39#include "kmailicalifaceimpl.h"
41#include "kmfoldertree.h"
42#include "kmfolderdir.h"
43#include "kmgroupware.h"
44#include "kmfoldermgr.h"
45#include "kmcommands.h"
46#include "kmfolderindex.h"
50#include "kmfolderimap.h"
51#include "globalsettings.h"
52#include "accountmanager.h"
53#include "kmfoldercachedimap.h"
54#include "kmacctcachedimap.h"
59#include <mimelib/enum.h>
60#include <mimelib/utility.h>
61#include <mimelib/body.h>
62#include <mimelib/mimepp.h>
66#include <tqtextcodec.h>
69#include <kiconloader.h>
70#include <kinputdialog.h>
71#include <dcopclient.h>
72#include <tdemessagebox.h>
75#include <tdetempfile.h>
79TQMap<TQString, TQString> *KMailICalIfaceImpl::mSubResourceUINamesMap =
new TQMap<TQString, TQString>;
82static void vPartMicroParser(
const TQString& str, TQString& s );
83static void reloadFolderTree();
87 const char* contentsTypeStr;
89 KFolderTreeItem::Type treeItemType;
90 const char* annotation;
91 const char* translatedName;
92} s_folderContentsType[] = {
93 {
"application/x-vnd.kolab.mail", KFolderTreeItem::Other,
"mail", I18N_NOOP(
"Mail" ) },
94 {
"application/x-vnd.kolab.event", KFolderTreeItem::Calendar,
"event", I18N_NOOP(
"Calendar" ) },
95 {
"application/x-vnd.kolab.contact", KFolderTreeItem::Contacts,
"contact", I18N_NOOP(
"Contacts" ) },
96 {
"application/x-vnd.kolab.note", KFolderTreeItem::Notes,
"note", I18N_NOOP(
"Notes" ) },
97 {
"application/x-vnd.kolab.task", KFolderTreeItem::Tasks,
"task", I18N_NOOP(
"Tasks" ) },
98 {
"application/x-vnd.kolab.journal", KFolderTreeItem::Journals,
"journal", I18N_NOOP(
"Journal" ) }
101static TQString folderContentsType( KMail::FolderContentsType type )
103 return s_folderContentsType[type].contentsTypeStr;
106static TQString folderKolabMimeType( KMail::FolderContentsType type )
108 return s_folderContentsType[type].mimetype;
111KMailICalIfaceImpl::StorageFormat KMailICalIfaceImpl::globalStorageFormat()
const {
112 return GlobalSettings::self()->theIMAPResourceStorageFormat()
113 == GlobalSettings::EnumTheIMAPResourceStorageFormat::XML ? StorageXML : StorageIcalVcard;
116static KMail::FolderContentsType folderContentsType(
const TQString& type )
118 for ( uint i = 0 ; i <
sizeof s_folderContentsType /
sizeof *s_folderContentsType; ++i )
119 if ( type == s_folderContentsType[i].contentsTypeStr )
120 return static_cast<KMail::FolderContentsType
>( i );
121 return KMail::ContentsTypeMail;
124static TQString localizedDefaultFolderName( KMail::FolderContentsType type )
126 return i18n( s_folderContentsType[type].translatedName );
129const char* KMailICalIfaceImpl::annotationForContentsType( KMail::FolderContentsType type )
131 return s_folderContentsType[type].annotation;
KMFolder* f )
137 folder->open(
143 folder->close(
158 : DCOPObject(
"KMailICalIface" ), TQObject( 0,
"KMailICalIfaceImpl" ),
159 mContacts( 0 ), mCalendar( 0 ), mNotes( 0 ), mTasks( 0 ), mJournals( 0 ),
160 mFolderLanguage( 0 ), mFolderParentDir( 0 ), mFolderType( KMFolderTypeUnknown ),
161 mUseResourceIMAP( false ), mResourceQuiet( false ), mHideFolders( true )
164 connect( kmkernel, TQ_SIGNAL( configChanged() ),
this, TQ_SLOT( readConfig() ) );
165 connect( kmkernel, TQ_SIGNAL( folderRemoved(
KMFolder* ) ),
166 this, TQ_SLOT( slotFolderRemoved(
KMFolder* ) ) );
168 mExtraFolders.setAutoDelete(
true );
169 mAccumulators.setAutoDelete(
true );
178static DwBodyPart* findBodyPartByMimeType(
const KMMessage& msg,
const char* sType,
const char* sSubtype,
bool startsWith =
false )
186 if ( part->hasHeaders() ) {
187 DwMediaType& contentType = part->Headers().ContentType();
189 if ( contentType.TypeStr() == sType
190 && TQString( contentType.SubtypeStr().c_str() ).startsWith( sSubtype ) )
194 if ( contentType.TypeStr() == sType
195 && contentType.SubtypeStr() == sSubtype )
204static DwBodyPart* findBodyPart(
const KMMessage& msg,
const TQString& attachmentName )
210 if ( part->hasHeaders()
211 && attachmentName == part->Headers().ContentDisposition().Filename().c_str() )
213 if ( part->hasHeaders() && attachmentName == part->Headers().ContentType().Name().c_str() )
220static void debugBodyParts(
const char* foo,
const KMMessage& msg )
222 kdDebug(5006) <<
"--debugBodyParts " << foo <<
"--" << endl;
224 if ( part->hasHeaders() ) {
225 kdDebug(5006) <<
" bodypart: " << part << endl;
226 kdDebug(5006) <<
" " << part->Headers().AsString().c_str() << endl;
229 kdDebug(5006) <<
" part " << part <<
" has no headers" << endl;
233inline static void debugBodyParts(
const char*,
const KMMessage& ) {}
241bool KMailICalIfaceImpl::updateAttachment(
KMMessage& msg,
242 const TQString& attachmentURL,
243 const TQString& attachmentName,
244 const TQString& attachmentMimetype,
247 kdDebug(5006) <<
"KMailICalIfaceImpl::updateAttachment( " << attachmentURL <<
" )" << endl;
251 KURL url( attachmentURL );
252 if ( url.isValid() && url.isLocalFile() ) {
253 const TQString fileName( url.path() );
254 TQFile file( fileName );
255 if( file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
256 TQByteArray rawData = file.readAll();
260 KMMessagePart msgPart;
261 msgPart.setName( attachmentName );
263 const int iSlash = attachmentMimetype.find(
264 const TQCString sType = attachmentMimetype.left( iSlash ).latin1();
265 const TQCString sSubtype = attachmentMimetype.mid( iSlash+1 ).latin1();
266 msgPart.setTypeStr( sType );
267 msgPart.setSubtypeStr( sSubtype );
268 TQCString ctd(
"attachment;\n filename=\"");
269 ctd.append( attachmentName.latin1() );
271 msgPart.setContentDisposition( ctd );
272 TQValueList<int> dummy;
273 msgPart.setBodyAndGuessCte( rawData, dummy );
274 msgPart.setPartSpecifier( fileName );
280 newPart->Headers().ContentDisposition().Parse();
282 DwBodyPart* part = lookupByName ? findBodyPart( msg, attachmentName )
283 : findBodyPartByMimeType( msg, sType, sSubtype );
287 newPart->SetNext( part->Next() );
293 kdDebug(5006) <<
"Attachment " << attachmentName <<
" updated." << endl;
296 kdDebug(5006) <<
"Attachment " << attachmentName <<
" added." << endl;
300 kdDebug(5006) <<
"Attachment " << attachmentURL <<
" can not be read." << endl;
303 kdDebug(5006) <<
"Attachment " << attachmentURL <<
" not a local file." << endl;
310bool KMailICalIfaceImpl::kolabXMLFoundAndDecoded(
const KMMessage& msg,
const TQString& mimetype, TQString& s )
312 const int iSlash = mimetype.find(
313 const TQCString sType = mimetype.left( iSlash ).latin1();
314 const TQCString sSubtype = mimetype.mid( iSlash+1 ).latin1();
315 DwBodyPart* part = findBodyPartByMimeType( msg, sType, sSubtype,
true );
317 KMMessagePart msgPart;
319 s = msgPart.bodyToUnicode( TQTextCodec::codecForName(
"utf8" ) );
331bool KMailICalIfaceImpl::deleteAttachment(
KMMessage& msg,
332 const TQString& attachmentName )
334 kdDebug(5006) <<
"KMailICalIfaceImpl::deleteAttachment( " << attachmentName <<
" )" << endl;
340 DwBodyPart* part = findBodyPart( msg, attachmentName );
342 msg.getTopLevelPart()->Body().RemoveBodyPart( part );
345 kdDebug(5006) <<
"Attachment deleted." << endl;
350 kdDebug(5006) <<
"Attachment " << attachmentName <<
" not found." << endl;
356static void setIcalVcardContentTypeHeader(
KMMessage *msg, KMail::FolderContentsType t,
KMFolder *folder )
358 KMAcctCachedImap::GroupwareType groupwareType = KMAcctCachedImap::GroupwareKolab;
360 KMFolderCachedImap *imapFolder =
>( folder->storage() );
362 groupwareType = imapFolder->account()->groupwareType();
364 msg->setType( DwMime::kTypeText );
365 if ( t == KMail::ContentsTypeCalendar || t == KMail::ContentsTypeTask
366 || t == KMail::ContentsTypeJournal ) {
367 msg->setSubtype( DwMime::kSubtypeVCal );
369 if ( groupwareType == KMAcctCachedImap::GroupwareKolab )
371 "text/calendar; method=REQUEST; charset=\"utf-8\"");
372 else if ( groupwareType == KMAcctCachedImap::GroupwareScalix )
374 "text/calendar; method=PUBLISH; charset=\"UTF-8\"");
376 }
else if ( t == KMail::ContentsTypeContact ) {
377 msg->setSubtype( DwMime::kSubtypeXVCard );
