724Journal::List CalendarLocal::rawJournals( JournalSortField sortField, SortDirection sortDirection )
746 const TQString question( i18n("The timezone setting was changed. In order to display the calendar "
747 "you are looking at in the new timezone, it needs to be saved. Do you want to save the pending "
bool hasStartOffset() const
Return whether the alarm is defined in terms of an offset relative to the start of the event.
Definition: alarm.cpp:456
Duration endOffset() const
Return offset of alarm in time relative to the end of the event.
Definition: alarm.cpp:474
TQDateTime nextRepetition(const TQDateTime &preTime) const
Get the time of the alarm's initial occurrence or its next repetition, after a given time.
Definition: alarm.cpp:384
bool hasEndOffset() const
Return whether the alarm is defined in terms of an offset relative to the end of the event.
Definition: alarm.cpp:461
Duration startOffset() const
Return offset of alarm in time relative to the start of the event.
Definition: alarm.cpp:451
Duration duration() const
Get how long between the alarm's initial occurrence and its final repetition.
Definition: alarm.cpp:378
int repeatCount() const
Get how many times an alarm repeats, after its initial occurrence.
Definition: alarm.cpp:373
bool reload(const TQString &tz)
Reloads the contents of the storage into memory.
Definition: calendarlocal.cpp:69
bool deleteChildJournals(Journal *journal)
Delete a child journal from this calendar.
Definition: calendarlocal.cpp:687
void appendRecurringAlarms(Alarm::List &alarms, Incidence *incidence, const TQDateTime &from, const TQDateTime &to)
Append alarms of recurring events in interval to list of alarms.
Definition: calendarlocal.cpp:361
Event::List rawEvents(EventSortField sortField=EventSortUnsorted, SortDirection sortDirection=SortDirectionAscending)
Return unfiltered list of all events in calendar.
Definition: calendarlocal.cpp:643
Journal::List rawJournalsForDate(const TQDate &date)
Get unfiltered journals for a given date.
Definition: calendarlocal.cpp:729
Journal * journal(const TQString &uid)
Return Journal with given UID.
Definition: calendarlocal.cpp:714
void setTimeZoneIdViewOnly(const TQString &tz)
Set the timezone of the calendar to be used for interpreting the events in the calendar.
Definition: calendarlocal.cpp:744
void closeJournals()
Clears out the current calendar, freeing all used memory etc.
Definition: calendarlocal.cpp:133
Todo::List rawTodos(TodoSortField sortField=TodoSortUnsorted, SortDirection sortDirection=SortDirectionAscending)
Return list of all todos.
Definition: calendarlocal.cpp:278
Alarm::List alarmsTo(const TQDateTime &to)
Return all alarms, which ocur before given date.
Definition: calendarlocal.cpp:309
void appendAlarms(Alarm::List &alarms, Incidence *incidence, const TQDateTime &from, const TQDateTime &to)
Append alarms of incidence in interval to list of alarms.
Definition: calendarlocal.cpp:341
void close()
Clears out the current calendar, freeing all used memory etc.
Definition: calendarlocal.cpp:92
void closeTodos()
Clears out the current calendar, freeing all used memory etc.
Definition: calendarlocal.cpp:120
bool deleteChildTodos(Todo *todo)
Deletes a child todo from this calendar.
Definition: calendarlocal.cpp:250
void insertEvent(Event *event)
inserts an event into its "proper place" in the calendar.
Definition: calendarlocal.cpp:513
Event * event(const TQString &uid)
Retrieves an event on the basis of the unique string ID.
Definition: calendarlocal.cpp:208
bool load(const TQString &fileName, CalFormat *format=0)
Loads a calendar on disk in vCalendar or iCalendar format into the current calendar.
Definition: calendarlocal.cpp:62
Todo * todo(const TQString &uid)
Searches todolist for an event with this unique string identifier, returns a pointer or null.
Definition: calendarlocal.cpp:284
Journal::List rawJournals(JournalSortField sortField=JournalSortUnsorted, SortDirection sortDirection=SortDirectionAscending)
Return list of all journals.
Definition: calendarlocal.cpp:724
void incidenceUpdated(IncidenceBase *i)
Notification function of IncidenceBase::Observer.
Definition: calendarlocal.cpp:499
Event::List rawEventsForDate(const TQDate &date, EventSortField sortField=EventSortUnsorted, SortDirection sortDirection=SortDirectionAscending)
Builds and then returns a list of all events that match for the date specified.
Definition: calendarlocal.cpp:526
void closeEvents()
Clears out the current calendar, freeing all used memory etc.
Definition: calendarlocal.cpp:107
Alarm::List alarms(const TQDateTime &from, const TQDateTime &to)
Return all alarms, which ocur in the given time interval.
Definition: calendarlocal.cpp:314
bool deleteChildEvents(Event *event)
Deletes a child event from this calendar.
