
517  result << tmp;
518  }
519  }
520  tmpday = tmpday.addDays( 1 );
521  }
522  return result;
523 }
533 TQValueList<TQDateTime> Incidence::startDateTimesForDateTime( const TQDateTime &datetime ) const
534 {
535 // kdDebug(5800) << "Incidence::startDateTimesForDateTime " << datetime << ", incidence=" << summary() << endl;
536  TQDateTime start = dtStart();
537  TQDateTime end = endDateRecurrenceBase();
539  TQValueList<TQDateTime> result;
541  // TODO_Recurrence: Also work if only due date is given...
542  if ( !start.isValid() && ! end.isValid() ) {
543  return result;
544  }
546  // if the incidence doesn't recur,
547  if ( !doesRecur() ) {
548  if ( !(start > datetime || end < datetime ) ) {
549  result << start;
550  }
551  return result;
552  }
554  int days = start.daysTo( end );
555  // Account for possible recurrences going over midnight, while the original event doesn't
556  TQDate tmpday( -days - 1 ) );
557  TQDateTime tmp;
558  while ( tmpday <= ) {
559  if ( recurrence()->recursOn( tmpday ) ) {
560  TQValueList<TQTime> times = recurrence()->recurTimesOn( tmpday );
561  for ( TQValueList<TQTime>::ConstIterator it = times.begin(); it != times.end(); ++it ) {
562  tmp = TQDateTime( tmpday, *it );
563  if ( !(tmp > datetime || endDateForStart( tmp ) < datetime ) )
564  result << tmp;
565  }
566  }
567  tmpday = tmpday.addDays( 1 );
568  }
569  return result;
570 }
573 TQDateTime Incidence::endDateForStart( const TQDateTime &startDt ) const
574 {
575  TQDateTime start = dtStart();
576  TQDateTime end = endDateRecurrenceBase();
577  if ( !end.isValid() ) return start;
578  if ( !start.isValid() ) return end;
580  return startDt.addSecs( start.secsTo( end ) );
581 }
583 // %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% begin:RecurrenceRule %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
585 // Exception Dates
586 /*void Incidence::setExDates(const DateList &exDates)
587 {
588  if ( mReadOnly ) return;
589  recurrence()->setExDates( exDates );
590  updated();
591 }
593 void Incidence::addExDate( const TQDate &date )
594 {
595  if ( mReadOnly ) return;
596  recurrence()->addExDate( date );
597  updated();
598 }
600 DateList Incidence::exDates() const
601 {
602  if ( mRecurrence ) return mRecurrence->exDates();
603  else return DateList();
604 }
607 // Exception DateTimes
608 void Incidence::setExDateTimes( const DateTimeList &exDates )
609 {
610  if ( mReadOnly ) return;
611  recurrence()->setExDateTimes( exDates );
612  updated();
613 }
615 void Incidence::addExDateTime( const TQDateTime &date )
616 {
617  if ( mReadOnly ) return;
618  recurrence()->addExDateTime( date );
619  updated();
620 }
622 DateTimeList Incidence::exDateTimes() const
623 {
624  if ( mRecurrence ) return mRecurrence->exDateTimes();
625  else return DateTimeList();
626 }
629 // Recurrence Dates
630 void Incidence::setRDates(const DateList &exDates)
631 {
632  if ( mReadOnly ) return;
633  recurrence()->setRDates( exDates );
634  updated();
635 }
637 void Incidence::addRDate( const TQDate &date )
638 {
639  if ( mReadOnly ) return;
640  recurrence()->addRDate( date );
641  updated();
642 }
644 DateList Incidence::rDates() const
645 {
646  if ( mRecurrence ) return mRecurrence->rDates();
647  else return DateList();
648 }
651 // Recurrence DateTimes
652 void Incidence::setRDateTimes( const DateTimeList &exDates )
653 {
654  if ( mReadOnly ) return;
655  recurrence()->setRDateTimes( exDates );
656  updated();
657 }
659 void Incidence::addRDateTime( const TQDateTime &date )
660 {
661  if ( mReadOnly ) return;
662  recurrence()->addRDateTime( date );
663  updated();
664 }
666 DateTimeList Incidence::rDateTimes() const
667 {