378 if ( groupwareType == KMAcctCachedImap::GroupwareKolab )
379 msg->
"Text/X-VCard; charset=\"utf-8\"" );
380 else if ( groupwareType == KMAcctCachedImap::GroupwareScalix )
381 msg->
"application/scalix-properties; charset=\"UTF-8\"" );
383 kdWarning(5006) << k_funcinfo <<
"Attempt to write non-groupware contents to folder" << endl;
387static void setXMLContentTypeHeader(
KMMessage *msg,
const TQString plainTextBody )
392 KMMessagePart firstPart;
393 firstPart.setType( DwMime::kTypeText );
394 firstPart.setSubtype( DwMime::kSubtypePlain );
396 msg->setType( DwMime::kTypeMultipart );
397 msg->setSubtype( DwMime::kSubtypeMixed );
398 msg->
headers().ContentType().CreateBoundary( 0 );
399 msg->
400 firstPart.setBodyFromUnicode( plainTextBody );
405TQ_UINT32 KMailICalIfaceImpl::addIncidenceKolab(
KMFolder& folder,
406 const TQString& subject,
407 const TQString& plainTextBody,
408 const TQMap<TQCString, TQString>& customHeaders,
409 const TQStringList& attachmentURLs,
410 const TQStringList& attachmentNames,
411 const TQStringList& attachmentMimetypes )
413 kdDebug(5006) <<
"KMailICalIfaceImpl::addIncidenceKolab( " << attachmentNames <<
" )" << endl;
415 TQ_UINT32 sernum = 0;
416 bool bAttachOK =
421 msg->setSubject( subject );
424 TQMap<TQCString, TQString>::ConstIterator ith = customHeaders.begin();
425 const TQMap<TQCString, TQString>::ConstIterator ithEnd = customHeaders.end();
426 for ( ; ith != ithEnd ; ++ith ) {
431 if ( storageFormat( &folder ) == StorageXML ) {
432 setXMLContentTypeHeader( msg, plainTextBody );
433 }
else if ( storageFormat( &folder ) == StorageIcalVcard ) {
434 const KMail::FolderContentsType t = folder.storage()->
435 setIcalVcardContentTypeHeader( msg, t, &folder );
438 kdWarning(5006) << k_funcinfo <<
"Attempt to write to folder with unknown storage type" << endl;
441 Q_ASSERT( attachmentMimetypes.count() == attachmentURLs.count() );
442 Q_ASSERT( attachmentNames.count() == attachmentURLs.count() );
444 TQStringList::ConstIterator itmime = attachmentMimetypes.begin();
445 TQStringList::ConstIterator iturl = attachmentURLs.begin();
446 for( TQStringList::ConstIterator itname = attachmentNames.begin();
447 itname != attachmentNames.end()
448 && itmime != attachmentMimetypes.end()
449 && iturl != attachmentURLs.end();
450 ++itname, ++iturl, ++itmime ){
451 bool byname = !(*itmime).startsWith(
"application/x-vnd.kolab." );
452 if( !updateAttachment( *msg, *iturl, *itname, *itmime, byname ) ){
453 kdWarning(5006) <<
"Attachment error, can not add Incidence." << endl;
464 if ( folder.
addMsg( msg ) == 0 )
466 sernum = msg->getMsgSerNum();
467 kdDebug(5006) <<
"addIncidenceKolab(): Message done and saved. Sernum: "
471 addFolderChange( &folder, Contents );
472 syncFolder( &folder );
474 kdError(5006) <<
"addIncidenceKolab(): Message *NOT* saved!\n";
479bool KMailICalIfaceImpl::deleteIncidenceKolab(
const TQString& resource,
483 if( !mUseResourceIMAP )
486 kdDebug(5006) <<
"KMailICalIfaceImpl::deleteIncidenceKolab( "
487 << resource <<
", " << sernum <<
490 KMFolder* f = findResourceFolder( resource );
492 kdError(5006) <<
"deleteIncidenceKolab(" << resource <<
") : Not an IMAP resource folder" << endl;
505 kdDebug(5006) <<
"Message not found, cannot remove serNum " << sernum << endl;
511int KMailICalIfaceImpl::incidencesKolabCount(
const TQString& mimetype,
512 const TQString& resource )
514 Q_UNUSED( mimetype );
516 if( !mUseResourceIMAP )
519 KMFolder* f = findResourceFolder( resource );
521 kdError(5006) <<
"incidencesKolab(" << resource <<
") : Not an IMAP resource folder" << endl;
525 f->
527 f->
528 kdDebug(5006) <<
"KMailICalIfaceImpl::incidencesKolabCount( "
529 << resource <<
" ) returned " << n << endl;
534 const TQString& resource,
542 TQMap<TQ_UINT32, TQString> aMap;
543 if( !mUseResourceIMAP )
546 KMFolder* f = findResourceFolder( resource );
548 kdError(5006) <<
"incidencesKolab(" << resource <<
") : Not an IMAP resource folder" << endl;
552 f->
"incidences" );
554 kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo <<
"Getting incidences (" << mimetype <<
") for folder " << f->
555 <<
", starting with index " << startIndex <<
", " << nbMessages <<
" messages." << endl;
556 kdDebug(5006) <<
"The folder has " << f->
count() <<
" messages." << endl;
558 int stopIndex = nbMessages == -1 ? f->
count() :
559 TQMIN( f->
count(), startIndex + nbMessages );
561 for(
int i = startIndex; i < stopIndex; ++i) {
569 const int iSlash = mimetype.find(
570 const TQCString sType = mimetype.left( iSlash ).latin1();
571 const TQCString sSubtype = mimetype.mid( iSlash+1 ).latin1();
572 if ( sType.isEmpty() || sSubtype.isEmpty() ) {
573 kdError(5006) << mimetype <<
" not an type/subtype combination" << endl;
575 DwBodyPart* dwPart = findBodyPartByMimeType( *msg, sType, sSubtype );
577 KMMessagePart msgPart;
579 aMap.insert(msg->getMsgSerNum(), msgPart.
bodyToUnicode( TQTextCodec::codecForName(
"utf8" ) ));
584 const TQCString type( msg->
typeStr() );
586 if (type.lower() == sType && subtype.lower() == sSubtype ) {
599 kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo <<
" Unable to retrieve message " << i <<
" for incidence!" << endl;
602 f->
"incidences" );
610void KMailICalIfaceImpl::slotMessageRetrieved(
KMMessage* msg )
616 TQ_UINT32 sernum = msg->getMsgSerNum();
619 Accumulator *ac = mAccumulators.find( parent->
location() );
622 if ( !vPartFoundAndDecoded( msg, s ) )
623 TQString uid(
"UID" );
624 vPartMicroParser( s, uid );
625 const TQ_UINT32 sernum = msg->getMsgSerNum();
626 mUIDToSerNum.insert( uid, sernum );
632 mAccumulators.remove( ac->folder );
637 slotIncidenceAdded( msg->parent(), msg->getMsgSerNum() );
640 if ( mTheUnGetMes.contains( sernum ) ) {
641 mTheUnGetMes.remove( sernum );
649static int dimapAccountCount()
652 KMAccount *account = mgr->
655 if (
>( account ) )
657 account = mgr->
662int KMailICalIfaceImpl::dimapAccounts()
664 return dimapAccountCount();
667static TQString subresourceLabelForPresentation(
const KMFolder * folder )
669 if( KMailICalIfaceImpl::getResourceMap()->contains( folder->
location() ) ) {
670 return folder->
674 TQStringList parts = TQStringList::split( TQString::fromLatin1(
"/"), label );
679 if ( parts[1] == TQString::fromLatin1(
"user") ) {
680 TQStringList remainder(parts);
681 remainder.pop_front();
682 remainder.pop_front();
683 remainder.pop_front();
684 label = i18n(
"%1's %2")
686 .arg( remainder.join( TQString::fromLatin1(
"/") ) );
691 while ( parent->parent() && parent->parent()->owner() ) {
692 parent = parent->parent()->owner();
694 TQStringList remainder(parts);
695 remainder.pop_front();
696 remainder.pop_front();
697 if ( dimapAccountCount() > 1 ) {
699 if( folder->storage() &&
static_cast<const KMFolderCachedImap*
>( folder->storage() )->account() ) {
700 label = i18n(
"My %1 (%2)")
701 .arg( remainder.join( TQString::fromLatin1(
"/") ),
702 static_cast<const KMFolderCachedImap*
>( folder->storage() )->account()->name() );
704 label = i18n(
"My %1")
705 .arg( remainder.join( TQString::fromLatin1(
"/") ) );
708 label = i18n(
"My %1")
709 .arg( remainder.join( TQString::fromLatin1(
"/") ) );
718TQValueList<KMailICalIfaceImpl::SubResource> KMailICalIfaceImpl::subresourcesKolab(
const TQString& contentsType )
720 TQValueList<SubResource> subResources;
725 subResources.append( SubResource( f->
location(), subresourceLabelForPresentation( f ),
726 f->
isWritable(), folderIsAlarmRelevant( f ) ) );
727 kdDebug(5006) <<
"Adding(1) folder " << f->
location() <<
" " <<
728 ( !f->
isWritable() ?
"readonly" :
"" ) << endl;
732 const KMail::FolderContentsType t = folderContentsType( contentsType );
733 TQDictIterator<ExtraFolder> it( mExtraFolders );
734 for ( ; it.current(); ++it ){
735 f = it.current()->folder;
737 subResources.append( SubResource( f->
location(), subresourceLabelForPresentation( f ),
738 f->
isWritable(), folderIsAlarmRelevant( f ) ) );
739 kdDebug(5006) <<
"Adding(2) folder " << f->
location() <<
" " <<
740 ( !f->
isWritable() ?