Definition: calendarlocal.cpp:179
Todo::List rawTodosForDate(const TQDate &date)
Returns list of todos due on the specified date.
Definition: calendarlocal.cpp:294
static Todo::List sortTodos(Todo::List *todoList, TodoSortField sortField, SortDirection sortDirection)
Sort a list of Todos.
Definition: calendar.cpp:611
void setTimeZoneId(const TQString &timeZoneId)
Set the Time Zone Id for the Calendar.
Definition: calendar.cpp:103
virtual void setupRelations(Incidence *incidence)
Setup Relations for an Incidence.
Definition: calendar.cpp:840
void notifyIncidenceDeleted(Incidence *incidence)
Let Calendar subclasses notify that they removed an Incidence.
Definition: calendar.cpp:1001
static Event::List sortEvents(Event::List *eventList, EventSortField sortField, SortDirection sortDirection)
Sort a list of Events.
Definition: calendar.cpp:188
void notifyIncidenceChanged(Incidence *incidence)
Let Calendar subclasses notify that they modified an Incidence.
Definition: calendar.cpp:989
virtual void removeRelations(Incidence *incidence)
Remove all Relations from an Incidence.
Definition: calendar.cpp:874
static Event::List sortEventsForDate(Event::List *eventList, const TQDate &date, EventSortField sortField, SortDirection sortDirection)
Sort a list of Events that occur on a specified date.
Definition: calendar.cpp:291
void setObserversEnabled(bool enabled)
Let Calendar subclasses notify that they enabled an Observer.
Definition: calendar.cpp:1059
void notifyIncidenceAdded(Incidence *incidence)
Let Calendar subclasses notify that they inserted an Incidence.
Definition: calendar.cpp:977
virtual Journal::List journals(JournalSortField sortField=JournalSortUnsorted, SortDirection sortDirection=SortDirectionAscending)
Return a sorted, filtered list of all Journals for this Calendar.
Definition: calendar.cpp:823
Incidence * incidence(const TQString &uid)
Returns the Incidence associated with the given unique identifier.
Definition: calendar.cpp:576
virtual Todo::List todos(TodoSortField sortField=TodoSortUnsorted, SortDirection sortDirection=SortDirectionAscending)
Return a sorted, filtered list of all Todos for this Calendar.
Definition: calendar.cpp:755
static Journal::List sortJournals(Journal::List *journalList, JournalSortField sortField, SortDirection sortDirection)
Sort a list of Journals.
Definition: calendar.cpp:770
TQDateTime end(const TQDateTime &start) const
Computes a duration end time by adding the number of seconds or days in the duration to the specified...
Definition: duration.cpp:150
bool isDaily() const
Returns whether the duration is specified in terms of days rather than seconds.
Definition: duration.cpp:160
bool isMultiDay() const
Return true if the event spans multiple days, otherwise return false.
Definition: event.cpp:126
This class provides a calendar storage as a local file.
Definition: filestorage.h:33
This class provides the base class common to all calendar components.
Definition: incidencebase.h:46
virtual TQDateTime dtStart() const
returns an event's starting date/time as a TQDateTime.
Definition: incidencebase.cpp:201
void setLastModified(const TQDateTime &lm)
Sets the time the incidence was last modified.
Definition: incidencebase.cpp:145
This class provides the base class common to all calendar components.
Definition: incidence.h:48
const Alarm::List & alarms() const
All alarms that are associated with this incidence.
Definition: incidence.cpp:828
bool hasRecurrenceID() const
Returns true if the incidence has recurrenceID, otherwise return false.
Definition: incidence.cpp:893
Recurrence * recurrence() const
Return the recurrence rule associated with this incidence.
Definition: incidence.cpp:390
virtual bool recursOn(const TQDate &qd) const
Returns true if the date specified is one on which the incidence will recur.
Definition: incidence.cpp:422
TQDateTime getPreviousDateTime(const TQDateTime &afterDateTime) const
Returns the date and time of the last previous recurrence, before the specified date/time.
Definition: recurrence.cpp:912
int duration() const
Returns -1 if the event recurs infinitely, 0 if the end date is set, otherwise the total number of re...
Definition: recurrence.cpp:395
TQDateTime getNextDateTime(const TQDateTime &preDateTime) const
Returns the date and time of the next recurrence, after the specified date/time.
Definition: recurrence.cpp:837
bool hasDueDate() const
Returns true if the todo has a due date, otherwise return false.
Definition: todo.cpp:144
bool isCompleted() const
Returns true if the todo is 100% completed, otherwise return false.
Definition: todo.cpp:217
bool hasStartDate() const
Returns true if the todo has a start date, otherwise return false.
Definition: todo.cpp:157
TQDateTime dtStart(bool first=false) const
Returns the startdate of the todo.
Definition: todo.cpp:177
Namespace KCal is for global classes, objects and/or functions in libkcal.
Definition: alarm.h:38