668  if ( mRecurrence ) return mRecurrence->rDateTimes();
669  else return DateTimeList();
670 }*/
672 // %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end:RecurrenceRule %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
675 {
676  if (mReadOnly || !attachment) return;
677  mAttachments.append(attachment);
678  updated();
679 }
682 {
683  mAttachments.removeRef(attachment);
684 }
686 void Incidence::deleteAttachments( const TQString &mime )
687 {
688  Attachment::List::Iterator it = mAttachments.begin();
689  while( it != mAttachments.end() ) {
690  if ( (*it)->mimeType() == mime ) mAttachments.remove( it );
691  else ++it;
692  }
693 }
696 {
697  return mAttachments;
698 }
700 Attachment::List Incidence::attachments(const TQString& mime) const
701 {
703  Attachment::List::ConstIterator it;
704  for( it = mAttachments.begin(); it != mAttachments.end(); ++it ) {
705  if ( (*it)->mimeType() == mime ) attachments.append( *it );
706  }
708  return attachments;
709 }
712 {
713  mAttachments.clearAll();
714 }
716 void Incidence::setResources(const TQStringList &resources)
717 {
718  if (mReadOnly) return;
719  mResources = resources;
720  updated();
721 }
723 TQStringList Incidence::resources() const
724 {
725  return mResources;
726 }
729 void Incidence::setPriority(int priority)
730 {
731  if (mReadOnly) return;
732  mPriority = priority;
733  updated();
734 }
737 {
738  return mPriority;
739 }
742 {
743  if (mReadOnly || status == StatusX) return;
744  mStatus = status;
745  mStatusString = TQString();
746  updated();
747 }
749 void Incidence::setCustomStatus(const TQString &status)
750 {
751  if (mReadOnly) return;
752  mStatus = status.isEmpty() ? StatusNone : StatusX;
753  mStatusString = status;
754  updated();
755 }
758 {
759  return mStatus;
760 }
762 TQString Incidence::statusStr() const
763 {
764  if (mStatus == StatusX)
765  return mStatusString;
766  return statusName(mStatus);
767 }
770 {
771  switch (status) {
772  case StatusTentative: return i18n("incidence status", "Tentative");
773  case StatusConfirmed: return i18n("Confirmed");
774  case StatusCompleted: return i18n("Completed");
775  case StatusNeedsAction: return i18n("Needs-Action");
776  case StatusCanceled: return i18n("Canceled");
777  case StatusInProcess: return i18n("In-Process");
778  case StatusDraft: return i18n("Draft");
779  case StatusFinal: return i18n("Final");
780  case StatusX:
781  case StatusNone:
782  default: return TQString();
783  }
784 }
787 {
788  if (mReadOnly) return;
789  mSecrecy = sec;
790  updated();
791 }
794 {
795  return mSecrecy;
796 }
798 TQString Incidence::secrecyStr() const
799 {
800  return secrecyName(mSecrecy);
801 }
803 TQString Incidence::secrecyName(int secrecy)
804 {
805  switch (secrecy) {
806  case SecrecyPublic:
807  return i18n("Public");
808  case SecrecyPrivate:
809  return i18n("Private");
810  case SecrecyConfidential:
811  return i18n("Confidential");
812  default:
813  return i18n("Undefined");
814  }
815 }
818 {
819  TQStringList list;
820  list << secrecyName(SecrecyPublic);
821  list << secrecyName(SecrecyPrivate);
822  list << secrecyName(SecrecyConfidential);
824  return list;
825 }
829 {
830  return mAlarms;
831 }
834 {
835  Alarm* alarm = new Alarm(this);
836  mAlarms.append(alarm);
837 // updated();
838  return alarm;
839 }
842 {
843  mAlarms.append(alarm);
844  updated();
845 }
848 {
849  mAlarms.removeRef(alarm);
850  updated();
851 }
854 {
855  mAlarms.clearAll();
856  updated();
857 }
860 {
861  Alarm::List::ConstIterator it;
862  for( it = mAlarms.begin(); it != mAlarms.end(); ++it ) {
863  if ( (*it)->enabled() ) return true;
864  }
865  return false;
866 }
868 void Incidence::setLocation(const TQString &location)
