The FolderStorage class is the bass class for the storage related aspects of a collection of mail (a ...
Definition: folderstorage.h:80
KMail list that manages the contents of one directory that may contain folders and/or other directori...
Definition: kmfolderdir.h:16
Copy a hierarchy of folders somewhere else in the folder tree.
Definition: copyfolderjob.h:51
void copyMessagesToTargetDir()
Copy all messages from the original folder to mNewFolder.
Definition: copyfolderjob.cpp:79
void folderCreationDone(const TQString &name, bool success)
Called when the online IMAP folder creation finished.
Definition: copyfolderjob.cpp:271
void rollback()
Called when one of the operations of the foldre itself or one of it's child folders failed and the al...
Definition: copyfolderjob.cpp:241
bool createTargetDir()
Create the target directory under the new parent.
Definition: copyfolderjob.cpp:171
KMFolder * targetFolder() const
Returns the newly created target folder.
Definition: copyfolderjob.h:69
void folderCopyComplete(bool success)
Emitted when the job is done, check the success bool.
void slotCopyCompleted(KMCommand *command)
Called when the CopyCommand has either succesfully completed copying the contents of our folder to th...
Definition: copyfolderjob.cpp:104
void slotCopyNextChild(bool success=true)
Called when the previous sibling's copy operation completed.
Definition: copyfolderjob.cpp:125
CopyFolderJob(FolderStorage *const storage, KMFolderDir *const newParent=0)
Create a new job.
Definition: copyfolderjob.cpp:47