269 //kdDebug(5006) << "deleting msg " << i << " : " << mb->subject() << " - " << mb->dateStr(); // << endl;
480 kdWarning(5006) << "FolderStorage::getMsg was called on a closed folder: " << folder()->prettyURL() << endl;
484 kdWarning(5006) << "FolderStorage::getMsg was asked for an invalid index. idx =" << idx << " count()=" << count() << endl;
1034 kdDebug(5006) << "WTF, this FolderStorage should be invisible to the msgdict, who is calling us?" << kdBacktrace() << endl;
The FolderStorage class is the bass class for the storage related aspects of a collection of mail (a ...
Definition: folderstorage.h:80
virtual FolderJob * doCreateJob(KMMessage *msg, FolderJob::JobType jt, KMFolder *folder, TQString partSpecifier, const AttachmentStrategy *as) const =0
These two methods actually create the jobs.
virtual bool isMessage(int idx)
Checks if the message is already "gotten" with getMsg.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:591
virtual int countUnread()
Number of new or unread messages in this folder.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:829
virtual void ignoreJobsForMessage(KMMessage *)
Removes and deletes all jobs associated with the particular message.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:1064
virtual DwString getDwString(int idx)=0
Read a message and returns a DwString.
int writeFolderIdsFile() const
Writes the message serial number file.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:999
virtual TQString indexLocation() const =0
Returns full path to index file.
virtual int count(bool cache=false) const
Number of messages in this folder.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:820
void invalidated(KMFolder *)
Emitted when the serial numbers of this folder were invalidated.
void emitMsgAddedSignals(int idx)
Called by derived classes implementation of addMsg.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:284
void msgHeaderChanged(KMFolder *, int)
Emitted when a field of the header of a specific message changed.
virtual bool isMoveable() const
Returns true if this folder can be moved.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:1177
virtual int updateIndex()=0
Incrementally update the index if possible else call writeIndex.
virtual int expungeOldMsg(int days)
Delete messages in the folder that are older than days.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:254
virtual KMMessage * readTemporaryMsg(int idx)
Load message from file and do NOT store it, only return it.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:527
virtual int rename(const TQString &newName, KMFolderDir *aParent=0)
Physically rename the folder.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:665
virtual void setContentsType(KMail::FolderContentsType type, bool quiet=false)
Set the type of contents held in this folder (mail, calendar, etc.)
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:1116
virtual void msgStatusChanged(const KMMsgStatus oldStatus, const KMMsgStatus newStatus, int idx)
Called by KMMsgBase::setStatus when status of a message has changed required to keep the number unrea...
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:864
int appendToFolderIdsFile(int idx=-1)
Append message to end of message serial number file.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:1013
void registerWithMessageDict()
Triggers registration with the message dict, which will cause the dict to ask the FolderStorage to fi...
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:964
virtual TQString fileName() const
Returns the filename of the folder (reimplemented in KMFolderImap)
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:143
void msgRemoved(KMFolder *, TQ_UINT32 sernum)
Emitted before a message is removed from the folder.
virtual int find(const KMMsgBase *msg) const =0
Returns the index of the given message or -1 if not found.
virtual void reallyAddMsg(KMMessage *aMsg)
Add the message to the folder after it has been retrieved from an IMAP server.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:323
bool needsCompact
sven: true if on destruct folder needs to be compacted.
Definition: folderstorage.h:630
void msgChanged(KMFolder *, TQ_UINT32 sernum, int delta)
Emitted, when the status of a message is changed.
virtual FolderJob * createJob(KMMessage *msg, FolderJob::JobType jt=FolderJob::tGetMessage, KMFolder *folder=0, TQString partSpecifier=TQString(), const AttachmentStrategy *as=0) const
These methods create respective FolderJob (You should derive FolderJob for each derived KMFolder).
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:600
virtual KMMessage * readMsg(int idx)=0
Load message from file and store it at given index.
virtual void setHasChildren(ChildrenState state)
Specify if the folder has children.
Definition: folderstorage.h:128
FolderStorage(KMFolder *folder, const char *name=0)
Usually a parent is given.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:63
virtual void markUnreadAsRead()
Mark all new and unread messages as read.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:183
void numUnreadMsgsChanged(KMFolder *)
Emitted when number of unread messages has changed.
void replaceMsgSerNum(unsigned long sernum, KMMsgBase *msg, int idx)
Replaces the serial number for the message msg at index idx with sernum.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:1025
void changed()
Emitted when the status, name, or associated accounts of this folder changed.
virtual void setStatus(int idx, KMMsgStatus status, bool toggle=false)
Set the status of the message at index idx to status.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:1043
void invalidateFolder()
Called when serial numbers for a folder are invalidated, invalidates/recreates data structures depend...
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:987
bool mExportsSernums
Has this storage exported its serial numbers to the global message dict for lookup?
Definition: folderstorage.h:618
virtual void correctUnreadMsgsCount()
A cludge to help make sure the count of unread messges is kept in sync.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:957
virtual void reallyAddCopyOfMsg(KMMessage *aMsg)
Add a copy of the message to the folder after it has been retrieved from an IMAP server.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:344
virtual int expungeContents()=0
Called by KMFolder::expunge() to delete the actual contents.
virtual void updateChildrenState()
Updates the hasChildren() state.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:1096
void searchDone(KMFolder *, TQ_UINT32, const KMSearchPattern *, bool)
Emitted when a search for a single message is completed The serial number and a bool matching yes/no ...
virtual void removeMsg(int i, bool imapQuiet=false)
Remove (first occurrence of) given message from the folder.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:380
void readFolderIdsFile()
Read the on-disk cache of serial numbers of messages in this store and fill those into the global mes...