869 {
870  if (mReadOnly) return;
871  mLocation = location;
872  updated();
873 }
875 TQString Incidence::location() const
876 {
877  return mLocation;
878 }
880 void Incidence::setSchedulingID( const TQString& sid )
881 {
882  mSchedulingID = sid;
883 }
885 TQString Incidence::schedulingID() const
886 {
887  if ( mSchedulingID.isNull() )
888  // Nothing set, so use the normal uid
889  return uid();
890  return mSchedulingID;
891 }
894 {
895  return mHasRecurrenceID;
896 }
898 void Incidence::setHasRecurrenceID( bool hasRecurrenceID )
899 {
900  if ( mReadOnly ) {
901  return;
902  }
904  mHasRecurrenceID = hasRecurrenceID;
905  updated();
906 }
908 TQDateTime Incidence::recurrenceID() const
909 {
910  return mRecurrenceID;
911 }
913 void Incidence::setRecurrenceID( const TQDateTime &recurrenceID )
914 {
915  if ( mReadOnly ) {
916  return;
917  }
919 // update();
920  mRecurrenceID = recurrenceID;
921  updated();
922 }
924 void Incidence::addChildIncidence( TQString childIncidence )
925 {
926  mChildRecurrenceEvents.append(childIncidence);
927 }
929 void Incidence::deleteChildIncidence( TQString childIncidence )
930 {
931  mChildRecurrenceEvents.remove(childIncidence);
932 }
934 IncidenceList Incidence::childIncidences() const
935 {
936  return mChildRecurrenceEvents;
937 }
943 {
944  if ( recurrence == mRecurrence )
945  updated();
946 }
Provides the main "calendar" object class.
This class represents an alarm notification.
Definition: alarm.h:46
void setParent(Incidence *)
Set the alarm's parent incidence.
Definition: alarm.cpp:479
This class represents information related to an attachment.
Definition: attachment.h:35
static TQString createUniqueId()
Create a unique id string.
Definition: calformat.cpp:67
This is the main "calendar" object class.
Definition: calendar.h:171
Incidence * incidence(const TQString &uid)
Returns the Incidence associated with the given unique identifier.
Definition: calendar.cpp:576
This class provides the base class common to all calendar components.
Definition: incidencebase.h:46
void updated()
Call this to notify the observers after the IncidenceBas object has changed.
void setFloats(bool f)
Set whether the incidence floats, i.e.
void setPilotId(unsigned long id)
Set Pilot Id.
bool doesFloat() const
Return true or false depending on whether the incidence "floats," i.e.
TQString uid() const
Return the unique id for the event.
void setUid(const TQString &)
Set the unique id for the event.
virtual void setReadOnly(bool)
Set readonly status.
virtual TQDateTime dtStart() const
returns an event's starting date/time as a TQDateTime.
virtual void setDtStart(const TQDateTime &dtStart)
for setting the event's starting date/time with a TQDateTime.
void setSyncStatus(int status)
Set synchronisation satus.
void setLastModified(const TQDateTime &lm)
Sets the time the incidence was last modified.
This class provides the base class common to all calendar components.
Definition: incidence.h:48
TQString statusStr() const
Return the event's status string.
Definition: incidence.cpp:762
TQString secrecyStr() const
Return secrecy as translated string.
Definition: incidence.cpp:798
void setReadOnly(bool readonly)
Set readonly state of incidence.
Definition: incidence.cpp:222
void addAttachment(Attachment *attachment)
Add attachment.
Definition: incidence.cpp:674
TQString relatedToUid() const
What event does this one relate to? This function should only be used when constructing a calendar be...
Definition: incidence.cpp:340
void setLocation(const TQString &location)
Set the event's/todo's location.
Definition: incidence.cpp:868
void deleteAttachment(Attachment *attachment)
Remove and delete a specific attachment.