"readonly" :
"" ) << endl;
744 if ( subResources.isEmpty() )
745 kdDebug(5006) <<
"subresourcesKolab: No folder found for " << contentsType << endl;
749bool KMailICalIfaceImpl::triggerSync(
const TQString& contentsType )
751 kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << endl;
752 TQValueList<KMailICalIfaceImpl::SubResource> folderList = subresourcesKolab( contentsType );
753 for ( TQValueList<KMailICalIfaceImpl::SubResource>::const_iterator it( folderList.begin() ),
754 end( folderList.end() );
756 KMFolder *
const f = findResourceFolder( (*it).location );
759 if ( !kmkernel->askToGoOnline() ) {
765 KMFolderImap *imap =
>( f->storage() );
766 imap->getAndCheckFolder();
767 }
else if ( f->
folderType() == KMFolderTypeCachedImap ) {
768 KMFolderCachedImap* cached =
>( f->storage() );
769 if ( cached->account() ) {
770 cached->account()->processNewMailInFolder( f );
778bool KMailICalIfaceImpl::isWritableFolder(
const TQString& type,
779 const TQString& resource )
790KMailICalIfaceImpl::StorageFormat KMailICalIfaceImpl::storageFormat(
const TQString& resource )
792 StorageFormat format;
793 KMFolder* f = findResourceFolder( resource );
795 format = storageFormat( f );
797 format = globalStorageFormat();
817 const TQString& subject,
818 const TQString& plainTextBody,
819 const TQMap<TQCString, TQString>& customHeaders,
820 const TQStringList& attachmentURLs,
821 const TQStringList& attachmentMimetypes,
822 const TQStringList& attachmentNames,
823 const TQStringList& deletedAttachments )
827 if( !mUseResourceIMAP )
830 Q_ASSERT( !resource.isEmpty() );
832 kdDebug(5006) <<
"KMailICalIfaceImpl::update( " << resource <<
", " << sernum <<
" )\n";
833 kdDebug(5006) << attachmentURLs <<
834 kdDebug(5006) << attachmentMimetypes <<
835 kdDebug(5006) << attachmentNames <<
836 kdDebug(5006) <<
"deleted attachments:" << deletedAttachments <<
839 KMFolder* f = findResourceFolder( resource );
841 kdError(5006) <<
"update(" << resource <<
") : Not an IMAP resource folder" << endl;
845 f->
"ifaceupdate" );
850 if ( !msg )
return 0;
853 newMsg->setSubject( subject );
854 TQMap<TQCString, TQString>::ConstIterator ith = customHeaders.begin();
855 const TQMap<TQCString, TQString>::ConstIterator ithEnd = customHeaders.begin();
856 for ( ; ith != ithEnd ; ++ith )
858 newMsg->setParent( 0 );
862 for( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = deletedAttachments.begin();
863 it != deletedAttachments.end();
865 if( !deleteAttachment( *newMsg, *it ) ){
870 const KMail::FolderContentsType t = f->storage()->
871 const TQCString type = msg->
873 const bool messageWasIcalVcardFormat = ( type.lower() ==
"text" &&
874 ( subtype.lower() ==
"calendar" || subtype.lower() ==
"x-vcard" ) );
876 if ( storageFormat( f ) == StorageIcalVcard ) {
878 if ( !messageWasIcalVcardFormat ) {
879 setIcalVcardContentTypeHeader( newMsg, t, f );
882 }
else if ( storageFormat( f ) == StorageXML ) {
883 if ( messageWasIcalVcardFormat ) {
886 setXMLContentTypeHeader( newMsg, plainTextBody );
890 TQStringList::ConstIterator iturl = attachmentURLs.begin();
891 TQStringList::ConstIterator itmime = attachmentMimetypes.begin();
892 TQStringList::ConstIterator itname = attachmentNames.begin();
894 iturl != attachmentURLs.end()
895 && itmime != attachmentMimetypes.end()
896 && itname != attachmentNames.end();
897 ++iturl, ++itname, ++itmime ){
898 bool byname = !(*itmime).startsWith(
"application/x-vnd.kolab." );
899 if( !updateAttachment( *newMsg, *iturl, *itname, *itmime, byname ) ){
900 kdDebug(5006) <<
"Attachment error, can not update attachment " << *iturl << endl;
914 if ( f->
addMsg( newMsg ) == 0 ) {
916 rc = newMsg->getMsgSerNum();
917 kdDebug(5006) <<
"forget about " << sernum <<
", it's " << rc <<
" now" << endl;
919 addFolderChange( f, Contents );
923 rc = addIncidenceKolab( *f, subject, plainTextBody, customHeaders,
926 attachmentMimetypes );
929 f->
933KURL KMailICalIfaceImpl::getAttachment(
const TQString& resource,
935 const TQString& filename )
940 if( !mUseResourceIMAP )
943 kdDebug(5006) <<
"KMailICalIfaceImpl::getAttachment( "
944 << resource <<
", " << sernum <<
", " << filename <<
" )\n";
947 KMFolder* f = findResourceFolder( resource );
949 kdError(5006) <<
"getAttachment(" << resource <<
") : Not an IMAP resource folder" << endl;
952 if ( storageFormat( f ) != StorageXML ) {
953 kdError(5006) <<
"getAttachment(" << resource <<
") : Folder has wrong storage format " << storageFormat( f ) << endl;
960 bool quiet = mResourceQuiet;
961 mResourceQuiet =
967 DwBodyPart* part = findBodyPart( *msg, filename );
972 TQByteArray rawData( aPart.bodyDecodedBinary() );
975 file.file()->writeBlock( rawData.data(), rawData.size() );
977 url.setPath( file.name() );
983 kdDebug(5006) <<
"Attachment " << filename <<
" not found." << endl;
986 kdDebug(5006) <<
"Message not found." << endl;
989 mResourceQuiet = quiet;
993TQString KMailICalIfaceImpl::attachmentMimetype(
const TQString & resource,
995 const TQString & filename )
997 if( !mUseResourceIMAP )
999 KMFolder* f = findResourceFolder( resource );
1000 if( !f || storageFormat( f ) != StorageXML ) {
1001 kdError(5006) <<
"attachmentMimetype(" << resource <<
") : Wrong folder" << endl;
1008 DwBodyPart* part = findBodyPart( *msg, filename );
1010 KMMessagePart kmPart;
1012 return TQString( kmPart.typeStr() ) +
"/" + TQString( kmPart.subtypeStr() );
1014 kdDebug(5006) <<
"Attachment " << filename <<
" not found." << endl;
1017 kdDebug(5006) <<
"Message not found." << endl;
1023TQStringList KMailICalIfaceImpl::listAttachments(
const TQString & resource, TQ_UINT32 sernum)
1026 if( !mUseResourceIMAP )
1030 KMFolder* f = findResourceFolder( resource );
1032 kdError(5006) <<
"listAttachments(" << resource <<
") : Not an IMAP resource folder" << endl;
1035 if ( storageFormat( f ) != StorageXML ) {
1036 kdError(5006) <<
"listAttachment(" << resource <<
") : Folder has wrong storage format " << storageFormat( f ) << endl;
1043 if ( part->hasHeaders() ) {
1045 DwMediaType& contentType = part->Headers().ContentType();
1046 if ( TQString( contentType.SubtypeStr().c_str() ).startsWith(
"x-vnd.kolab." )
1047 || TQString( contentType.SubtypeStr().c_str() ).contains(
"tnef" ) )
1049 if ( !part->Headers().ContentDisposition().Filename().empty() )
1050 name = part->Headers().ContentDisposition().Filename().c_str();
1051 else if ( !contentType.Name().empty() )
1052 name = contentType.Name().c_str();
1053 if ( !name.isEmpty() )
1058 kdDebug(5006) <<
"Message not found." << endl;
1071void KMailICalIfaceImpl::slotFolderRemoved(
KMFolder* folder )
1076 TDEConfigGroup configGroup( kmkernel->config(),
"GroupwareFolderInfo" );
1077 configGroup.deleteEntry( folder->
idString() +
"-storageFormat" );
1078 configGroup.deleteEntry( folder->
idString() +
"-changes" );
1082void KMailICalIfaceImpl::slotIncidenceAdded(
KMFolder* folder,
1085 if( mResourceQuiet || !mUseResourceIMAP )
1089 TQString type = folderContentsType( folder->storage()->
contentsType() );
1090 if( type.isEmpty() ) {
1091 kdError(5006) <<
"Not an IMAP resource folder" << endl;
1098 assert( folder == aFolder );
1102 TQString uid(
"UID" );
1108 StorageFormat format = storageFormat( folder );
1110 case StorageIcalVcard:
1112 ok = vPartFoundAndDecoded( msg, s );
1114 vPartMicroParser( s, uid );
1118 if ( kolabXMLFoundAndDecoded( *msg,
1119 folderKolabMimeType( folder->storage()->
contentsType() ), s ) ) {
1130 const TQ_UINT32 sernum = msg->getMsgSerNum();
1131 mUIDToSerNum.insert( uid, sernum );
1134 if ( mInTransit.contains( uid ) ) {
1135 mInTransit.remove( uid );
1137 incidenceAdded( type, folder->
location(), sernum, format, s );
1141 if ( unget ) mTheUnGetMes.insert( msg->getMsgSerNum(),
true );
1142 FolderJob *job = msg->parent()->createJob( msg );
1143 connect( job, TQ_SIGNAL( messageRetrieved(
KMMessage* ) ),
