326 void setDecryptMessageOverwrite( bool overwrite = true ) { mDecrytMessageOverwrite = overwrite; }
332 void setShowSignatureDetails( bool showDetails = true ) { mShowSignatureDetails = showDetails; }
338 void setShowAttachmentQuicklist( bool showAttachmentQuicklist = true ) { mShowAttachmentQuicklist = showAttachmentQuicklist; }
346 KMail::Interface::BodyPartMemento * bodyPartMemento( const partNode * node, const TQCString & which ) const;
351 void setBodyPartMemento( const partNode * node, const TQCString & which, KMail::Interface::BodyPartMemento * memento );
588 TQString mOldGlobalOverrideEncoding; // used to detect changes of the global override character encoding
610 *mUrlOpenAction, *mUrlSaveAsAction, *mAddBookmarksAction, *mStartIMChatAction, *mSelectAllAction;
This class implements a "reader window", that is a window used for reading or viewing messages.
Definition: kmreaderwin.h:75
void urlClicked(const KURL &url, int button)
The user has clicked onto an URL that is no attachment.
void setOriginalMsg(unsigned long serNumOfOriginalMessage, int nodeIdOffset)
This should be called when setting a message that was constructed from another message,...
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:1147
TQString writeMsgHeader(KMMessage *aMsg, partNode *vCardNode=0, bool topLevel=false)
Creates a nice mail header depending on the current selected header style.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:1745
void setDecryptMessageOverwrite(bool overwrite=true)
Enforce message decryption.
Definition: kmreaderwin.h:326
void replaceMsgByUnencryptedVersion()
Emitted after parsing of a message to have it stored in unencrypted state in it's folder.
TQString overrideEncoding() const
Get selected override character encoding.
Definition: kmreaderwin.h:129
void setMsgPart(KMMessagePart *aMsgPart, bool aHTML, const TQString &aFileName, const TQString &pname)
Instead of settings a message to be shown sets a message part to be shown.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:2204
void slotUrlOpen(const KURL &url, const KParts::URLArgs &args)
An URL has been activate with a click.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:1992
void setHeaderStyleAndStrategy(const KMail::HeaderStyle *style, const KMail::HeaderStrategy *strategy)
Set the header style and strategy.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:1060
virtual void closeEvent(TQCloseEvent *)
Some necessary event handling.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:1913
TQString createTempDir(const TQString ¶m=TQString())
Creates a temporary dir for saving attachments, etc.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:1802
bool decryptMessage() const
Returns wether the message should be decryted.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:2925
void fillCommandInfo(partNode *node, KMMessage **msg, int *nodeId)
Find the node ID and the message of the attachment that should be edited or deleted.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:2820
virtual void parseMsg(KMMessage *msg)
Parse given message and add it's contents to the reader window.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:1510
const TQTextCodec * overrideCodec() const
Get codec corresponding to the currently selected override character encoding.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:1117
bool htmlMail()
Is html mail to be supported? Takes into account override.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:2514
KMail::HtmlWriter * htmlWriter()
Return the HtmlWriter connected to the TDEHTMLPart we use.
Definition: kmreaderwin.h:255
static TQString newFeaturesMD5()
Returns the MD5 hash for the list of new features.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:1280
void setShowSignatureDetails(bool showDetails=true)
Show signature details.
Definition: kmreaderwin.h:332
void setIdOfLastViewedMessage(const TQString &msgId)
Store message id of last viewed message, normally no need to call this function directly,...
Definition: kmreaderwin.h:175
void setWaitingForSerNum(unsigned long serNum)
Set the serial number of the message this reader window is currently waiting for.
Definition: kmreaderwin.h:318
void styleChange(TQStyle &oldStyle)
reimplemented in order to update the frame width in case of a changed GUI style
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:2094
void displaySplashPage(const TQString &info)
Display a generic HTML splash page instead of a message.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:1292
KMMessage * message(KMFolder **folder=0) const
Returns the current message or 0 if none.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:2558
const KMail::AttachmentStrategy * attachmentStrategy() const
Get/set the message attachment strategy.
Definition: kmreaderwin.h:121
bool htmlLoadExtOverride() const
Get the load external references override setting.
Definition: kmreaderwin.h:203
void displayBusyPage()
Display the 'please wait' page instead of a message.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:1315
void scrollToAttachment(const partNode *node)
Scrolls to the given attachment and marks it with a yellow border.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:2932
partNode * partNodeFromUrl(const KURL &url)
Returns message part from given URL or null if invalid.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:2668
void disconnectMsgAdded()
Helper functions used to change message selection in the message list after deleting an attachment,...
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:2893
void popupMenu(KMMessage &msg, const KURL &url, const TQPoint &mousePos)
The user presses the right mouse button.
TQString writeMessagePartToTempFile(KMMessagePart *msgPart, int partNumber)
Writes the given message part to a temporary file and returns the name of this file or TQString() if ...
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:1761
const KMail::HeaderStrategy * headerStrategy() const
Getthe message header strategy.
Definition: kmreaderwin.h:116
void clear(bool force=false)
Clear the reader and discard the current message.
Definition: kmreaderwin.h:179
void displayOfflinePage()
Display the 'we are currently in offline mode' page instead of a message.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:1323
void displayMessage()
Feeds the HTML viewer with the contents of the given message.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:1467
static int msgPartFromUrl(const KURL &url)
Returns id of message part from given URL or -1 if invalid.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:1842
void enableMsgDisplay()
Enable the displaying of messages again after an URL was displayed.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:1398
virtual void setMsg(KMMessage *msg, bool force=false, bool updateOnly=false)
Set the message that shall be shown.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:1154
TDEHTMLPart * htmlPart() const
Access to the TDEHTMLPart used for the viewer.
Definition: kmreaderwin.h:297
void slotUrlPopup(const TQString &, const TQPoint &mousePos)
The user presses the right mouse button on an URL.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:2004
void slotToggleFixedFont()
The user toggled the "Fixed Font" flag from the view menu.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:2144
void setOverrideEncoding(const TQString &encoding)
Set the override character encoding.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:1078
void setHtmlLoadExtDefault(bool loadExtDefault)
Default behavior for loading external references.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:2502
void showHideMimeTree(bool isPlainTextTopLevel)
Show or hide the Mime Tree Viewer if configuration is set to smart mode.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:1449
void atmViewMsg(KMMessagePart *msgPart, int nodeId)
View message part of type message/RFC822 in extra viewer window.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:2171
void setHtmlLoadExtOverride(bool loadExtOverride)
Override default load external references setting.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:2507
void showVCard(KMMessagePart *msgPart)
show window containing infos about a vCard.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:1822
void writeConfig(bool withSync=true) const
Write settings to app's config file.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:982
void slotAtmView(int id, const TQString &name)
Some attachment operations.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:2300
void saveRelativePosition()
Saves the relative position of the scroll view.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:2540
void setStyleDependantFrameWidth()
Set the width of the frame to a reasonable value for the current GUI style.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:2077
void slotUrlOn(const TQString &url)
The mouse has moved on or off an URL.
Definition: kmreaderwin.cpp:1964
This class encapsulates the visual appearance of message headers.
Definition: headerstyle.h:51
The HTML statusbar widget for use with the reader.
Definition: htmlstatusbar.h:61
interface of classes that implement status for BodyPartFormatters.
Definition: bodypart.h:51