Definition: incidence.cpp:681
bool recursAt(const TQDateTime &qdt) const
Returns true if the date/time specified is one on which the incidence will recur.
Definition: incidence.cpp:430
const Alarm::List & alarms() const
All alarms that are associated with this incidence.
Definition: incidence.cpp:828
void setSummary(const TQString &summary)
Set short summary.
Definition: incidence.cpp:286
void recreate()
Recreate event.
Definition: incidence.cpp:208
void setCustomStatus(const TQString &status)
Sets the incidence status to a non-standard status value.
Definition: incidence.cpp:749
void clearAlarms()
Remove all alarms that are associated with this incidence.
Definition: incidence.cpp:853
virtual void recurrenceUpdated(Recurrence *)
Observer interface for the recurrence class.
Definition: incidence.cpp:942
void clearAttachments()
Remove and delete all attachments.
Definition: incidence.cpp:711
void setSchedulingID(const TQString &sid)
Set the event's/todo's scheduling ID.
Definition: incidence.cpp:880
Alarm * newAlarm()
Create a new alarm which is associated with this incidence.
Definition: incidence.cpp:833
void setRelatedTo(Incidence *relatedTo)
Point at some other event to which the event relates.
Definition: incidence.cpp:345
TQDateTime created() const
Return time and date of creation.
Definition: incidence.cpp:246
int revision() const
Return the number of revisions this event has seen.
Definition: incidence.cpp:259
void setPriority(int priority)
Set the incidences priority.
Definition: incidence.cpp:729
virtual TQValueList< TQDateTime > startDateTimesForDateTime(const TQDateTime &datetime) const
Calculates the start date/time for all recurrences that happen at the given time.
Definition: incidence.cpp:533
void setSecrecy(int)
Sets secrecy status.
Definition: incidence.cpp:786
int secrecy() const
Return the event's secrecy.
Definition: incidence.cpp:793
IncidenceList childIncidences() const
Returns an EventList of all child incidences.
Definition: incidence.cpp:934
static TQString secrecyName(int)
Return human-readable translated name of secrecy class.
Definition: incidence.cpp:803
TQString description() const
Return long description.
Definition: incidence.cpp:280
Incidence * relatedTo() const
What event does this one relate to?
Definition: incidence.cpp:360
Enumeration for describing an event's status.
Definition: incidence.h:117
static TQString statusName(Status)
Return human-readable translated name of status value.
Definition: incidence.cpp:769
TQStringList categories() const
Return categories as a list of strings.
Definition: incidence.cpp:323
void setStatus(Status status)
Sets the incidence status to a standard status value.
Definition: incidence.cpp:741
void removeRelation(Incidence *)
Remove event that is related to this event.
Definition: incidence.cpp:377
void setDescription(const TQString &description)
Set the long description.
Definition: incidence.cpp:273
int priority() const
Return priority.
Definition: incidence.cpp:736
Status status() const
Return the event's status.
Definition: incidence.cpp:757
void setFloats(bool f)
Set whether the incidence floats, i.e.
Definition: incidence.cpp:229
void setRelatedToUid(const TQString &)
Point at some other event to which the event relates.
Definition: incidence.cpp:333
bool doesRecur() const
Forward to Recurrence::doesRecur().
Definition: incidence.cpp:416
bool isAlarmEnabled() const
Return whether any alarm associated with this incidence is enabled.
Definition: incidence.cpp:859
virtual void setDtStart(const TQDateTime &dtStart)
Set starting date/time.
Definition: incidence.cpp:264
TQString schedulingID() const
Return the event's/todo's scheduling ID.
Definition: incidence.cpp:885
bool hasRecurrenceID() const
Returns true if the incidence has recurrenceID, otherwise return false.
Definition: incidence.cpp:893
TQDateTime recurrenceID() const
Returns the incidence recurrenceID.
Definition: incidence.cpp:908
void setCategories(const TQStringList &categories)
Set categories.
Definition: incidence.cpp:298
static TQStringList secrecyList()
Return list of all available secrecy states as list of translated strings.