1144 this, TQ_SLOT( slotMessageRetrieved(
KMMessage* ) ) );
1152void KMailICalIfaceImpl::slotIncidenceDeleted(
KMFolder* folder,
1155 if( mResourceQuiet || !mUseResourceIMAP )
1158 TQString type = folderContentsType( folder->storage()->
contentsType() );
1160 if( !type.isEmpty() ) {
1165 assert( folder == aFolder );
1172 TQString uid(
"UID" );
1173 switch( storageFormat( folder ) ) {
1174 case StorageIcalVcard:
1175 if( vPartFoundAndDecoded( msg, s ) ) {
1176 vPartMicroParser( s, uid );
1181 if ( kolabXMLFoundAndDecoded( *msg, folderKolabMimeType( folder->storage()->
contentsType() ), s ) ) {
1188 kdDebug(5006) <<
"Emitting DCOP signal incidenceDeleted( "
1189 << type <<
", " << folder->
location() <<
", " << uid
1191 incidenceDeleted( type, folder->
location(), uid );
1195 kdError(5006) <<
"Not a groupware folder" << endl;
1199void KMailICalIfaceImpl::slotRefresh(
const TQString& type )
1201 if( mUseResourceIMAP ) {
1202 signalRefresh( type, TQString() );
1203 kdDebug(5006) <<
"Emitting DCOP signal signalRefresh( " << type <<
" )" << endl;
1208void KMailICalIfaceImpl::slotRefreshFolder(
KMFolder* folder)
1213 if( mUseResourceIMAP && folder ) {
1214 if( folder == mCalendar || folder == mContacts
1215 || folder == mNotes || folder == mTasks
1216 || folder == mJournals || mExtraFolders.find( folder->
location() ) ) {
1218 KMail::FolderContentsType ct = folder->storage()->
1219 slotRefresh( s_folderContentsType[ct].contentsTypeStr );
1229 const TQString& folder )
1231 if( mUseResourceIMAP ) {
1233 if ( !folder.isEmpty() ) {
1234 f = extraFolder( type, folder );
1239 if( type ==
"Calendar" ) f = mCalendar;
1240 else if( type ==
"Contact" ) f = mContacts;
1241 else if( type ==
"Note" ) f = mNotes;
1242 else if( type ==
"Task" || type ==
"Todo" ) f = mTasks;
1243 else if( type ==
"Journal" ) f = mJournals;
1245 if ( f && ( folder.isEmpty() || folder == f->
location() ) )
1248 kdError(5006) <<
"No folder ( " << type <<
", " << folder <<
" )\n";
1259 return mUseResourceIMAP && folder &&
1260 ( isStandardResourceFolder( folder ) || mExtraFolders.find( folder->
location() )!=0 );
1263bool KMailICalIfaceImpl::isStandardResourceFolder(
KMFolder* folder )
1265 return ( folder == mCalendar || folder == mTasks || folder == mJournals ||
1266 folder == mNotes || folder == mContacts );
1276 KMFolderCachedImap *dimapFolder =
>( folder->storage() );
1277 bool hide = dimapFolder && mHideFolders
1278 && (int)dimapFolder->account()->id() == GlobalSettings::self()->theIMAPResourceAccount()
1279 && GlobalSettings::self()->showOnlyGroupwareFoldersForGroupwareAccount();
1286 if( mUseResourceIMAP && folder ) {
1287 if( folder == mCalendar || folder == mContacts
1288 || folder == mNotes || folder == mTasks
1289 || folder == mJournals || mExtraFolders.find( folder->
location() ) ) {
1290 KMail::FolderContentsType ct = folder->storage()->
1291 return s_folderContentsType[ct].treeItemType;
1295 return KFolderTreeItem::Other;
1300static TQMap<KFolderTreeItem::Type,TQString> folderNames[4];
1304 if ( GlobalSettings::self()->theIMAPResourceStorageFormat() == GlobalSettings::EnumTheIMAPResourceStorageFormat::XML )
1307 static bool folderNamesSet =
1308 if( !folderNamesSet ) {
1309 folderNamesSet =
1314 folderNames[0][KFolderTreeItem::Calendar] = TQString::fromLatin1(
1315 folderNames[0][KFolderTreeItem::Tasks] = TQString::fromLatin1(
1316 folderNames[0][KFolderTreeItem::Journals] = TQString::fromLatin1(
1317 folderNames[0][KFolderTreeItem::Contacts] = TQString::fromLatin1(
1318 folderNames[0][KFolderTreeItem::Notes] = TQString::fromLatin1(
1321 folderNames[1][KFolderTreeItem::Calendar] = TQString::fromLatin1(
1322 folderNames[1][KFolderTreeItem::Tasks] = TQString::fromLatin1(
1323 folderNames[1][KFolderTreeItem::Journals] = TQString::fromLatin1(
1324 folderNames[1][KFolderTreeItem::Contacts] = TQString::fromLatin1(
1325 folderNames[1][KFolderTreeItem::Notes] = TQString::fromLatin1(
1328 folderNames[2][KFolderTreeItem::Calendar] = TQString::fromLatin1(
1330 folderNames[2][KFolderTreeItem::Tasks] = TQString::fromLatin1(
1331 folderNames[2][KFolderTreeItem::Journals] = TQString::fromLatin1(
1332 folderNames[2][KFolderTreeItem::Contacts] = TQString::fromLatin1(
1333 folderNames[2][KFolderTreeItem::Notes] = TQString::fromLatin1(
1336 folderNames[3][KFolderTreeItem::Calendar] = TQString::fromLatin1(
1337 folderNames[3][KFolderTreeItem::Tasks] = TQString::fromLatin1(
1338 folderNames[3][KFolderTreeItem::Journals] = TQString::fromLatin1(
1339 folderNames[3][KFolderTreeItem::Contacts] = TQString::fromLatin1(
1340 folderNames[3][KFolderTreeItem::Notes] = TQString::fromLatin1(
1343 if( language < 0 || language > 3 ) {
1344 return folderNames[mFolderLanguage][type];
1347 return folderNames[language][type];
1355 if( !folder || !mUIDToSerNum.contains( uid ) )
return 0;
1359 Q_ASSERT( aFolder == folder );
1360 return folder->
getMsg( i );
1366 if( !folder )
return 0;
1373 if( aFolder && aFolder != folder ) {
1374 kdWarning(5006) <<
"findMessageBySerNum( " << serNum <<
" ) found it in folder " << aFolder->
location() <<
", expected " << folder->
location() << endl;
1377 message = aFolder->
getMsg( index );
1379 kdWarning(5006) <<
"findMessageBySerNum( " << serNum <<
" ) invalid serial number\n" << endl;
1389 KMFolder *srcFolder = msg->parent();
1390 int idx = srcFolder->
1398 kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo <<
"Message cannot be deleted now because it is currently in use " << msg << endl;
1401 addFolderChange( srcFolder, Contents );
1405 KMail::FolderContentsType contentsType )
1407 if ( !mUseResourceIMAP )
1413 if ( isStandardResourceFolder( folder ) )
1417 const TQString location = folder->
1418 ExtraFolder* ef = mExtraFolders.find( location );
1419 if ( ef && ef->folder ) {
1421 subresourceDeleted(folderContentsType( folder->storage()->
contentsType() ), location );
1423 if ( contentsType == KMail::ContentsTypeMail ) {
1425 mExtraFolders.remove( location );
1426 folder->disconnect(
this );
1431 if ( ef && !ef->folder )
1432 mExtraFolders.remove( location );
1433 if ( contentsType == KMail::ContentsTypeMail )
1438 ef =
new ExtraFolder( folder );
1439 mExtraFolders.insert( location, ef );
1441 FolderInfo info = readFolderInfo( folder );
1442 mFolderInfoMap.insert( folder, info );
1449 if ( folder->
folderType() == KMFolderTypeCachedImap ) {
1450 TQString annotation =
>( folder->storage() )->annotationFolderType();
1451 kdDebug(5006) <<
"folderContentsTypeChanged: " << folder->name() <<
" has annotation " << annotation << endl;
1452 if ( annotation == TQString( s_folderContentsType[contentsType].annotation ) +
".default" )
1453 folder->setLabel( localizedDefaultFolderName( contentsType ) );
1456 connectFolder( folder );
1459 subresourceAdded( folderContentsType( contentsType ), location, subresourceLabelForPresentation(folder),
1460 folder->
isWritable(), folderIsAlarmRelevant( folder ) );
1463KMFolder* KMailICalIfaceImpl::extraFolder(
const TQString& type,
1464 const TQString& folder )
1468 int t = folderContentsType( type );
1469 if ( t < 1 || t > 5 )
1472 ExtraFolder* ef = mExtraFolders.find( folder );
1473 if ( ef && ef->folder && ef->folder->storage()->contentsType() == t )
1479KMailICalIfaceImpl::StorageFormat KMailICalIfaceImpl::storageFormat(
KMFolder* folder )
1481 FolderInfoMap::ConstIterator it = mFolderInfoMap.find( folder );
1482 if ( it != mFolderInfoMap.end() )
1483 return (*it).mStorageFormat;
1484 return globalStorageFormat();
1489 FolderInfoMap::Iterator it = mFolderInfoMap.find( folder );
1490 if ( it != mFolderInfoMap.end() ) {
1491 (*it).mStorageFormat = format;
1493 FolderInfo info( format, NoChange );
1494 mFolderInfoMap.insert( folder, info );
1496 TDEConfigGroup configGroup( kmkernel->config(),
"GroupwareFolderInfo" );
1497 configGroup.writeEntry( folder->
idString() +
1498 format == StorageXML ?
"xml" :
"icalvcard" );
1501void KMailICalIfaceImpl::addFolderChange(
KMFolder* folder, FolderChanges changes )
1503 FolderInfoMap::Iterator it = mFolderInfoMap.find( folder );
1504 if ( it != mFolderInfoMap.end() ) {
1505 (*it).mChanges =
>( (*it).mChanges | changes );
1507 kdDebug(5006) <<
"addFolderChange: nothing known about folder " << folder->
location() << endl;
1509 TDEConfigGroup configGroup( kmkernel->config(),
"GroupwareFolderInfo" );
1510 configGroup.writeEntry( folder->
idString() +
"-changes", (*it).mChanges );
1513KMailICalIfaceImpl::FolderInfo KMailICalIfaceImpl::readFolderInfo(
const KMFolder *
const folder )
1515 TDEConfigGroup configGroup( kmkernel->config(),
"GroupwareFolderInfo" );
1516 TQString str = configGroup.readEntry( folder->
idString() +
"unset" );
1518 if ( str ==
"unset" ) {
1519 info.mStorageFormat = globalStorageFormat();
1520 configGroup.writeEntry( folder->
idString() +
1521 info.mStorageFormat == StorageXML ?
"xml" :
"icalvcard" );
1523 info.mStorageFormat = ( str ==
"xml" ) ? StorageXML : StorageIcalVcard;
1525 info.mChanges = (FolderChanges) configGroup.readNumEntry( folder->
idString() +
"-changes" );
1530void KMailICalIfaceImpl::folderSynced(
KMFolder* folder,
const KURL& folderURL )
1532 FolderInfoMap::Iterator it = mFolderInfoMap.find( folder );
1533 if ( it != mFolderInfoMap.end() && (*it).mChanges ) {
1534 handleFolderSynced( folder, folderURL, (*it).mChanges );
1535 (*it).mChanges = NoChange;
1539void KMailICalIfaceImpl::handleFolderSynced(
KMFolder* folder,
1540 const KURL& folderURL,
1547 if ( ( _changes & KMailICalIface::Contents ) ||
1548 ( _changes & KMailICalIface::ACL ) ) {
1549 if ( storageFormat( folder ) == StorageXML && folder->storage()->
contentsType() == KMail::ContentsTypeCalendar )
1550 triggerKolabFreeBusy( folderURL );
1554void KMailICalIfaceImpl::folderDeletedOnServer(
const KURL& folderURL )
1556 triggerKolabFreeBusy( folderURL );
1559void KMailICalIfaceImpl::triggerKolabFreeBusy(
const KURL& folderURL )
1564 KURL httpURL( folderURL );
1566 httpURL.setProtocol(
"https" );
1567 httpURL.setPort( 0 );
1570 TQString path = folderURL.path( -1 );
1571 Q_ASSERT( path.startsWith(
"/" ) );
1572 int secondSlash = path.find(
'/', 1 );
1573 if ( secondSlash == -1 ) {
1574 kdWarning() <<
"KCal::ResourceKolab::fromKMailFolderSynced path is too short: " << path << endl;
1577 if ( path.startsWith(
false ) ) {
1579 path = path.mid( secondSlash );
1580 path.prepend( folderURL.user() );
1584 path = path.mid( secondSlash );
1587 httpURL.setPath(
"/freebusy/trigger/" + path +
".pfb" );
1588 httpURL.setQuery( TQString() );
1590 httpURL = KURL( httpURL.url(0,106), 106 );
1591 kdDebug() <<
"Triggering PFB update for " << folderURL <<
" : getting " << httpURL << endl;
1594 TDEIO::get( httpURL,
false );
1597void KMailICalIfaceImpl::slotFolderPropertiesChanged(
KMFolder* folder )
1600 const TQString location = folder->
1601 const TQString contentsTypeStr = folderContentsType( folder->storage()->
contentsType() );
1602 subresourceDeleted( contentsTypeStr, location );
1604 subresourceAdded( contentsTypeStr, location, subresourceLabelForPresentation( folder ),
1605 folder->
isWritable(), folderIsAlarmRelevant( folder ) );
1610void KMailICalIfaceImpl::slotFolderRenamed()
1613 slotFolderPropertiesChanged(
>( folder ) );
1616void KMailICalIfaceImpl::slotFolderLocationChanged(
const TQString &oldLocation,
1617 const TQString &newLocation )
1619 KMFolder *folder = findResourceFolder( oldLocation );
1620 ExtraFolder* ef = mExtraFolders.find( oldLocation );
1623 mExtraFolders.setAutoDelete(
false );
1624 mExtraFolders.remove( oldLocation );
1625 mExtraFolders.setAutoDelete(
true );
1626 mExtraFolders.insert( newLocation, ef );
1629 subresourceDeleted( folderContentsType( folder->storage()->
contentsType() ), oldLocation );
1633KMFolder* KMailICalIfaceImpl::findResourceFolder(
const TQString& resource )
1636 if( mCalendar && mCalendar->location() == resource )
1638 if ( mContacts && mContacts->location() == resource )
1640 if ( mNotes && mNotes->location() == resource )
1642 if ( mTasks && mTasks->location() == resource )
1644 if ( mJournals && mJournals->location() == resource )
1648 ExtraFolder* ef = mExtraFolders.find( resource );
1656void KMailICalIfaceImpl::changeResourceUIName(
const TQString &folderPath,
const TQString &newName )
1658 kdDebug() <<
"Folder path " << folderPath << endl;
1659 KMFolder *f = findResourceFolder( folderPath );
1661 KMailICalIfaceImpl::getResourceMap()->insert( folderPath, newName );
1662 kmkernel->folderMgr()->renameFolder( f, newName );
1663 TDEConfigGroup configGroup( kmkernel->config(),
"Resource UINames" );
1664 configGroup.writeEntry( folderPath, newName );
1669static void createFolderList( TQStringList &folderNames, TQValueList<TQGuardedPtr<KMFolder> > &folderList )
1671 TQStringList dimapFolderNames;
1672 TQStringList localFolderNames;
1673 TQValueList<TQGuardedPtr<KMFolder> > dimapFolderList;
1674 TQValueList<TQGuardedPtr<KMFolder> > localFolderList;
1675 kmkernel->dimapFolderMgr()->createFolderList( &dimapFolderNames, &dimapFolderList );
1676 kmkernel->folderMgr()->createFolderList( &localFolderNames, &localFolderList );
1677 folderNames += dimapFolderNames;
1678 folderNames += localFolderNames;
1679 folderList += dimapFolderList;
1680 folderList += localFolderList;
1687void KMailICalIfaceImpl::readConfig()
1689 bool enabled = GlobalSettings::self()->theIMAPResourceEnabled() &&
1690 ( GlobalSettings::self()->theIMAPResourceAccount() != 0 );
1693 if( mUseResourceIMAP ==
true ) {
1695 mUseResourceIMAP =
1701 mUseResourceIMAP = enabled;
1704 const bool hideFolders = GlobalSettings::self()->hideGroupwareFolders();
1705 TQString parentName = GlobalSettings::self()->theIMAPResourceFolderParent();
1710 KMFolder* folderParent = kmkernel->findFolderById( parentName );
1711 if( folderParent == 0 ) {
1714 kdDebug(5006) <<
"Groupware folder " << parentName <<
" not found. Groupware functionality disabled" << endl;
1716 KMAccount* account = kmkernel->acctMgr()->find( GlobalSettings::self()->theIMAPResourceAccount() );
1717 Q_ASSERT( account );
1720 disconnect( account, TQ_SIGNAL( finishedCheck(
bool, CheckStatus ) ),
1721 this, TQ_SLOT( slotCheckDone() ) );
1722 connect( account, TQ_SIGNAL( finishedCheck(
bool, CheckStatus ) ),
1723 this, TQ_SLOT( slotCheckDone() ) );
1725 mUseResourceIMAP =
1738 KMAcctCachedImap::GroupwareType groupwareType =
dynamic_cast<KMFolderCachedImap *
>( folderParent->storage() )->account()->groupwareType();
1740 if ( groupwareType == KMAcctCachedImap::GroupwareKolab ) {
1743 bool noneFound =
1744 bool mustFix =
1745 TQValueVector<StandardFolderSearchResult> results( KMail::ContentsTypeLast + 1 );
1746 for (
int i = 0; i < KMail::ContentsTypeLast+1; ++i ) {
1747 if ( i != KMail::ContentsTypeMail ) {
1748 results[i] = findStandardResourceFolder( folderParentDir,
>(i) );
1749 if ( results[i].found == StandardFolderSearchResult::FoundAndStandard )
1751 else if ( results[i].found == StandardFolderSearchResult::FoundByType ||
1752 results[i].found == StandardFolderSearchResult::FoundByName ) {
1761 if( mUseResourceIMAP && !noneFound && !mustFix && mFolderParentDir == folderParentDir
1764 if ( hideFolders != mHideFolders ) {
1766 mHideFolders = hideFolders;
1772 if( noneFound || mustFix ) {
1774 TQString parentFolderName = folderParent != 0 ? folderParent->name() : folderParentDir->name();
1777 msg = i18n(
"KMail will now create the required groupware folders"
1778 " as subfolders of %1; if you do not want this, cancel"
1779 " and the IMAP resource will be disabled").arg(parentFolderName);
1782 TQString operations =
1783 for (
int i = 0; i < KMail::ContentsTypeLast+1; ++i ) {
1784 if ( i != KMail::ContentsTypeMail ) {
1785 TQString typeName = localizedDefaultFolderName(
>( i ) );
1786 if ( results[i].found == StandardFolderSearchResult::NotFound )
1787 operations +=
"<li>" + i18n(
"%1: no folder found. It will be created." ).arg( typeName ) +
1788 else if ( results[i].found == StandardFolderSearchResult::FoundByType || results[i].found == StandardFolderSearchResult::FoundByName )
1789 operations +=
"<li>" + i18n(
"%1: found folder %2. It will be set as the main groupware folder." ).
1790 arg( typeName ).arg( results[i].folder->
label() ) +
1793 operations +=
1795 msg = i18n(
"<qt>KMail found the following groupware folders in %1 and needs to perform the following operations: %2"
1796 "<br>If you do not want this, cancel"
1797 " and the IMAP resource will be disabled").arg(parentFolderName, operations);
1801 if( KMessageBox::questionYesNo( 0, msg,
1802 i18n(
"Standard Groupware Folders"), KStdGuiItem::cont(), KStdGuiItem::cancel() ) == KMessageBox::No ) {
1804 GlobalSettings::self()->setTheIMAPResourceEnabled(
false );
1805 mUseResourceIMAP =
1806 mFolderParentDir = 0;
1814 mUseResourceIMAP =
1815 mFolderLanguage = GlobalSettings::self()->theIMAPResourceFolderLanguage();
1816 if( mFolderLanguage > 3 ) mFolderLanguage = 0;
1817 mFolderParentDir = folderParentDir;
1818 mFolderParent = folderParent;
1820 mHideFolders = hideFolders;
1826 mCalendar = initFolder( KMail::ContentsTypeCalendar );
1827 mTasks = initFolder( KMail::ContentsTypeTask );
1828 mJournals = initFolder( KMail::ContentsTypeJournal );
1829 mContacts = initFolder( KMail::ContentsTypeContact );
1830 mNotes = initFolder( KMail::ContentsTypeNote );
1833 if ( mCalendar->folderType() == KMFolderTypeCachedImap )
1834 static_cast<KMFolderCachedImap *
>( mCalendar->storage() )->updateAnnotationFolderType();
1835 if ( mTasks->folderType() == KMFolderTypeCachedImap )
1836 static_cast<KMFolderCachedImap *
>( mTasks->storage() )->updateAnnotationFolderType();
1837 if ( mJournals->folderType() == KMFolderTypeCachedImap )
1838 static_cast<KMFolderCachedImap *
>( mJournals->storage() )->updateAnnotationFolderType();
1839 if ( mContacts->folderType() == KMFolderTypeCachedImap )
1840 static_cast<KMFolderCachedImap *
>( mContacts->storage() )->updateAnnotationFolderType();
1841 if ( mNotes->folderType() == KMFolderTypeCachedImap )
1842 static_cast<KMFolderCachedImap *
>( mNotes->storage() )->updateAnnotationFolderType();
1849 TQStringList folderNames;
1850 TQValueList<TQGuardedPtr<KMFolder> > folderList;
1851 createFolderList( folderNames, folderList );
1852 for( TQValueList<TQGuardedPtr<KMFolder> >::iterator it = folderList.begin();
1853 it != folderList.end(); ++it )
1856 KMFolderCachedImap* dimapStorage =
>( storage );
1859 dimapStorage->updateAnnotationFolderType();
1866 mExtraFolders.remove( mCalendar->location() );
1867 mExtraFolders.remove( mTasks->location() );
1868 mExtraFolders.remove( mJournals->location() );
1869 mExtraFolders.remove( mContacts->location() );
1870 mExtraFolders.remove( mNotes->location() );
1872 subresourceAdded( folderContentsType( KMail::ContentsTypeCalendar ), mCalendar->location(), mCalendar->label(),
true );
1873 subresourceAdded( folderContentsType( KMail::ContentsTypeTask ), mTasks->location(), mTasks->label(),
true );
1874 subresourceAdded( folderContentsType( KMail::ContentsTypeJournal ), mJournals->location(), mJournals->label(),
false );
1875 subresourceAdded( folderContentsType( KMail::ContentsTypeContact ), mContacts->location(), mContacts->label(),
false );
1876 subresourceAdded( folderContentsType( KMail::ContentsTypeNote ), mNotes->location(), mNotes->label(),
false );
1877 }
else if ( groupwareType == KMAcctCachedImap::GroupwareScalix ) {
1879 mUseResourceIMAP =
1880 mFolderParentDir = folderParentDir;
1881 mFolderParent = folderParent;
1883 mHideFolders =
1889 mCalendar = initScalixFolder( KMail::ContentsTypeCalendar );
1890 mTasks = initScalixFolder( KMail::ContentsTypeTask );
1892 mContacts = initScalixFolder( KMail::ContentsTypeContact );
1893 mNotes = initScalixFolder( KMail::ContentsTypeNote );
1896 if ( mCalendar->folderType() == KMFolderTypeCachedImap )
1897 static_cast<KMFolderCachedImap *
>( mCalendar->storage() )->updateAnnotationFolderType();
1898 if ( mTasks->folderType() == KMFolderTypeCachedImap )
1899 static_cast<KMFolderCachedImap *
>( mTasks->storage() )->updateAnnotationFolderType();
1900 if ( mContacts->folderType() == KMFolderTypeCachedImap )
1901 static_cast<KMFolderCachedImap *
>( mContacts->storage() )->updateAnnotationFolderType();
1902 if ( mNotes->folderType() == KMFolderTypeCachedImap )
1903 static_cast<KMFolderCachedImap *
>( mNotes->storage() )->updateAnnotationFolderType();
1908 kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo <<
"mCalendar=" << mCalendar <<
" " << mCalendar->location() << endl;
1909 kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo <<
"mContacts=" << mContacts <<
" " << mContacts->location() << endl;
1910 kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo <<
"mNotes=" << mNotes <<
" " << mNotes->location() << endl;
1913 TQStringList folderNames;
1914 TQValueList<TQGuardedPtr<KMFolder> > folderList;
1915 kmkernel->dimapFolderMgr()->createFolderList(&folderNames, &folderList);
1916 TQValueList<TQGuardedPtr<KMFolder> >::iterator it;
1917 for(it = folderList.begin(); it != folderList.end(); ++it)
1921 if ( (*it)->folderType() == KMFolderTypeCachedImap ) {
1922 KMFolderCachedImap *imapFolder =
>( storage );
1924 const TQString attributes = imapFolder->folderAttributes();
1925 if ( attributes.contains(
"X-FolderClass" ) ) {
1926 if ( !attributes.contains(
"X-SpecialFolder" ) || (*it)->location().contains(
"@" ) ) {
1928 if ( !parser.folderClass().isEmpty() ) {
1929 FolderContentsType type = Scalix::Utils::scalixIdToContentsType( parser.folderClass() );
1930 imapFolder->setContentsType( type );
1940 mExtraFolders.remove( mCalendar->location() );
1941 mExtraFolders.remove( mTasks->location() );
1942 mExtraFolders.remove( mContacts->location() );
1943 mExtraFolders.remove( mNotes->location() );
1947 subresourceAdded( folderContentsType( KMail::ContentsTypeCalendar ), mCalendar->location(), mCalendar->label(),
true );
1948 subresourceAdded( folderContentsType( KMail::ContentsTypeTask ), mTasks->location(), mTasks->label(),
true );
1949 subresourceAdded( folderContentsType( KMail::ContentsTypeContact ), mContacts->location(), mContacts->label(),
false );
1950 subresourceAdded( folderContentsType( KMail::ContentsTypeNote ), mNotes->location(), mNotes->label(),
false );
1953 TDEConfig *config = kmkernel->config();
1954 config->setGroup(
"Resource UINames");
1955 *KMailICalIfaceImpl::mSubResourceUINamesMap = config->entryMap(
"Resource UINames" );
1960void KMailICalIfaceImpl::slotCheckDone()
1962 TQString parentName = GlobalSettings::self()->theIMAPResourceFolderParent();
1963 KMFolder* folderParent = kmkernel->findFolderById( parentName );
1967 KMAccount* account = kmkernel->acctMgr()->find( GlobalSettings::self()->theIMAPResourceAccount() );
1969 disconnect( account, TQ_SIGNAL( finishedCheck(
bool, CheckStatus ) ),
1970 this, TQ_SLOT( slotCheckDone() ) );
1975KMFolder* KMailICalIfaceImpl::initFolder( KMail::FolderContentsType contentsType )
1978 KMFolderType type = mFolderType;
1979 if( type == KMFolderTypeUnknown ) type = KMFolderTypeMaildir;
1981 KFolderTreeItem::Type itemType = s_folderContentsType[contentsType].treeItemType;
1985 StandardFolderSearchResult result = findStandardResourceFolder( mFolderParentDir, contentsType );
1988 if ( result.folders.count() > 1 && result.found == StandardFolderSearchResult::FoundAndStandard ) {
1989 TQStringList labels;
1990 for ( TQValueList<KMFolder*>::ConstIterator it = result.folders.begin(); it != result.folders.end(); ++it )
1991 labels << (*it)->prettyURL();
1992 const TQString selected = KInputDialog::getItem( i18n(
"Default folder"),
1993 i18n(
"There are multiple %1 default folders, please choose one:")
1994 .arg( localizedDefaultFolderName( contentsType ) ), labels );
1995 if ( !selected.isEmpty() )
1996 result.folder = result.folders[ labels.findIndex( selected ) ];
2004 mFolderParentDir->
createFolder( localizedDefaultFolderName( contentsType ),
false, type );
2005 if( mFolderType == KMFolderTypeImap ) {
2006 KMFolderImap* parentFolder =
>( mFolderParent->storage() );
2007 parentFolder->createFolder( localizedDefaultFolderName( contentsType ) );
2008 static_cast<KMFolderImap*
>( folder->storage() )->setAccount( parentFolder->account() );
2013 FolderInfo info = readFolderInfo( folder );
2014 mFolderInfoMap.insert( folder, info );
2019 KMessageBox::sorry(0, i18n(
"You do not have read/write permission to your %1 folder.")
2024 folder->setSystemFolder(
true );
2026 folder->
2027 connectFolder( folder );
2031KMFolder* KMailICalIfaceImpl::initScalixFolder( KMail::FolderContentsType contentsType )
2034 KMFolderType type = mFolderType;
2035 if( type == KMFolderTypeUnknown ) type = KMFolderTypeMaildir;
2040 TQStringList folderNames;
2041 TQValueList<TQGuardedPtr<KMFolder> > folderList;
2042 Q_ASSERT( kmkernel );
2043 Q_ASSERT( kmkernel->dimapFolderMgr() );
2044 kmkernel->dimapFolderMgr()->createFolderList(&folderNames, &folderList);
2045 TQValueList<TQGuardedPtr<KMFolder> >::iterator it = folderList.begin();
2046 for(; it != folderList.end(); ++it)
2050 if ( (*it)->folderType() == KMFolderTypeCachedImap ) {
2051 KMFolderCachedImap *imapFolder =
>( storage );
2053 const TQString attributes = imapFolder->folderAttributes();
2054 if ( attributes.contains(
"X-SpecialFolder" ) ) {
2056 if ( contentsType == Scalix::Utils::scalixIdToContentsType( parser.folderClass() ) ) {
2067 FolderInfo info = readFolderInfo( folder );
2068 mFolderInfoMap.insert( folder, info );
2073 KMessageBox::sorry(0, i18n(
"You do not have read/write permission to your folder.") );
2077 folder->setSystemFolder(
true );
2079 folder->
"scalixfolder" );
2080 connectFolder( folder );
2084void KMailICalIfaceImpl::connectFolder(
KMFolder* folder )
2087 disconnect( folder, TQ_SIGNAL( msgAdded(
KMFolder*, TQ_UINT32 ) ),
2088 this, TQ_SLOT( slotIncidenceAdded(
KMFolder*, TQ_UINT32 ) ) );
2089 disconnect( folder, TQ_SIGNAL( msgRemoved(
KMFolder*, TQ_UINT32 ) ),
2090 this, TQ_SLOT( slotIncidenceDeleted(
KMFolder*, TQ_UINT32 ) ) );
2091 disconnect( folder, TQ_SIGNAL( expunged(
KMFolder* ) ),
2092 this, TQ_SLOT( slotRefreshFolder(
KMFolder* ) ) );
2093 disconnect( folder->storage(), TQ_SIGNAL( readOnlyChanged(
KMFolder* ) ),
2094 this, TQ_SLOT( slotFolderPropertiesChanged(
KMFolder* ) ) );
2095 disconnect( folder, TQ_SIGNAL( nameChanged() ),
2096 this, TQ_SLOT( slotFolderRenamed() ) );
2097 disconnect( folder->storage(), TQ_SIGNAL( locationChanged(
const TQString&,
const TQString&) ),
2098 this, TQ_SLOT( slotFolderLocationChanged(
const TQString&,
const TQString&) ) );
2101 connect( folder, TQ_SIGNAL( msgAdded(
KMFolder*, TQ_UINT32 ) ),
2102 this, TQ_SLOT( slotIncidenceAdded(
KMFolder*, TQ_UINT32 ) ) );
2103 connect( folder, TQ_SIGNAL( msgRemoved(
KMFolder*, TQ_UINT32 ) ),
2104 this, TQ_SLOT( slotIncidenceDeleted(
KMFolder*, TQ_UINT32 ) ) );
2105 connect( folder, TQ_SIGNAL( expunged(
KMFolder* ) ),
2106 this, TQ_SLOT( slotRefreshFolder(
KMFolder* ) ) );
2107 connect( folder->storage(), TQ_SIGNAL( readOnlyChanged(
KMFolder* ) ),
2108 this, TQ_SLOT( slotFolderPropertiesChanged(
KMFolder* ) ) );
2109 connect( folder, TQ_SIGNAL( nameChanged() ),
2110 this, TQ_SLOT( slotFolderRenamed() ) );
2111 connect( folder->storage(), TQ_SIGNAL( locationChanged(
const TQString&,
const TQString&) ),
2112 this, TQ_SLOT( slotFolderLocationChanged(
const TQString&,
const TQString&) ) );
2119 folder->setSystemFolder(
false );
2120 folder->disconnect( _this );
2121 folder->
2127 cleanupFolder( mContacts,
this );
2128 cleanupFolder( mCalendar,
this );
2129 cleanupFolder( mNotes,
this );
2130 cleanupFolder( mTasks,
this );
2131 cleanupFolder( mJournals,
this );
2133 mContacts = mCalendar = mNotes = mTasks = mJournals = 0;
2138 if( !mUseResourceIMAP )
2141 if( type == KFolderTreeItem::Contacts )
2142 return TQString::fromLatin1(
"kmgroupware_folder_contacts" );
2143 else if( type == KFolderTreeItem::Calendar )
2144 return TQString::fromLatin1(
"kmgroupware_folder_calendar" );
2145 else if( type == KFolderTreeItem::Notes )
2146 return TQString::fromLatin1(
"kmgroupware_folder_notes" );
2147 else if( type == KFolderTreeItem::Tasks )
2148 return TQString::fromLatin1(
"kmgroupware_folder_tasks" );
2149 else if( type == KFolderTreeItem::Journals )
2150 return TQString::fromLatin1(
"kmgroupware_folder_journals" );
2155static void reloadFolderTree()
2158 kmkernel->folderMgr()->contentsChanged();
2164static void vPartMicroParser(
const TQString& str, TQString& s )
2167 uint len = str.length();
2169 for( uint i=0; i<len; ++i){
2170 if( str[i] ==
'\r' || str[i] ==
'\n' ){
2171 if( str[i] ==
'\r' )
2173 if( i+1 < len && str[i+1] ==
' ' ){
2178 if( line.startsWith( s ) ) {
2179 s = line.mid( s.length() + 1 );
2194static TQValueList<KMFolder*> findFolderByAnnotation(
KMFolderDir* folderParentDir,
const TQString& annotation )
2196 TQValueList<KMFolder*> rv;
2197 TQPtrListIterator<KMFolderNode> it( *folderParentDir );
2198 for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
2199 if ( !it.current()->isDir() ) {
2201 if ( folder->
folderType() == KMFolderTypeCachedImap ) {
2202 TQString folderAnnotation =
>( folder->storage() )->annotationFolderType();
2204 if ( folderAnnotation == annotation )
2205 rv.append( folder );
2212KMailICalIfaceImpl::StandardFolderSearchResult KMailICalIfaceImpl::findStandardResourceFolder(
KMFolderDir* folderParentDir, KMail::FolderContentsType contentsType )
2214 if ( GlobalSettings::self()->theIMAPResourceStorageFormat() == GlobalSettings::EnumTheIMAPResourceStorageFormat::XML )
2217 TQValueList<KMFolder*> folders = findFolderByAnnotation( folderParentDir, TQString( s_folderContentsType[contentsType].annotation ) +
".default" );
2218 if ( !folders.isEmpty() )
2219 return StandardFolderSearchResult( folders, StandardFolderSearchResult::FoundAndStandard );
2222 folders = findFolderByAnnotation( folderParentDir, TQString( s_folderContentsType[contentsType].annotation ) );
2223 if ( !folders.isEmpty() )
2224 return StandardFolderSearchResult( folders, StandardFolderSearchResult::FoundByType );
2227 KMFolderNode* node = folderParentDir->
hasNamedFolder( localizedDefaultFolderName( contentsType ) );
2228 if ( node && !node->isDir() )
2229 return StandardFolderSearchResult(
static_cast<KMFolder *
>( node ), StandardFolderSearchResult::FoundByName );
2231 kdDebug(5006) <<
"findStandardResourceFolder: found no resource folder for " << s_folderContentsType[contentsType].annotation << endl;
2232 return StandardFolderSearchResult( 0, StandardFolderSearchResult::NotFound );
2236 KFolderTreeItem::Type itemType = s_folderContentsType[contentsType].treeItemType;
2237 unsigned int folderLanguage = GlobalSettings::self()->theIMAPResourceFolderLanguage();
2238 if( folderLanguage > 3 ) folderLanguage = 0;
2240 if ( !node || node->isDir() )
2241 return StandardFolderSearchResult( 0, StandardFolderSearchResult::NotFound );
2242 return StandardFolderSearchResult(
>( node ), StandardFolderSearchResult::FoundAndStandard );
2250bool KMailICalIfaceImpl::folderIsAlarmRelevant(
const KMFolder *folder )
2252 bool administerRights =
2253 bool relevantForOwner =
2254 bool relevantForEveryone =
2255 if ( folder->
folderType() == KMFolderTypeImap ) {
2256 const KMFolderImap *imapFolder =
static_cast<const KMFolderImap*
>( folder->storage() );
2259 imapFolder->userRights() & KMail::ACLJobs::Administer;
2261 if ( folder->
folderType() == KMFolderTypeCachedImap ) {
2262 const KMFolderCachedImap *dimapFolder =
static_cast<const KMFolderCachedImap*
>( folder->storage() );
2265 dimapFolder->userRights() & KMail::ACLJobs::Administer;
2266 relevantForOwner = !dimapFolder->alarmsBlocked() && ( dimapFolder->incidencesFor () == KMFolderCachedImap::IncForAdmins );
2267 relevantForEveryone = !dimapFolder->alarmsBlocked() && ( dimapFolder->incidencesFor() == KMFolderCachedImap::IncForReaders );
2270 kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << endl;
2271 kdDebug(5006) <<
"Folder: " << folder->
label() <<
" has administer rights: " << administerRights << endl;
2272 kdDebug(5006) <<
"and is relevant for owner: " << relevantForOwner << endl;
2273 kdDebug(5006) <<
"and relevant for everyone: " << relevantForEveryone << endl;
2275 return ( administerRights && relevantForOwner ) || relevantForEveryone;
2278void KMailICalIfaceImpl::setResourceQuiet(
bool q)
2283bool KMailICalIfaceImpl::isResourceQuiet()
2285 return mResourceQuiet;
2289bool KMailICalIfaceImpl::addSubresource(
const TQString& resource,
2290 const TQString& parent,
2291 const TQString& contentsType )
2293 kdDebug(5006) <<
"Adding subresource to parent: " << parent <<
" with name: " << resource << endl;
2294 kdDebug(5006) <<
"contents type: " << contentsType << endl;
2295 KMFolder *folder = findResourceFolder( parent );
2297 if ( !parentFolderDir || parentFolderDir->
hasNamedFolder( resource ) )
return false;
2301 KMessageBox::error( 0, msg );
2305 KMFolderType type = mFolderType;
2306 if( type == KMFolderTypeUnknown ) type = KMFolderTypeMaildir;
2309 if ( !newFolder )
return false;
2310 if( mFolderType == KMFolderTypeImap )
2311 static_cast<KMFolderImap*
>( folder->storage() )->createFolder( resource );
2313 StorageFormat defaultFormat = GlobalSettings::self()->theIMAPResourceStorageFormat() == GlobalSettings::EnumTheIMAPResourceStorageFormat::XML ? StorageXML : StorageIcalVcard;
2314 setStorageFormat( newFolder, folder ? storageFormat( folder ) : defaultFormat );
2315 newFolder->storage()->
setContentsType( folderContentsType( contentsType ) );
2317 newFolder->
"ical_subresource" );
2318 connectFolder( newFolder );
2324bool KMailICalIfaceImpl::removeSubresource(
const TQString& location )
2326 kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << endl;
2328 KMFolder *folder = findResourceFolder( location );
2333 if ( !folder || isStandardResourceFolder( folder ) )
2338 subresourceDeleted( folderContentsType( folder->storage()->
contentsType() ), location );
2339 mExtraFolders.remove( location );
2340 folder->disconnect(
this );
2342 if ( folder->
folderType() == KMFolderTypeImap )
2343 kmkernel->imapFolderMgr()->remove( folder );
2344 else if ( folder->
folderType() == KMFolderTypeCachedImap ) {
2346 KMFolderCachedImap* storage =
>( folder->storage() );
2347 KMAcctCachedImap* acct = storage->account();
2349 acct->addDeletedFolder( folder );
2350 kmkernel->dimapFolderMgr()->remove( folder );
2355void KMailICalIfaceImpl::syncFolder(
KMFolder * folder)
2357 if ( kmkernel->isOffline() || !GlobalSettings::immediatlySyncDIMAPOnGroupwareChanges() )
2359 KMFolderCachedImap *dimapFolder =
>( folder->storage() );
2363 if ( dimapFolder->imapPath().isEmpty() ) {
2364 if ( folder->parent() && folder->parent()->owner() )
2365 syncFolder( folder->parent()->owner() );
2369 dimapFolder->account()->processNewMailInFolder( folder );
2372#include "kmailicalifaceimpl.moc"
The FolderStorage class is the bass class for the storage related aspects of a collection of mail (a ...
virtual KMMessage * readTemporaryMsg(int idx)
Load message from file and do NOT store it, only return it.
virtual void setContentsType(KMail::FolderContentsType type, bool quiet=false)
Set the type of contents held in this folder (mail, calendar, etc.)
KMail::FolderContentsType contentsType() const
virtual void writeConfig()
Write the config file.
KMail list that manages the contents of one directory that may contain folders and/or other directori...
virtual KMFolder * createFolder(const TQString &folderName, bool sysFldr=false, KMFolderType folderType=KMFolderTypeMbox)
Create a mail folder in this directory with given name.
KMFolder * owner() const
Returns the folder whose children we are holding.
virtual KMFolderNode * hasNamedFolder(const TQString &name)
Returns folder with given name or zero if it does not exist.
TQString idString() const
Returns a string that can be used to identify this folder.
virtual TQString prettyURL() const
URL of the node for visualization purposes.
void ignoreJobsForMessage(KMMessage *)
Removes and deletes all jobs associated with the particular message.
virtual TQString label() const
Returns the label of the folder for visualization.
bool isValidName(const TQString &folderName, TQString &message)
Returns true if the name is valid for a child of this folder.
KMMsgInfo * unGetMsg(int idx)
Replace KMMessage with KMMsgInfo and delete KMMessage
int canAccess()
Check folder for permissions Returns zero if readable and writable.
int addMsg(KMMessage *msg, int *index_return=0)
Add the given message to the folder.
bool isMessage(int idx)
Checks if the message is already "gotten" with getMsg.
bool isSystemFolder() const
Returns true if the folder is a kmail system folder.
void close(const char *owner, bool force=false)
Close folder.
KMFolderDir * createChildFolder()
Create a child folder directory and associates it with this folder.
KMMessage * getMsg(int idx)
Read message at given index.
KMFolderType folderType() const
Returns the type of this folder.
int count(bool cache=false) const
Number of messages in this folder.
int open(const char *owner)
Open folder for access.
bool isWritable() const
Can we write into and delete from this folder (on IMAP that's not necessarily !isReadOnly())
TQString location() const
Returns full path to folder file.
void removeMsg(int i, bool imapQuiet=false)
Remove (first occurrence of) given message from the folder.
int find(const KMMsgBase *msg) const
Returns the index of the given message or -1 if not found.
DwBodyPart * getFirstDwBodyPart() const
Get the 1st DwBodyPart.
TQCString typeStr() const
Get or set the 'Content-Type' header field The member functions that involve enumerated types (ints) ...
void setBodyEncoded(const TQCString &aStr, DwEntity *entity=0)
Set the message body, encoding it according to the current content transfer encoding.
void touch()
Touch the message - mark it as read.
static void bodyPart(DwBodyPart *aDwBodyPart, KMMessagePart *aPart, bool withBody=true)
Fill the KMMessagePart structure for a given DwBodyPart.
void setAutomaticFields(bool isMultipart=false)
Set fields that are either automatically set (Message-id) or that do not change from one message to a...
void setNeedsAssembly()
tell the message that internal data were changed (must be called after directly modifying message str...
TQString subject() const
Get or set the 'Subject' header field.
void removeHeaderField(const TQCString &name)
Remove header field with given name.
TQCString subtypeStr() const
void addDwBodyPart(DwBodyPart *aDwPart)
Append a DwBodyPart to the message.
TQString bodyToUnicode(const TQTextCodec *codec=0) const
Returns the body part decoded to unicode.
void addBodyPart(const KMMessagePart *aPart)
Append a body part to the message.
bool transferInProgress() const
Return, if the message should not be deleted.
void deleteWhenUnused()
Delete this message as soon as it no longer in use.
void cleanupHeader()
Removes empty fields from the header, e.g.
DwHeaders & headers() const
get the DwHeaders (make sure to call setNeedsAssembly() function after directly modyfying internal da...
bool isComplete() const
Return true if the complete message is available without referring to the backing store.
void initHeader(uint identity=0)
Initialize header fields.
void setHeaderField(const TQCString &name, const TQString &value, HeaderFieldType type=Unstructured, bool prepend=false)
Set the header field with the given name to the given value.
DwBodyPart * createDWBodyPart(const KMMessagePart *aPart)
Compose a DwBodyPart (needed for adding a part to the message).
void getLocation(unsigned long key, KMFolder **retFolder, int *retIndex) const
Returns the folder the message represented by the serial number key is in and the index in that folde...
static const KMMsgDict * instance()
Access the globally unique MessageDict.
The implementation of the interface.
static KMMessage * findMessageBySerNum(TQ_UINT32 serNum, KMFolder *folder)
Find message matching a given serial number.
bool isResourceFolder(KMFolder *folder) const
Returns true if resource mode is enabled and folder is one of the resource folders.
KMFolder * folderFromType(const TQString &type, const TQString &folder)
Get the folder that holds type entries.
TQ_UINT32 update(const TQString &resource, TQ_UINT32 sernum, const TQString &subject, const TQString &plainTextBody, const TQMap< TQCString, TQString > &customHeaders, const TQStringList &attachmentURLs, const TQStringList &attachmentMimetypes, const TQStringList &attachmentNames, const TQStringList &deletedAttachments)
Update a kolab storage entry.
bool hideResourceAccountRoot(KMFolder *folder) const
Returns true if the given folder is the root of the groupware account, groupware folders are hidden,...
TQString folderPixmap(KFolderTreeItem::Type type) const
Returns the name of the standard icon for a folder of given type or TQString() if the type is no grou...
KMMessage * findMessageByUID(const TQString &uid, KMFolder *folder)
Find message matching a given UID.
KFolderTreeItem::Type folderType(KMFolder *folder) const
Returns the resource folder type.
void deleteMsg(KMMessage *msg)
Convenience function to delete a message.
void cleanup()
Disconnect all slots and close the dirs.
TQMap< TQ_UINT32, TQString > incidencesKolab(const TQString &mimetype, const TQString &resource, int startIndex, int nbMessages)
bool hideResourceFolder(KMFolder *folder) const
Returns true if isResourceFolder( folder ) returns true, and imap folders should be hidden.
TQString folderName(KFolderTreeItem::Type type, int language=-1) const
Returns the localized name of a folder of given type.
void folderContentsTypeChanged(KMFolder *, KMail::FolderContentsType)
Called when a folders contents have changed.
void setStorageFormat(KMFolder *folder, StorageFormat format)
Set the storage format of a given folder. Called when seeing the kolab annotation.
The account manager is responsible for creating accounts of various types via the factory method crea...
const KMAccount * next() const
Next account of the list.
const KMAccount * first() const
First account of the list.
This class takes a folder attribute string as argument and provides access to the single parts.
@ Ok
The user rights/ACL have been fetched from the server sucessfully.