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:976
virtual bool canAddMsgNow(KMMessage *aMsg, int *aIndex_ret)
Returns FALSE, if the message has to be retrieved from an IMAP account first.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:301
void headerOfMsgChanged(const KMMsgBase *, int idx)
Tell the folder that a header field that is usually used for the index (subject, from,...
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:898
KMail::FolderContentsType mContentsType
Type of contents in this folder.
Definition: folderstorage.h:648
virtual void search(const KMSearchPattern *)
Search for messages The end is signaled with searchDone()
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:1126
virtual void remove()
Removes the folder physically from disk and empties the contents of the folder in memory.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:755
virtual bool canDeleteMessages() const
Can messages in this folder be deleted?
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:1194
virtual KMMsgInfo * unGetMsg(int idx)
Replace KMMessage with KMMsgInfo and delete KMMessage
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:566
virtual int removeContents()=0
Called by KMFolder::remove() to delete the actual contents.
void noContentChanged()
Emitted when the no content state of the folder changes.
void locationChanged(const TQString &, const TQString &)
Emitted when the location on disk of the folder changes.
virtual int moveMsg(KMMessage *msg, int *index_return=0)
Detaches the given message from it's current folder and adds it to this folder.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:621
virtual int addMsg(KMMessage *msg, int *index_return=0)=0
Add the given message to the folder.
virtual void setAutoCreateIndex(bool)
Allow/disallow automatic creation of a table of contents file.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:151
void searchResult(KMFolder *, TQValueList< TQ_UINT32 >, const KMSearchPattern *, bool complete)
Emitted when a search delivers results The matching serial numbers are included If complete is true t...
TQString label() const
Returns the label of the folder for visualization.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:815
virtual void setNoChildren(bool aNoChildren)
Specify, that the folder can't have children.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:1108
void setRDict(KMMsgDictREntry *rentry) const
Sets the reverse-dictionary for this folder.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:1031
KMMsgDictREntry * mRDict
Points at the reverse dictionary for this folder.
Definition: folderstorage.h:638
void contentsTypeChanged(KMail::FolderContentsType type)
Emitted when the contents type (calendar, mail, tasks, ..) of the folderstorage changes.
virtual void fillMessageDict()
Inserts messages into the message dictionary.
Definition: folderstorage.h:558
virtual const KMMsgBase * getMsgBase(int idx) const =0
Provides access to the basic message fields that are also stored in the index.
bool mAutoCreateIndex
is the automatic creation of a index file allowed ?
Definition: folderstorage.h:615
void closed(KMFolder *)
Emitted when the folder was closed and ticket owners have to reopen.
virtual bool isCloseToQuota() const
Return whether the folder is close to its quota limit, which can be reflected in the UI.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:858
TQ_INT64 folderSize() const
Total size of the contents of this folder.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:847
virtual void quiet(bool beQuiet)
If set to quiet the folder will not emit msgAdded(idx) signal.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:205
void deregisterFromMessageDict()
Triggers deregistration from the message dict, which will cause the dict to ask the FolderStorage to ...
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:970
virtual void setNoContent(bool aNoContent)
Specify, that the folder can't contain mails.
Definition: folderstorage.cpp:1199
KMail list that manages the contents of one directory that may contain folders and/or other directori...
Definition: kmfolderdir.h:16
TQString idString() const
Returns a string that can be used to identify this folder.
Definition: kmfolder.cpp:705
virtual TQString prettyURL() const
URL of the node for visualization purposes.
Definition: kmfolder.cpp:593
virtual TQString label() const
Returns the label of the folder for visualization.
Definition: kmfolder.cpp:581
KMFolderDir * child() const
Returns the folder directory associated with this node or 0 if no such directory exists.
Definition: kmfolder.h:157
TQString fileName() const
Returns the filename of the folder (reimplemented in KMFolderImap)
Definition: kmfolder.cpp:238
FolderJob * createJob(KMMessage *msg, FolderJob::JobType jt=FolderJob::tGetMessage, KMFolder *folder=0, TQString partSpecifier=TQString(), const AttachmentStrategy *as=0) const
These methods create respective FolderJob (You should derive FolderJob for each derived KMFolder).
Definition: kmfolder.cpp:346
void readConfig(TDEConfig *config)
This is used by the storage to read the folder specific configuration.
Definition: kmfolder.cpp:161
void writeConfig(TDEConfig *config) const
This is used by the storage to save the folder specific configuration.
Definition: kmfolder.cpp:200
void setTransferInProgress(bool value, bool force=false)
Set that the message shall not be deleted because it is still required.
Definition: kmmessage.cpp:243
void fromDwString(const DwString &str, bool setStatus=false)
Parse the string and create this message from it.
Definition: kmmessage.cpp:402
bool transferInProgress() const
Return, if the message should not be deleted.
Definition: kmmessage.cpp:236
void setMsgSerNum(unsigned long newMsgSerNum=0)
Sets the message serial number.
Definition: kmmessage.cpp:223
bool isComplete() const
Return true if the complete message is available without referring to the backing store.
Definition: kmmessage.h:867
unsigned long getMsgSerNum(KMFolder *folder, int index) const
Find the message serial number for the message located at index index in folder folder.
Definition: kmmsgdict.cpp:345
static const KMMsgDict * instance()
Access the globally unique MessageDict.
Definition: kmmsgdict.cpp:167
This class is an abstraction of a search over messages.
Definition: kmsearchpattern.h:308
bool matches(const KMMessage *msg, bool ignoreBody=false) const
The central function of this class.
Definition: kmsearchpattern.cpp:728