Definition: incidence.cpp:817
void deleteAttachments(const TQString &mime)
Remove and delete all attachments with this mime type.
Definition: incidence.cpp:686
void setResources(const TQStringList &resources)
Set resources used, such as Office, Car, etc.
Definition: incidence.cpp:716
Incidence::List relations() const
All events that are related to this event.
Definition: incidence.cpp:365
TQString location() const
Return the event's/todo's location.
Definition: incidence.cpp:875
virtual TQValueList< TQDateTime > startDateTimesForDate(const TQDate &date) const
Calculates the start date/time for all recurrences that happen at some time on the given date (might ...
Definition: incidence.cpp:486
void addAlarm(Alarm *)
Add an alarm which is associated with this incidence.
Definition: incidence.cpp:841
virtual TQDateTime endDateRecurrenceBase() const
Return the end date/time of the base incidence (e.g.
Definition: incidence.h:552
void removeAlarm(Alarm *)
Remove an alarm that is associated with this incidence.
Definition: incidence.cpp:847
void clearRecurrence()
Removes all recurrence and exception rules and dates.
Definition: incidence.cpp:404
Attachment::List attachments() const
Return list of all associated attachments.
Definition: incidence.cpp:695
TQString categoriesStr() const
Return categories as a comma separated string.
Definition: incidence.cpp:328
TQString summary() const
Return short summary.
Definition: incidence.cpp:293
Recurrence * recurrence() const
Return the recurrence rule associated with this incidence.
Definition: incidence.cpp:390
void setRevision(int rev)
Set the number of revisions this event has seen.
Definition: incidence.cpp:251
void addChildIncidence(TQString childIncidence)
Attach a child incidence to a parent incidence.
Definition: incidence.cpp:924
TQStringList resources() const
Return list of current resources.
Definition: incidence.cpp:723
void deleteChildIncidence(TQString childIncidence)
Detach a child incidence from its parent incidence.
Definition: incidence.cpp:929
void setCreated(const TQDateTime &)
Set creation date.
Definition: incidence.cpp:237
virtual bool recursOn(const TQDate &qd) const
Returns true if the date specified is one on which the incidence will recur.
Definition: incidence.cpp:422
void addRelation(Incidence *)
Add an event which is related to this event.
Definition: incidence.cpp:370
void setHasRecurrenceID(bool hasRecurrenceID)
Sets if the incidence has recurrenceID.
Definition: incidence.cpp:898
virtual TQDateTime endDateForStart(const TQDateTime &startDt) const
Return the end time of the occurrence if it starts at the given date/time.
Definition: incidence.cpp:573
void setRecurrenceID(const TQDateTime &recurrenceID)
Set the incidences recurrenceID.
Definition: incidence.cpp:913
This class represents a recurrence rule for a calendar incidence.
Definition: recurrence.h:90
ushort recurrenceType() const
Returns the event's recurrence status.
Definition: recurrence.cpp:189
void setFloats(bool floats)
Sets whether the dtstart is a floating time (i.e.
Definition: recurrence.cpp:133
void setStartDateTime(const TQDateTime &start)
Set start of recurrence, as a date and time.
Definition: recurrence.cpp:444
void setRecurReadOnly(bool readOnly)
Set if recurrence is read-only or can be changed.
Definition: recurrence.h:139
void addObserver(Observer *observer)
Installs an observer.
Definition: recurrence.cpp:113
TQValueList< TQTime > recurTimesOn(const TQDate &date) const
Returns a list of the times on the specified date at which the recurrence will occur.
Definition: recurrence.cpp:721
bool doesRecur() const
Returns whether the event recurs at all.
Definition: recurrence.cpp:184
bool recursAt(const TQDateTime &) const
Returns true if the date/time specified is one at which the event will recur.
Definition: recurrence.cpp:328
bool recursOn(const TQDate &qd) const
Returns true if the date specified is one on which the event will recur.
Definition: recurrence.cpp:268
Namespace KCal is for global classes, objects and/or functions in libkcal.
Definition: alarm.h:38