#include <searchwindow.h>

Inherits KDialogBase, and KXMLGUIClient.

Public Member Functions

 SearchWindow (KMMainWidget *parent, const char *name=0, KMFolder *curFolder=0, bool modal=false)
void activateFolder (KMFolder *curFolder)
KMMessageList selectedMessages ()
KMMessagemessage ()
void setSearchPattern (const KMSearchPattern &pattern)

Protected Slots

virtual void updStatus (void)
virtual void slotClose ()
virtual void slotSearch ()
virtual void slotStop ()
void scheduleRename (const TQString &)
void renameSearchFolder ()
void openSearchFolder ()
void folderInvalidated (KMFolder *)
virtual bool slotShowMsg (TQListViewItem *)
void slotViewSelectedMsg ()
virtual bool slotViewMsg (TQListViewItem *)
void slotCurrentChanged (TQListViewItem *)
virtual void updateContextMenuActions ()
virtual void slotContextMenuRequested (TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint &, int)
virtual void copySelectedToFolder (int menuId)
virtual void moveSelectedToFolder (int menuId)
virtual void slotFolderActivated ()
void slotClearSelection ()
void slotReplyToMsg ()
void slotReplyAllToMsg ()
void slotReplyListToMsg ()
void slotForwardInlineMsg ()
void slotForwardAttachedMsg ()
void slotForwardDigestMsg ()
void slotRedirectMsg ()
void slotSaveMsg ()
void slotSaveAttachments ()
void slotPrintMsg ()
void slotCopyMsgs ()
void slotCutMsgs ()
virtual void searchDone ()
virtual void slotAddMsg (int idx)
virtual void slotRemoveMsg (KMFolder *, TQ_UINT32 serNum)
void enableGUI ()
void setEnabledSearchButton (bool)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void keyPressEvent (TQKeyEvent *)
virtual void closeEvent (TQCloseEvent *)

Protected Attributes

bool mStopped
bool mCloseRequested
int mFetchingInProgress
int mSortColumn
SortOrder mSortOrder
TQGuardedPtr< KMFolderSearch > mFolder
TQTimer * mTimer
TQRadioButton * mChkbxAllFolders
TQRadioButton * mChkbxSpecificFolders
TQPushButton * mBtnSearch
TQPushButton * mBtnStop
TQCheckBox * mChkSubFolders
TDEListView * mLbxMatches
TQLabel * mSearchFolderLbl
TQLineEdit * mSearchFolderEdt
TQPushButton * mSearchFolderOpenBtn
TQPushButton * mSearchResultOpenBtn
KStatusBar * mStatusBar
TQWidget * mLastFocus
TQMap< int, KMFolder * > mMenuToFolder
TDEAction * mReplyAction
TDEAction * mReplyAllAction
TDEAction * mReplyListAction
TDEAction * mSaveAsAction
TDEAction * mForwardInlineAction
TDEAction * mForwardAttachedAction
TDEAction * mForwardDigestAction
TDEAction * mRedirectAction
TDEAction * mPrintAction
TDEAction * mClearAction
TDEAction * mSaveAtchAction
TDEAction * mCopyAction
TDEAction * mCutAction
TDEActionMenu * mForwardActionMenu
TQValueList< TQGuardedPtr< KMFolder > > mFolders
TQTimer mRenameTimer
KMMainWidget * mKMMainWidget

Static Protected Attributes

static const int MSGID_COLUMN = 4

Detailed Description

The SearchWindow class provides a dialog for triggering a search on folders and storing that search as a search folder.

It shows the search results in a listview and allows triggering of operations such as printing or moving on them.

Definition at line 68 of file searchwindow.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SearchWindow()

KMail::SearchWindow::SearchWindow ( KMMainWidget *  parent,
const char *  name = 0,
KMFolder curFolder = 0,
bool  modal = false 

Creates a new search window.

parentThe parent widget.
nameThe (widget) name of the dialog.
curFolderThe folder which will be pre-selected as the base folder of search operations.
modalWhether the dialog is to be shown modal.

Definition at line 109 of file searchwindow.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ activateFolder()

void KMail::SearchWindow::activateFolder ( KMFolder curFolder)

Changes the base folder for search operations to a different folder.

curFolderThe folder to use as the new base for searches.

Definition at line 460 of file searchwindow.cpp.

◆ closeEvent()

void KMail::SearchWindow::closeEvent ( TQCloseEvent *  e)

Reimplemented to stop searching when the window is closed.

Definition at line 619 of file searchwindow.cpp.

◆ keyPressEvent()

void KMail::SearchWindow::keyPressEvent ( TQKeyEvent *  evt)

Reimplemented to react to Escape.

Definition at line 440 of file searchwindow.cpp.

◆ message()

KMMessage * KMail::SearchWindow::message ( )

Provides access to the currently selected message.

the currently selected message.

Definition at line 773 of file searchwindow.cpp.

◆ searchDone

void KMail::SearchWindow::searchDone ( )

GUI cleanup after search.

Definition at line 541 of file searchwindow.cpp.

◆ selectedMessages()

KMMessageList KMail::SearchWindow::selectedMessages ( )

Provides access to the list of currently selected message in the listview.

The list of currenty selected search result messages.

Definition at line 757 of file searchwindow.cpp.

◆ updStatus

void KMail::SearchWindow::updStatus ( void  )

Update status line widget.

Definition at line 403 of file searchwindow.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: